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Saturday, July 17, 2010

[IL] Deputy Johnson allegedly told his accuser that he had been "stalking her for months."

 ...[Lake County sheriff's deputy Jack] Johnson, 36, went on July 5 to the Twin Lakes, Wis., business where the victim works. He was driving a Lake County sheriff's squad car and wearing his deputy's uniform. Johnson told the victim, an acquaintance, that he had been "stalking her for months"... Johnson grabbed her wrists when she went into the bathroom and attempted to assault her, the complaint states. Johnson also threatened to handcuff the victim... Then, on July 6, the victim saw Johnson's Lake County squad car circling a nearby parking lot and driving down the street in front of the business, the complaint adds. The Kenosha County state's attorney's office has video surveillance showing the squad car outside the business...

Illinois sheriff's deputy charged with sexual assault of former girlfriend in Wisconsin
By Associated Press
July 14, 2010
[Excerpts] A Lake County sheriff's deputy is charged with sexually assaulting a woman in Wisconsin. But his defense attorney contends the 36-year-old deputy may have shown bad judgment but didn't commit a crime... Jack Johnson is charged with felony false imprisonment while armed and attempted second degree sexual assault while armed [both felonies]... Johnson allegedly showed up July 5 at a former girlfriend's office, where he physically accosted her and exposed himself... Johnson was arrested Tuesday... Johnson has been placed on unpaid leave and the department is moving to have him fired. [Full article here]

Lake County deputy accused of attempted sex assault
Chicago Breaking News
Ralph Zahorik
July 14, 2010 11:46 AM
[Excerpts] ...According to a press release issued by Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran, the woman complained July 8 to Twin Lakes, Wis., police that the deputy, Jack Johnson, 36, of Genoa City, was harassing her at work. She was interviewed the same day by Lake County authorities and complained of "further disturbing behavior" by Johnson, the release said... Johnson, who's been a deputy on the sheriff's force for three years, has been placed on paid leave and stripped of his police powers, weapon, badge, deputy identification and other sheriff's office equipment... Johnson was arrested Tuesday at his home by Kenosha County sheriff's deputies after a weeklong investigation... [Full article here]

Lake Co. sheriff's deputy on leave after being charged with assault
Daily Herald
By Lee Filas
[Excerpts] ...If found guilty, Johnson could be sentenced to up to 20 years on the sexual assault charge and six years on the false imprisonment charge... Johnson is being held in lieu of $5,000 cash bond, said officials with the Kenosha County state's attorney's office. He is not allowed to have contact with the victim or go to her residence or place of business... He is expected back in court on July 30, officials said. According to the official complaint on file with the state's attorney's office, Johnson, 36, went on July 5 to the Twin Lakes, Wis., business where the victim works. He was driving a Lake County sheriff's squad car and wearing his deputy's uniform. Johnson told the victim, an acquaintance, that he had been "stalking her for months." The victim refused Johnson's repeated sexual advances, the complaint said. Johnson then asked the victim to use the business' bathroom, the complaint states. He told the victim a broken pipe was found, prompting the victim to go to the bathroom to inspect it... Johnson grabbed her wrists when she went into the bathroom and attempted to assault her, the complaint states. Johnson also threatened to handcuff the victim... Then, on July 6, the victim saw Johnson's Lake County squad car circling a nearby parking lot and driving down the street in front of the business, the complaint adds. The Kenosha County state's attorney's office has video surveillance showing the squad car outside the business, the complaint states... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence (IPV) abuse law enforcement public safety stalking illinois state]


  1. AnonymousJuly 19, 2010

    Why is no one mentioning that he is married?

  2. AnonymousJuly 20, 2010

    Why is no one saying that there is a possibility that this is a woman scorned? Is it possible that he told this woman that he is now married and was establishing a boundary which she can not accept???

  3. AnonymousJuly 26, 2010

    It is not a woman scorned. There is video to prove it.

  4. Don't let people bother you. They always say a woman scorned.

  5. AnonymousJuly 29, 2010

    Sounds like the story is a little bit made up. I guess we'll see how many witnesses testify and what kind of footage the states attorney has. Just goes to show don't jam yourself up over woman. Not worth it at all. Hopefully there are no kids invovled, that makes it worse.

  6. There is no video just a female out to cause a nightmare for someone she cannot have!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Well he told me he was spilt up at the moment! He has two daughter around the age of 11-13 i believe!

  9. To the other person who tried to comment here, I won't post anything that includes his kid.

  10. Crazy! I know him, it doesn't fit what I know of him

  11. Doesn't fit exactly....I know both people and I can tell you there's NO WAY this happened!!!

  12. Whats the latest update?

  13. There's a more recent post on the blog but not much new. No resolution. I don't see anything in Google.

  14. AnonymousMay 13, 2011

    Update- Resolution......all charges DROPPED, case DISMISSED, with prejudice (can't be charged again). She lied and the truth was FINALLY heard! This false allegation was a slap in the face to every true assualt vicim.

  15. AnonymousMay 13, 2011

    That wasn't very convincing.

  16. AnonymousMay 13, 2011

    That wasn't very convincing?? Are you suggesting that you know more about the details of this case than the head DA for Kenosha County?? The evidence spoke for itself....hence CASE DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE!!!! It's clear to me that some people are gullible enough to acutally believe the media. That's truly sad.

  17. A case being being dismissed does not prove innocence. I'm not saying I think it's one way or another, just that I haven't seen any proof of innocence. I could make a list of the reasons why a case is dismissed, regardless of guilt or innocence.

    I deleted the comment that called him a name. I am not approving the comment tonight that calls her a name.

  18. Just out of curiousity, are you an attorney or anyone with a professional legal background?? While my heart goes out to true victims of assualt, there is not enough support for men who are falsely accused and you can't say that doesn't happen. However, you not knowing the intimate details of this case.....AS I DO, I can understand your comment. Please note that an innocent man's life was almost ruined here......where's the justice in that???? FYI, this wasn't dismissed on a technicality, or because there wasn't enough evidence to continue. Rather ALL of the evidence proved she lied. If a thorough investigation would have been done to BEGIN WITH, charges would have never been filed.


Please post updates or email them to behindthebluewall@gmail.com. No cop-hating or victim-hating comments allowed. Word verification had to be added due to spam attacks on this blog.