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Saturday, November 12, 2011

[MI] Heartening message from the daughter of Lori and Ken DeKleine

...I want anyone who may read this to know that while the tragedy that occurred in my family was absolutely wrong and wretched, there is always GOOD to be found in every situation...

On January 10th 2008 Lori Kay (Meulman) DeKleine was killed by her husband, Holland Michigan Police Officer Ken DeKleine - who was sentenced to life without parole. The DeKleine's have 2 children, a son and daughter who were 16 and 18 at the time of Lori's death. Their daughter Breanne left a comment on the blog that I want to share for the encouragement of others who have lost one or both parents to domestic violence:

"Hi. My name is Breanne DeKleine, the daughter of Ken and Lori DeKleine. I just happened to stumble across this article, and I feel moved to say a little something. I want anyone who may read this to know that while the tragedy that occurred in my family was absolutely wrong and wretched, there is always GOOD to be found in every situation. I lost both of my parents in very different ways, and their absence will always be in my heart, but I have found that when you're "leveled", there is nowhere to go but up. Today, I am a senior at Calvin College, double-majoring in Religion and Psychology, and I plan go to seminary to get my MSW and MDiv in the next few years, which will hopefully lead to a career in missions, counseling, and/or pastoral care. Much of my passion for these areas was fueled by the values that BOTH my parents instilled in me, as well as my own desire to love and help anyone who has felt pain and loss similar to my own. And today I have many incredible friends, and a wonderful family that loves me dearly. While the past 3 years and 9 months have not been easy by ANY stretch of the means, God has been faithful, and I have received the strength I've needed to walk forward in seeking wisdom and truth. I know that I may be an exception to the rule when it comes to these situations, but if ANYONE reads this, please know that I am a stronger but weaker person than I was 4 years ago- stronger in my Christian faith and my understanding of God's love and purposes for me, and weaker in my ability to deny I could have made it through this life without help. My mother's murder smashed my pride and arrogance to pieces, and for that, I hope I am always grateful. Thank-you for your time, and I hope you have a great day! :)"

Previous post:
[MI] Lori Meulman DeKleine remembered
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder children victory michigan state politics said alleged suicide strangled strangulation]

1 comment:

  1. Crazy how police officer, vet, church elder,and murderer are words that describe one person. Iexpect


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