Thursday, September 2, 2010

[ID] 3-year-old shoots three in Emmett Police Detective Sgt. Kim Judy's home

Emmett Police Detective Sgt. Kim Judy was placed on administrative leave Wednesday, pending an internal investigation into the discharge of her gun at her home... Three people were injured when her gun was fired once that morning in the bedroom of her rural Gem County home, including a 3-year-old and 2-year-old. Judy's roommate, Whysper Rowden, the mother of the two injured children, was also struck by the bullet...


The Idaho Statesman
By Katy Moeller
Published: 08/31/10
[Excerpts] In an effort to combat accusations of a police cover-up, Emmett Police Chief Steve Nebeker has released more information about the discharge of an officer's weapon at a rural Gem County residence on Aug. 6. Three people, including two young children, were injured in the shooting. "We're getting hit on all sides on this," Nebeker said Tuesday. "People think it's being swept under the carpet. The officer did not pull the trigger. We're trying to eliminate some of the rumors." Nebeker said the incident occurred at the residence of Emmett Detective Sgt. Kim Judy. Judy and another woman, Whysper Rowden, identified by police as Judy's roommate, were in Judy's bedroom with Rowden's three children, ages 3, 2 and 1, when the gun went off. Nebeker knows where the gun was before the child picked it up, but he said the prosecutor asked that that information not be disclosed at this time... One bullet went through the 3-year-old's thigh, then through the 2-year-old's hand and into Rowden's bicep. Judy immediately took the three shooting victims to a nearby hospital. She did not immediately report the incident to 911, and Nebeker said that didn't necessarily strike him as unusual... Tina Peterson, the biological grandmother of the two children injured in the shooting, has been trying to get the children removed from the home... The Emmett Police Department has a firearm storage policy, which requires that officers keep their weapons and ammunition "locked and secured" to keep them inaccessible to children and irresponsible adults... Judy is still on duty, pending the outcome of the investigation. Nebeker declined to discuss the decision not to put her on administrative leave or any other details until he consulted the department's attorney... [Full article here]

The Idaho Statesman
By Katy Moeller
Published: 09/01/10
[Excerpts] Emmett Police Detective Sgt. Kim Judy was placed on administrative leave Wednesday, pending an internal investigation into the discharge of her gun at her home on Aug. 6, according to Emmett Police Chief Steve Nebeker. Three people were injured when her gun was fired once that morning in the bedroom of her rural Gem County home, including a 3-year-old and 2-year-old. Judy's roommate, Whysper Rowden, the mother of the two injured children, was also struck by the bullet... The Emmett police chief said he's been concerned about accusations of a police cover-up and plans to have another local police agency conduct the internal investigation into whether Judy violated department policies. Idaho State Police investigated the shooting incident, and forwarded it to Gem County Prosecutor Richard Linville. Linville turned the report over to the Ada County prosecutor's office, which will decide whether to file charges... Judy and Rowden could face charges, including injury to a child, but Nebeker said that decision is up to the prosecutor... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv abuse law enforcement public safety fatality fatalities lethal negligence child abuse endangermentprotection children toddler baby boy son murder accident accidental gun lock toddler preschooler gun culture, las vegas georgia idaho state]


  1. I reside in Emmett, Id. and am totally amazed at this, all of the victims were in the same room, so the officer must have been totally oblivious to what the kids were doing. The path the bullet must have taken makes no sense to me. For This reason I don;t believe the 3 year old did the shooting. The fact that one of the kids could not be treated at the local hospital and had to be taken to a Boise hospital for tretment, and they let him go in a private vehicle tells me that they were more concerned with keeping this hush-hush than the welfare of the victim, if the victim needed to go to another hospital for treatment, He should have been taken by ambulance.
    I believe that everything we have been told about this is a lie.

  2. I am dumbfounded that the thought never crossed my mind!

  3. Both the former officer and the mother will be tried with 2 counts each of injury to child.

  4. Emmett Police officer resigns from department
    By KBOI
    Sep 10, 2010

    EMMETT, Idaho - An Emmett Police officer who's been charged with two felonies after her gun went off last month injuring three people has resigned from her position.

    Sgt. Kim Judy resigned from the Emmett Police Department in a letter to the police chief on Friday.

    "I am leaving to find other employment and to defend the criminal allegations that have been made against me, as to not involve my relationship with the Police Department," the letter states.

    Officials say a 3-year-old was handling Sgt. Judy's gun when it went off. The bullet hit the toddler, another child and their mother. All suffered minor injuries.

    On Tuesday, the Ada County Prosecutor's office says Judy was charged with two counts of felony injury to a child. She was arrested by Idaho State Police Tuesday morning.

    Prosecutors also say Whysper Rowden, 20, was also charged and arrested on the two felonies. Both were booked into the Canyon County Jail.

  5. Ex-Emmett police officer whose gun was fired by child, injuring 3, pleads guilty Monday to felony injury to child
    By Katy Moeller -
    Published: 02/14/11
    Former Emmett Police officer Kim Judy pleaded guilty in Gem County Court Monday morning to one count of felony injury to child, according to Ada County deputy prosecutor Shelley Armstrong, who is the special prosecutor for the case. Judy was originally charged with two counts of felony injury to a child after a 3-year-old living in her house fired her duty weapon Aug. 6, injuring himself, his mother (Whysper Rowden) and his 2-year-old sibling. The single bullet went through the 3-year-old boy's thigh, the 2-year-old's hand and Rowden's bicep, Emmett Police Chief Steve Nebeker said after the incident became public. Rowden was also charged with two counts of felony injury to a child. Armstrong said Rowden has pleaded not guilty, and a trial is set for March. Judy will be sentenced at 10 a.m. March 14 in Gem County. Armstrong said she will recommend that Judy be placed on two years of felony probation. During that time, she would not be permitted to possess a firearm. Judy's plea agreement included the stipulation that the prosecutor will not oppose a withheld judgment. Under a withheld judgment, if Judy doesn't violate her probation, the case would be dismissed and her civil rights would be restored. Joe Filicetti, Judy's attorney, said Judy made a mistake in leaving her firearm out. He said she left it on a nightstand while changing clothes on the night of Aug 5; she and Rowden went out that night, and when they returned home she didn't see it in the dark before they went to bed. Her normal routine was to store the firearm on a shelf in the closet, out of reach of the children, Filicetti said. He said the children are doing well. "The kids have healed," Filicetti said. He said they are living with Rowden's mother.
    Katy Moeller: 377-6413

  6. AnonymousMay 01, 2011

    One child had minor injuries but had to go to another hospital because of insurance reasons. To assume something alot worse out of your hatred for police officers just goes to show how crooked you are.

  7. Minus the insult/accusation, thanks for the update.

  8. WOW!! As I come back and read thru all the information on this case it blows my mind. NONE OF YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WTF you are talking about!!! The news didn't even report it correctly!!! The 3 yr old NEVER picked the gun up but did pull the trigger. it traveled thru his leg, then the bed, thru his brothers hand, and loged in moms arm. The one child was transported to another hospital for surgery NOT FOR INSURANCE REASONS but bc Emmett is a small town and this hospital has no pediatric surgeons you dumb asses! He was not critical he was just find but needed to have the finger set!!! As for the Statesman's story and info on the "grandmother" Tina Peterson...they took the word of a woman who spent the entire yrs of the boys' lives HIGH ON HEROIN!! This is the same woman who claimed the children were not her sons up until the week prior to the shooting!! That was until she saw the opprotunity of a paycheck (a settlement from EPD)! Once it was determined that SHE and the biological father were both unfit bc of current drug abuse and domestic violence and strangulation's amazing that she never made another statement or showed up to another court hearing and did in fact contact Ms Rowden to appologize for lying to the media to make her look bad bc "Well, I didn't know what was going on.." Kim Judy resigned her position NOT because of the shooting, she resigned bc she had been busted for DUI and was let go but it was reported to her chief and for supplying alcohol to minors and REFUSING to submit to a polygraph in the investigaqtion of these incidents which is a violation of department policy. She was given the option to resign or be fired. She chose resignation!!! I have been involved in this case since I recieved the call at 7:47 am that morning and no every damn in and out on this case!! The ignorance and rumors that are spread around is ridiculous!! So now that I have set the record STRAIGHT..the maybe people can stop making up random sh*t!!

  9. Thanks for the info. I'm glad every one is okay. Someone could have been killed and no one was.


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