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Thursday, April 20, 2006

[PA] Officer Dennis is saying that his wife killed herself, but...

Here we go.
Games on top of travesty.
Some days I weary.
Today Pennsylvania Dallas Township Police Officer Jeffrey Dennis says he didn't kill his wife Carli - she shot herself in the head (despite telling folks he was going to stage her suicide), and earlier today Utah ex-Lehi SWAT Officer Henderson hung himself in his jail cell (after shooting at his wife, her boyfriend, and the officers who responded). Over in Indiana yesterday convicted Charles Boney, the guy who helped convicted Trooper Camm kill his wife and children, was presenting to the court that he wants a do-over, and yesterday Officer Moray in Yonkers shot his wife and himself. Monday, it was CBS Producer - now author of Tacoma Confidential Paul LaRosa, having an article internet-published that asserts (for the first time DIRECTLY) that our police chief here in Tacoma didn't commit murder-suicide on his wife Crystal, but that it was SHE who caused the gun to go off twice, accidently. He says that makes

more sense.

I need a walk in the woods.

From the news, on Officer Dennis :

...A district judge ruled Thursday there is enough evidence to send the case against a Luzerne County police officer to trial. Jeffrey Dennis, a Dallas Township police officer, is charged with homicide in the shooting death of his wife, Carli... Dennis claims his wife shot herself... the victim's best friend - said after the shooting, Dennis told her Carli died because of what she did to him... Another witness... said Dennis threatened to shoot her and make it look like she did it last summer...
(Source: Officer to Stand Trial for Wife's Death, WNEP, April 20, 2006 - Ryan Leckey)
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence (IPV) abuse law enforcement public safety fatality fatalities murder fake staged suicide pennsylvania state]


  1. I apologize.
    I have no right to complain while I still have life.
    No right at all.

    Something has to change though.
    Officer involved dv presents a whole new set of obstacles to getting help - for everyone involved.

    There are, it seems, a hundred different reasons that it's hard to report, and at least 20 reasons it's hard for the officer to ask for help.

    We need to brainstorm, past paper-laws, to the
    and then work together towards some

  2. I am Carli's best friend. Thank You for bringing more attention to a case like this. If she could have only fekt safe enough to ask for help............

  3. Oh, a warm long hug to you best friend. Feel free to write me any time...

  4. that is my beautiful, best friend, Carli..........

  5. Just to let you all know, Jeff is scheduled for trial January, 8th. Please pray for justice. Any and all support is welcome Thank you so much.

  6. AnonymousJune 23, 2007

    May God give us strength as we endure another delay until October 15th. Justice will be served for Carli!


Please post updates or email them to behindthebluewall@gmail.com. No cop-hating or victim-hating comments allowed. Word verification had to be added due to spam attacks on this blog.