Saturday, July 21, 2007

[FL] How did Sgt. Lumarque get ahold of ex-wife's text messages?

Miami-Dade cop accused of raping ex-wife
Miami Herald, - July 21, 2007
[Excerpts] Miami-Dade Sgt. Raymond Richard Lumarque forced his ex-wife to perform oral sex on him because he was angry after he hacked into her cellphone and read sexually explicit text messages she had sent to another man, authorities said Friday... Lumarque paid a visit to his ex-wife's home... Nervous and breathing hard, he held a pair of black gloves in one hand... As the woman tried calling her father, Lumarque knocked the phone from her hand and pushed her into the master bedroom. He showed her his cellphone and text messages, some she had sent to a ''male friend.'' Lumarque said a friend had managed to obtain every one she had sent since August 2006, ``which included sexually explicit text messages''... He beat and choked his ex-wife and smothered her with a pillow... ''Someone has to die for this,'' he told her, putting on the black gloves... Then, he forced her to perform oral sex... They are still trying to figure out how Lumarque obtained the text messages...

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