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Saturday, May 31, 2008

[OH] STILL-PRESIDENT of the FOP - Det. Earl reportedly collapses

..."We haven't gotten any confirmation yet that it was a stroke," [Lorain Police Chief Cel] Rivera said, adding that initial reports point to a stroke... Rivera said he's not even sure what caused Earl to collapse. Earl's medical problem comes on the heels of professional and personal issues...President of Lorain FOP stricken, in area hospital
Morning Journal
Jennifer Bracken
Corey Earl, president of the Lorain Fraternal Order of Police, is in the hospital after suffering an apparent stroke on Saturday afternoon, according to Lorain police Chief Cel Rivera... Several people were nearby and called for an ambulance. Earl was taken to Lakewood Hospital and later admitted to its Neuro Integrated Intensive Care Unit. Patient information at Lakewood Hospital would not disclose Earl's condition, but confirmed he is in the NICU... Rivera would not elaborate on Earl's condition only to say "he's going to be out for awhile." "We haven't gotten any confirmation yet that it was a stroke," Rivera said, adding that initial reports point to a stroke. According to the hospital's Web site, Lakewood Hospital's Neuro Integrated Intensive Care Unit is for patients who suffer from stroke, cerebral aneurysm, brain injury, epilepsy or other neurological disorders... Chief Rivera said, "His fellow officers are real concerned. Several have already went to visit him. We are all hoping and praying for the best." Earl has faced other difficulties recently. He was disciplined for making threats against a county corrections officer regarding a personal matter. He also was disciplined in January for conducting private business while on duty and using profane language. [Full article here]

Lorain officer Earl collapses, is hospitalized
Brad Dicken
...Earl, 46, is in the hospital's Neuro Integrated Care Unit, which deals primarily with stroke victims, according to the hospital's Web site. The hospital would provide no additional information on Earl's condition... Rivera said he could provide no additional information, citing privacy laws that prevent the disclosure of medical information. Lorain Safety Director Phil Dore also would not discuss Earl's condition. "We're real concerned, and a lot of officers have visited him," Rivera said. Robert Phillips, an attorney for the union, said Earl was hospitalized for a medical issue but would offer no more specifics. Rivera said he's not even sure what caused Earl to collapse. Earl's medical problem comes on the heels of professional and personal issues that have plagued the veteran officer since last summer, when his wife, whom he has since divorced, filed for a protection order against him. Earl was later cleared of violating the protection order, which was ultimately dropped. He was also reprimanded for several violations of department policy, including allegedly threatening a county sheriff's corrections officer. [Full article here]

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