Canton Repository
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
[Excerpts] A township police officer accused of domestic violence earlier this year has been fired. Township trustees voted unanimously Monday night to terminate officer Eric B. Martzolf of Jackson Township following a recommendation by Police Chief Harley Neftzer. Martzolf, 38, had been on the force since 1994... Martzolf initially was charged with domestic violence for an Aug. 28 confrontation at his wife's workplace... He later pleaded no contest and was convicted of a lesser charge of disorderly conduct. He was accused of striking [PUNCHING] his wife in the face twice and pushing her to the ground [AND THROWING THINGS AT HER CO-WORKERS WHEN THEY TRIED TO HELP HER]. An internal investigation concluded Martzolf was involved in conduct unbecoming of an officer and conduct that constituted a crime, Neftzer said. "Of course you don't want to make this kind of recommendation, but officers are expected to conduct themselves (as professionals) on and off-duty"... Besides Martzolf's current situation, Neftzer said he took into account Martzolf's personnel file, which includes three suspensions without pay, seven written reprimands, two written warnings and two counseling sessions with supervisors and the finding of a hearing officer from a predisciplinary hearing last week...
Aug 29, 2007
[OH (again)] Officer Martzolf jailed for dv at his wife's job
..."He was involved in a domestic situation at his wife's place of employment," Police Chief Harley Neftzer said. "Upon arrival, the (responding) officer identified him as the primary aggressor in this situation." Martzolf was charged with one count of domestic violence, a misdemeanor...
Aug 30, 2007
[OH] Officer Martzolf DV - More detail - PRIOR HISTORY
"I have to be careful because it's a personnel issue, but we did send him to counseling before" Trustee John Pizzino said... he has been suspended without pay three times, received seven written reprimands, two written warnings and was twice counseled by supervisors for his on-duty conduct...
Sep 21, 2007
...he was found guilty of a minor misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct. Eric B. Martzolf was originally charged with a misdemeanor count of domestic violence, but pleaded no contest to the lesser charge... Martzolf was arrested on Aug. 28 at his wife's job in the 7200 block of Whipple Avenue after he reportedly pushed her to the ground and struck her in the head with his fist. If he had been found guilty of domestic violence, legally Martzolf would not have been able to carry a firearm..
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety brutal repeat hx teflon ohio state politics]
And he was reinstated in 2008. Guess you forgot to post that.
ReplyDeleteWhy would I "forget" to post that?
ReplyDeleteA FIFTEENTH second chance - after a UNANIMOUS vote to terminate employment - is good to know. Thanks.
this is just unbelievable. In a 20 year career, his record was not perfect? Clutch the pearls! I am shocked! And a unanimous vote done by people in the same district who have had contact with the officer(and sometimes their family) can sometimes hold grudges and do favors for each other. That is why arbitration is brought in.
DeleteI just ran a search on him now and see that I did post on it in Sep of 2008:
ReplyDelete[OH] Fired for wife attack, Officer Martzolf gets his job back
OCTOBER 22, 2007
Meeks called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. at the Jackson Township Hall with all Trustees,
Fiscal Officer, Lyon, Fitzgerald and Chief Heck present...
...Police Department
Meeks moved and Pizzino seconded a motion that a predisciplinary hearing upon the statement of charges against Officer Eric B. Martzolf has been held and the hearing officer’s written recommendation has been filed, and based on the investigative report provided to us, the Police Chief’s recommendation and pursuant to the negotiated agreement, we hereby terminate Eric B. Martzolf as a full-time Patrol Officer and Police Constable for the Jackson Township Police District, Stark County, Ohio, effective October 23, 2007 at 0001 hours and authorize the placement of our signatures upon the attached letter. 3-0 yes...
You also left out that the main reason for his reinstatement was his wife's testimony that she was in fact the aggressor in this instance and the officer in question did not actually hit her, but was pushing her away and deflecting her blows. Hence the reduced charges of disorderly conduct. For your next witch hunt, you might want to do a little more research.
ReplyDeleteFor YOUR next research type the word RECANT into the search box beneath the heading above and you will see that is what the victims have to do / frequently /usually do per their abusers insistance / intimidation / facing loss of livelihood for the family because if he's convicted he can no longer carry a weapon. So your big news is not so big. It's what usually happens.
DeleteShe may have feared the death of him or her or both. Sometimes we HOPE and believe and try to heal our family's brokenness. I hope safety for them all.