Saturday, March 13, 2010

[FL] Letter to the editor on minimizing Pasco County Firefighter's domestic battery charges

"I was appalled to read the article in today's Tampa Tribune/Pasco section about the firefighter [Pasco County Firefighter Robert Henry Smith] charged with domestic battery for abusing his wife... The real shock came with the comment from his boss [Pasco County Assistant Chief Mike Ciccarello]... As a male who has stood up and fought for the victims of family violence - women, children and men - I am shocked when I hear abuse to a man's wife minimized!..."
Vince Mazzara, president, board of directors, Sunrise of Pasco County Inc. , Domestic and Sexual Violence Center 

Previous post from Pasco County:
[FL] Pasco County Fire Chief Dennison kicking his son IN THE GROIN is a "personal family issue" - ...Albert Dennison, 48, is accused of kicking his 19-year-old son in the groin during an argument... fire officials will not conduct their own investigation and Dennison won't face any disciplinary action. "It's a personal family issue," [Assistant Fire Chief Mike] Ciccarello said...

Letter to the Editor
Re: "Fireman jailed in domestic dispute" in the March 10 edition of Hernando Today.
Hernando Today
Published: March 13, 2010

I was appalled to read the article in today's Tampa Tribune/Pasco section about the firefighter [Pasco County Firefighter Robert Henry Smith] charged with domestic battery for abusing his wife. I was grateful for the Hernando County deputy who made the arrest and put at least a stop to the abuse.

The real shock came with the comment from his boss [Pasco County Assistant Chief Mike Ciccarello]: "He remains employed ... he was charged only with a misdemeanor." What? He was arrested for abusing his wife!

He's alleged to have committed violence on the person he loves?

The call to the sheriff's office came from the cabbie who witnessed him being "verbally abusive to his wife and struck her twice ..." in public! And you use the word "only?" Imagine what your employees' two children see, living behind closed doors with dad abusing mom?

At Sunrise, we take family violence very seriously! Our dedicated staff witness how devastating verbal, emotional and physical abuse is to women, children and men.

Years of living behind closed doors with this "family secret" are wounds that our counselors seek to heal. As a community, we should look with disgust when violence towards those we love is made light of.

As a male who has stood up and fought for the victims of family violence - women, children and men - I am shocked when I hear abuse to a man's wife minimized!

Shame on you!

Vince Mazzara, president, board of directors, Sunrise of Pasco County Inc. , Domestic and Sexual Violence Center [LINK]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence (IPV) abuse law enforcement public safety brutal florida state teflon brass fixes or perpetuates the problem]

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