...[United States Border Patrol officer] Alejandro Acevedo broke the second floor bedroom window to speak to Eagle Pass Police Officers arriving at the scene... The City of Eagle Pass Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (FBI), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the United States Border Patrol are investigating the incident...
The children huddled, hding in the closet were safe and returned to their mother who was at work when the 35 bullets flew in her house.
BORDER AGENT KILLED IN DOMESTIC DISPUTE: Alejandro Acevedo Died From Injuries At Hospital
POSTED: Monday, September 19, 2011
EAGLE PASS, Texas -- An off-duty Border Patrol agent and a house guest were fatally wounded when a dispute between the two erupted in gunfire. Eagle Pass police said a family fight led to the violent struggle between 26 year-old Omar Olivarez and his cousin, 29-year-old Border Patrol agent Alejandro Acevedo. Around 3:15 p.m. Monday, police showed up to an apartment complex on a domestic violence call. When they got there, they saw Acevedo stumble out of the apartment, holding a gun, badly injured. Acevedo was taken to the hospital in critical condition and died hours later... Olivarez was found inside a bathroom at the apartments and pronounced dead at the scene... [Full article here]
San Antonio Expres
By John MacCormack
September 19, 2011
[Excerpts] An off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent and a second man died after a domestic dispute Monday afternoon... Alejandro Acevedo, 29, died late Monday of multiple bullet wounds after undergoing surgery at Fort Duncan Medical Center . “The Border Patrol agent didn't make it. He went into cardiac arrest and expired,” said Eagle Pass Police Chief Antonio Castaneda... Omar Olivares, 28, a cousin to Acevedo's wife, had died earlier, before receiving medical attention. The chief said the shooting arose from friction having to do with Olivares staying with the couple. “I guess he overstayed his welcome and they started shooting it out,” he said. Police estimate at least three dozen bullets were fired in the conflict... “We found two of his children hidden in a closet. The older child and his wife were away,” said the chief. When police responded to the apartment, the gunfight was still raging inside, and the door was locked. Eventually, a badly wounded Acevedo opened the apartment, allowing police to enter... [Full article here]
Monday, September 19, 2011
[Excerpts] An off-duty Border Patrol agent and a house guest were fatally wounded when a dispute between the two erupted in gunfire... Castaneda says tension had been growing between Olivares and his 29-year-old host over the length of the guest's stay. The chief says officers found two of Acevedo's children hiding in a closet, uninjured. Acevedo's wife and eldest child were not home. [Full article here]
Eagle Pass Business Journal
Multiple gunshots broke the quiet silence of a peaceful and sunny afternoon at the Aztec Apartments in Eagle Pass causing neighbors and passers-by to seek shelter from the barrage of gunfire emanating from inside 880 Bibb Avenue, and in the end resulting in the deaths of two men... Eagle Pass Police Chief Juan Antonio Castañeda in an interview with the Eagle Pass Business Journal announced that United States Border Patrolman, Alejandro Acevedo, and a cousin of his wife living with the couple, Omar Olivares, had a heated dispute on Monday, September 19, 2011, at approximately 2:55 P.M. at the Acevedo’s apartment located at 880 Bibb Avenue in Eagle Pass which escalated into gunfire... Castañeda added that Alejandro Acevedo broke the second floor bedroom window to speak to Eagle Pass Police Officers arriving at the scene and told them to send help inside the apartment because there was a man shooting at him while attempting to protect his children from being harmed. Castañeda stated Alejandro Acevedo was able to get out of the second floor bedroom and opened the front door walking several steps outside the apartment before collapsing from multiple gunshot wounds... Shortly thereafter, the Eagle Pass Police SWAT Team entered the apartment with a bullet-proof shield and proceeded to the second floor where they found the body of Omar Olivares inside the bathroom with multiple gunshot wounds, too... The two Acevedo minor children miraculously were not hit by any of the more than 35 rounds of gunshot shells found inside the apartment, and were returned to their mother, who was at work during the tragic incident... The City of Eagle Pass Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (FBI), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the United States Border Patrol are investigating the incident... [Full article here]
Monday, 19 September 2011 15:47
EAGLE PASS - Este lunes aproximadamente a las 3:30 de la tarde se registro una balacera en el apartamento numero 880 de los Aztec Apartments que se localizan en la calle Bibb. La informacion preliminar hace saber que un agente de la patrulla fronteriza identificado como Alejandro Acevedo, 29, y otro hombre identificado como Omar Olivares, 28, fueron heridos de bala. Autoridades policiacas han confirmado la muerte de Olivares que fallecio a los pocos minutos, y de ultima hora (7:58 P.M.) Acevedo fallecio en el quirófano. Mas informacion en los proximos minutos. [LINK]
September 19th, 2011
Eagle Pass, TX.- Alrededor de las 7 de la noche, falleció el agente de la patrulla fronteriza Alejandro Acevedo, a consecuencia del enfrentamiento a balazos que sostuvo la tarde de este lunes en su residencia, de los apartamentos Azteca en la calle Bibb de esta ciudad.
Acevedo, murió durante una intervención quirúrgica en el hospital, y de acuerdo a los informes del Jefe de Policía Tony Castañeda, sufrió un ataque cardiaco, lo que le provoco la muerte. Anteriormente Omar Olivares de 27 años de edad, la otra persona que participo en la balacera, fue pronunciado muerto por la Juez de Paz del precinto 4 Tere Melendrez, alrededor de las 5 de la tarde.
Las indagatorias de los investigadores del departamento de policía indican, que las dos personas que participaron en la balacera intercambiaron disparos durante largo tiempo, prueba de ellos se localizaron un total de 35 casquillos de bala en diferentes lugares dentro del departamento.
Acevedo, es originario de El Paso, Texas, pero vivía en esta ciudad donde trabajaba como agente de la patrulla fronteriza, al lado de su esposa y dos hijos, un varón y una niña de 4 y 2 años de edad aproximadamente.
Olivares, también originario de El Paso, Texas, se mudo a esta ciudad con el fin de establecer su residencia, y vivía temporalmente en el mismo departamento donde ocurrieron los hechos, pues era primo de la esposa del agente de la patrulla fronteriza.
Las autoridades policiacas, no han establecido los motivos del enfrentamiento, pero se dijo, que aparentemente había diferencias entre ambos.
El agente de la patrulla fronteriza no estaba en servicio al momento de la balacera, y se disponía a cuidar a los dos pequeños que también estaban en el lugar, mientras su conyugue trabajaba como maestra en una de las escuelas públicas de la localidad.
El informe del Jefe de Policía, también señalo que al momento de arribar al lugar, sus oficiales hicieron contacto con el agente de la patrulla fronteriza, quien salió del departamento con una arma en la mano por su propia cuenta, y paso a seguir los oficiales de la ciudad procedieron a desarmarlo, para luego introducirse al interior del departamento, donde encontraron a Olivares tendido en un charco de sangre, y rápidamente auxiliaron a los dos pequeños que se encontraban escondidos en un rincón de un closet, desde donde sumamente atemorizados lloraban a gritos. [LINK]
Eagle Pass Chronicles
LUNES SANGRIENTO EN EAGLE PASS: Dos personas murieron una de ellas un agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza, en una balacera ocurrida minutos antes de las tres de la tarde de este lunes en el apartamento marcado con el numero 880 de los apartamentos Azteca en la calle Bibb de Eagle Pass.
La víctima fueron identificadas como Omar Olivares, de 26 años de edad, originario de El Paso, Texas, que vivía en el apartamento junto con la familia del Oficial de la Patrulla Fronteriza, Alejandro Acevedo, quien tambien murió como resultado de las severas lesiones.
Información no oficial señala que Olivares era primo de la esposa de Acevedo, y había diferencias entre ambos, inclusive se menciona de manera no oficial que Olivares ya no era bien aceptado en el apartamento.Todo hace indicar que la tarde del lunes Olivares llegó al domicilio y hubo una fuerte discusiòn entre ambos que desencadenó en la balacera sangrienta.
Aunque hay que aclarar que oficialmente la policía de Eagle Pass no ha dado a conocer un reporte oficial de las causas del incidente.
El jefe de policía, Juan Antonio Castañeda, dijo que poco antes de las 3 de la tarde recibieron un reporte de un disturbio familiar en el lugar.
Los agentes policiacos llegaron y todavía alcanzaron a escuchar varias detonaciones en la vivienda. Algunos balazos salieron del departamento impactando a en el cristal de una Jeep Cherokee estacionada afuera del apartamento.La balacera ocurrió dentro del departamento donde tambien se encontraban dos menores: una niña y un niño los cuales fueron tomados por custodía para su protección, por fortuna no estaban lesionados. La madre y otra hija no estaban en casa en ese momento.
Pocos momentos después de haber llegado los agentes se preparan para ingresar al domicilio caundo de pronto la puerta del departamento se abrió y un hombre que vestia camiseta y short salió caminando malherido, tenia manchas de sangre en su abdomen y brazos, el hombre caminó algunos pasos y cayó en el piso, los agentes acudieron a darle ayuda, inmediatamente fue trasportado a la sala de emergencia en ambulancia. Se trataba del agente federal Alejandro Acevedo.
En el interior otro hombre. Omar Olivares, estaba herido con arma de fuego y tambien fue llevado en ambulancia a la sala de emergencia. Ambos murieron.
Olivares fue pronunciado muerto a las 4:20 de la tarde por la Juez de Paz Tere Melendrez, mientras que Olivares murió minutos después de las 7 de la tarde de un paro cardiaco mientras era operado, tenia lesiones en el abdomen, piernas y brazos.
La calle Bibb fue cerrada por varias horas desde la calle Hillcrest hasta la calle Zacatecas. Al lugar acudieron oficiales de policía de Eagle Pass, del departamento del Sheriff, del ICE, y de la Patrulla Fronteriza. En el lugar de los hechos los detectives de policía tomaron huellas y algunas evidencias. [LINK]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder texas state politics federal relatives]
...I could always hear the arguments on a daily basis. I can say that several times the arguing would lead into the parkinglot outside. Leading into pushing had shoving. It was only a matter of time before it exploded into what happened today...
...The cousin was living there because the BP's wife asked him to move down from El Paso. She wanted family around. The cousin was a stand up guy and worked at Lowes. No drugs were involved...
...the bp was talking to his cousin that he needed to change his bad habits he was tring to help him...
...The Name OMAR OLIVARES and he was from EL Paso Tx, and he was not a sancho . He was the cousin of the wife of the BP officer. And He was Not the cause of the family problems ,he was there to help his cousin with the Kids,The problems were already there with the husband and wife ,and like anyone he would defend his cousin.He should had come back to El Paso.But instead he came back home in a coffin His funeral was on Saturday 09/24/2011 and will be cremated. R.I.P Omar
ReplyDeleteThe News Gram
Septiembre 21, 2011
[Excerpts] The Eagle Pass Police Department detectives continue with the investigations of the shooting that occurred on Monday afternoon in the Aztec Apartments which killed two people, one of them a border patrol agent. The victims were Alejandro Acevedo, border patrol agent of 28 years of age; and Omar Olivares... Eagle Pass police chief stated that at least 35 bullet holes were found throughout the apartment... Unofficial reports indicate that the family of Acevedo had been living in the apartment for approximately one month, and it is believed that Olivares was living with them or, at least visiting them. According to the report, minutes before three o'clock in the afternoon Acevedo called the Police Department to ask for help and mentioned that he was being assaulted with a weapon... It was Acevedo who managed to leave the apartment and fell to the floor a few steps later against the police officers who surrounded the place... [Full article here]
ReplyDeleteEl Paso Times
September 24 to October 1, 2011
ACEVEDO Our beloved father, husband and son Alejandro Acevedo entered God's heavenly kingdom on September 19, 2011. He had committed his life, loyalty, integrity, respect and love to all of us when he became part of the United States Army and U.S. Border Patrol. Even more so, he committed his life to being the most loving father to his three children Alejandro Jr., Alissa and Mya ; and a terrific husband to his wife, Brisseida. He always said he would give his life for his children any day. And that is exactly what he did; he passed protecting his kids. His kids are here today because he was their angel, their hero. He was a simple, humble man with the greatest heart of all. He will be forever missed by his wife, children, father, mother, sisters, brother, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, friends and all others who had the privilege of knowing him. His spirit will continue to watch over us and his memories will continue to fill our hearts with love. Services will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2011 at San Jose Funeral Home East from 3 P.M. to 8 P.M. Praying of the Rosary will begin at 6:30 P.M. Funeral Mass will be held at Cristo Rey Catholic Church at 11 A.M. Interment will follow at Ft. Bliss National Cemetery at 1 P.M. Services directed by San Jose Funeral Home East (10950 Pellicano Dr. PH# 915-590-8700)
ReplyDeleteOLIVARES, OMAR, Visitation: 2-5 p.m. Saturday, September 24, 2011 at San Jose Funeral Home East with Service to begin at 4 p.m. Cremation will be held at a later date.
Published in El Paso Times from September 23 to September 30, 2011