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Saturday, June 2, 2007

[OH] Goodbye today to Officer & his girlfriend Mary Lyons

In Parma, Ohio today Officer Robert Grzywaczewski shot and killed his 27-year-old girlfriend Mary C. Lyons before turning the gun on himself. "Parma police say the female victim has 2 children..."


  1. AnonymousJune 05, 2007

    What do you mean Goodbye to this officer this sick SOB killed my co worker and friend
    May he burn in hell

  2. AnonymousJune 05, 2007

    My he rot in hell

  3. I am so so so sorry not only that Mary's life was stolen - but for all the pain, anger, and grief his horrendous act left in it's wake.

    If I didn't think it is beyond-words-awful I wouldn't have this blog. I'm trying to scream to the world what is happening. I do this to show something has to change. I do this for every victim who has been murdered, including Mary, and for all the victims that feel the death lingering in the air - awaiting them. I do it hoping for changes - interventions - that can stop some of the perps from carrying this out - getting some kind of help instead.

    I HOPE that if law enforcement agencies can SEE that it is not a rare occurence that they will try harder to see the signs - and to take ACTION when they do.

    I was talking to the dad of a woman being frightened by a cop ex-boyfriend a few days ago - and the dad told me that the cop "knows better" than to try anything stupid. I told the dad that once a punk does his punk deed there's no one left to "get."

    No one left to get.

    They even steal that. All that's left is trying to find a way first to live with it, and then for some, they turn it around and do all they can to help it from ever happening to anyone else.

    On my yahoo group today I posted all the beautiful things that Mary's dad is being sure that people know about her... that she loved and helped and wanted to help heal since she was a little girl. When I posted this very short blog entry little was known. Today, in Mary's behalf, there is more to know about who she was, how loved she is, and some of the magnitude of who has been stolen from all of us.

    For those who KNEW her I can't beGIN to imagine how much of void this cruelty has caused...

  4. ...Rodney Vese wants his daughter Mary C. Lyons remembered as a healer... Vese said the family is struggling without Lyons. "She was the glue. She was such a strong, dynamic person, and she kept the family together"... From a young age, Lyons demonstrated a deep sense of compassion and kindness - even to the stray cats and dogs she often brought home and begged her parents to let her adopt, said her father, Rodney Vese. At 9 years old, she began volunteering at least twice a week at the Chardon Health Care Center, where she played cards and visited with senior residents, listening intently to war stories and keeping company with those who had few family members to visit them. After graduating from nursing school, Lyons found her place at Euclid Hospital's cardiac intensive care unit, where she had worked for the last five years...

    Mary Christine (Vese) Lyons

    Mary C. Lyons, was known as caring nurse at Euclid Hospital
    Plain Dealer
    June 04, 2007

    Victim was a 'healer'

  5. ...The family requests that memorials be made in her name to the "Morgan and Sean Lyons Trust Fund", c/o Charter One, 7923 Munson Road, Mentor-on-the-Lake, 44060.

    1. Who are you? This might come off as strange but i am sean lyons and i was doing some research on my mother as i was four years of age and wanted to know more and i would just like to know who posted this.

  6. And I apologize for using a generic domestic violence photo but there were no pictures in the news.

    So sorry again you lost Mary.

  7. AnonymousJune 12, 2007

    Does anyone know why he did this?

  8. I look at your question often.

  9. I used to work with Mary on the CCU floor. What happened was that she wanted to put an end to the relationship but to deliver the news in person, and this is what happened. Her boyfriend had a history of being emotionally unstable but the Clinic has hired him anyway.


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