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Friday, August 10, 2007

[GA] Deputy Gibson kills himself. (WHERE IN GEORGIA IS MICHELLE?)

My FIRST QUESTION isn't addressed by the media at all.
Where in Georgia is Michelle, the wife of Chief Deputy Osborn? Is she safe or is she still in the house with Osborne, the accused & suspended trigger-man in a drive-by shooting last month that appears to have been meant to kill Michelle's admitted lover?
(You can't grasp the seriousness of the drive-by these cops perpetrated - which the sheriff helped cover up - unless you see the video below.)
The driver of the car:

Deputy charged in drive-by shooting kills himself
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
[EXCERPTS] A Towns County sheriff's deputy charged in connection with a shooting attack on a local resident last month apparently committed suicide at his home Wednesday night... Jesse Gibson, 56, was found outside his home, the victim of what was believed to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He left behind an audio tape for his family... Gibson was allegedly the driver on the night of July 9 when fellow Towns County chief deputy Eddie Osborn allegedly fired gunshots into the home of Gary Dean. A week later, Gibson and Osborn were charged with aggravated assault in the shooting... Osborn shot up Dean's home because Dean was having an affair with Osborn's wife. Last week, Towns County Sheriff Rudy Eller was charged with lying to GBI investigators and hiding evidence [THE WEAPON, DUCT TAPED INTO A COMPARTMENT IN HIS DRESSER] to protect Osborn. Osborn was suspended without pay. Gibson was fired... Sheriff Eller was released on a $250,000 bond last week, but is still sheriff...


1 comment:

  1. Osborn to Spend the next 20 years behind bars
    by Becky Landress, Editor
    September 24, 2008

    On Wednesday, September 17; former Towns County Chief Deputy Eddie Osborn was sentenced by Judge Lynn Alderman.

    Osborn was found guilty after a three week trial in June/ July 2008 on 7 of 11 counts presented against him for the July 9, 2007 drive by shooting at a building owned and occupied by Garry Dean. The charges Osborn was found guilty on included 2 counts of Aggravated Assault; Possession of a Firearm During Commission of a Felony, Making False Statements, Violation of Oath By a Public Officer and Tampering with Evidence.

    Although a parade of character witnesses were called to testify for Osborn by attorney Michelle Vaughn on into the afternoon, Judge Alderman handed down a 45 year sentence when combining all counts with 20 of those years to be served behind bars in a state prison. In addition to the time, Osborn will be required to pay a $15,000 fine. The DA was asking for a 30 year sentence whereas the Defense had asked for 20 years probation and a $100,000 fine.

    A total of ten witnesses came forth from the defense to testify, including Osborn himself. The witnesses included Osborn's Preacher, brother, friends, former Clay County Sheriff Tony Woody, widow and daughter of Jesse Gibson, Eddie's wife Michelle, his oldest daughter and Osborn himself.

    Michelle Osborn spoke of the financial need to have Eddie around. She also spoke of what a great father Eddie was and how their children needed to grow up with him, especially their son. Most all the witnesses spoke of the closeness between Osborn and his son. The prosecution cross-examined Michelle and asked her about Dean's children and their need for their father. When Eddie came forth to testify, he was filled with emotion from the start. As he wept, he stated to the court, "First off, I want to apologize to the taxpayers, and court for the money all this has costed. " Osborn continued, "I have been in law enforcement for 21 years. I served the best I could. You can't please everyone but I did the best I could. I was born and raised in Towns County. I grew up poor. Now, I have lots of stuff, but I am head over heels in debt. I have tried to work hard for everything I have." Osborn continued his testimony about his children, "I am not asking for mercy on me but please have mercy on my kids. I love all my kids dearly. I owe lots of money, I can't pay from prison. There just ain't no way. I know your job today, Judge. I want to thank you for being kind to me. Everyone has been kind but please think of my kids." There was no cross-exam.

    District Attorney Stan Gunter made a statement, " Eddie Osborn had known of the affair for over a year before this day. This was not a sudden impulse of fired shots. This could have been a murder trial instead. Eddie had no way of knowing if Dean's children were there. And he did all of this while Chief Deputy, really acting Sheriff of Towns County. The Former Sheriff gave up his career, retirement and freedom while being a friend to Mr. Osborn."

    Judge Alderman then gave her verdict, "Mr. Osborn has no crime history. That is considered. Many marriages are not faithful. The court considers this pressure. We also consider the question of 'was anyone hurt?' That has not escaped the court's attention. This court realizes that the main victim in this incident is the residents of Towns County. I understand small communities. I know how this county was impacted. Why was this so scandalous? That answer is because it was Mr. Osborn. The court has to treat him as anyone else. I understand he is a dad. I understand the impact on his family. But, Mercy is for the Lord. Justice is for the court. For each decision in life, comes consequences. Mr. Osborn has never been on the other side before this. Despite what was going on, knowing the other side by putting people there, this should have been a deterrent for him."

    The judge then passed on the sentence as the courtroom full of family and friends of Osborn listened in anguish. With all counts combined, it was a 45 year sentence with 25 years probation and 20 years to serve.

    After the sentence was given, then came the question of housing Mr. Osborn until the state took him into custody. Sheriff Chris Clinton was called to the stand and questioned by the Judge, Defense and Prosecution about his opinion of Mr. Osborn knowing the layout of the jail, some of the inmates and some of the guards. Sheriff Clinton stated that he felt it would be "an unnecessary risk" to take Mr. Osborn to the Towns County Detention Center for holding. Judge Alderman ruled that Mr. Osborn would be taken for holding wherever the Sheriff was able to arrange.

    The publicity of this trial has been extreme; due to the fact that it involved a small town Chief Deputy and Sheriff. Former Sheriff Rudy Eller was ordered to serve 8 years in prison in August, also handed down by Judge Alderman.

    Defense attorney Michelle Vaughn stated in Court that Eddie Osborn does plan on appealing. In fact another attorney,Brian Steel, has been hired to work with Vaughn on that appeal.



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