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Friday, December 7, 2007

[CT] Lt. Freeman made a deal about her unreported cop-on-cop dv "incident"

...[Union President] "It could have been a lot worse. Both members were given union counsel and attorneys and they were able to BROKER A DEAL with the town where both officers were able to keep their jobs... As long as the officers were happy and signed off on the deal and didn't affect the rest of the membership, I'm happy"... On Sept. 12, police said, there was a domestic incident in Somers between Lisa Freeman and Malley. Police were called but no charges were filed... a violation of the East Hartford police policy...

EHPD's Highest-Ranking Female Demoted
Sexual Harassment Investigation Ends In Settlement

December 3, 2007
EAST HARTFORD, Conn. -- The East Hartford Police Department demoted its highest-ranking female down two ranks. Lt. Lisa Freeman, a 13-year veteran of the department, now holds the rank of officer after department officials determined she sexually harassed a male officer and failed to report a pair of incidents involving both of them. Freeman can apply for a future promotion, but Chief Mark Sirois said through a department representative he has "lost his confidence in Freeman" to supervise others. The pair had had an affair for five years... Freeman's husband, a Windsor police sergeant, recently filed for divorce. According to the department, one of the incidents involved a domestic case in Somers... East Hartford's police union helped both sides reach a settlement that prevented the two officers from getting harsher punishments... "It could have been a lot worse. Both members were given union counsel and attorneys and they were able to broker a deal with the town where both officers were able to keep their jobs, which I'm happy that they did," said East Hartford Officer Michael Weglarz, who is the president of the police union... "Hopefully, both officers, when they return to work, they both just carry on with their careers and we can carry on as a police department"...

Police Lieutenant Demoted, Suspended After Harassment
The Hartford Courant
December 3, 2007
...On Sept. 12, police said, there was a domestic incident in Somers between Lisa Freeman and Malley. Police were called but no charges were filed. Under the East Hartford Police Department's policy, Freeman and Malley are required to report any police incident in which they are involved. Neither reported the incident, a violation of the East Hartford police policy...

Female lieutenant demoted in police sexual misconduct case
By: Ben Rubin, Journal Inquirer
...The two officers had a secret affair for five years, though Chief Sirois said he was unaware of it and didn't get involved until Malley filed a sexual harassment complaint against Freeman... According to her agreement, Freeman was charged with negligence to report an incident [domestic violence], involvement in a "police incident" in Somers, disrespecting a subordinate, and sexual harassment. Malley was disciplined for an incident [domestic violence] at the Kahoot's strip club in East Hartford and the same Somers incident. Police wouldn't release further details about those incidents... The affair is not the first incident Freeman has faced negative press over. Most recently, in July 2005, an anonymous accuser wrote to another lieutenant that Freeman was drinking beer with a few off-duty officers and firefighters in the Public Safety Complex parking lot... Freeman was the only person ever publicly named in the incident. An internal investigation ultimately ended in her not being disciplined...

Officer in sex harassment case target of new probe

Journal Inquirer
By: Ben Rubin, Journal Inquirer
Police opened a new internal investigation into Officer Jay Malley, only days after he was disciplined for misconduct related to a sexual relationship with another officer. Police spokesman Officer Hugo Benettieri said today that a complaint against Malley was filed on Nov. 29... He added that the new investigation is unrelated to the previous case... Asked about the settlements, [Union President] Weglarz said, "As long as the officers were happy and signed off on the deal and didn't affect the rest of the membership, I'm happy."


EH officer files a complaint
Journal Inquirer
By: Christine Stuart
A police officer fired before the end of his probationary period has filed a complaint with the Connecticut Human Rights and Opportunity Commission, saying the Police Department violated his civil rights... Olmo he said that Jay Malley, a field training officer with the Police Department, subjected him to abuse, harassment, and unprofessional conduct...


  1. Report Cites Secret Affair
    2 On Police Force Ended Up Fighting
    The Hartford Courant
    December 12, 2007

    EAST HARTFORD - A former head of police internal affairs and another officer had a secret relationship that degenerated into threats, fights at bars and a strip club and accusations of racial and sexual bigotry and bias, a police report shows.

    Officer Lisa Freeman, a 13-year veteran who headed internal affairs from June 2005 to February 2006, and Officer Jay Malley, a K-9 officer, have been disciplined for violating police department policies in connection with the incidents.

    Freeman, 40, was demoted Nov. 27 from lieutenant to officer and received a one-week suspension without pay. She returned to work last week. Malley, 38, who was hired in 2000, kept his position as a K-9 officer but was given a two-week unpaid suspension, which he is serving until the end of this week.

    The report detailing the investigation of the two was not released until Tuesday because of disclosure requirements under the state Freedom of Information Act. The report was redacted extensively.

    According to the report, the investigation of the two officers was begun in August after Malley filed a sexual harassment complaint against Freeman. The complaint came shortly after Malley and Freeman got into a fight Aug. 10 at Kahoots Café & Grill, a strip club at 639 Main St.

    Freeman and an unidentified male officer who was also at the club were not on duty, but Malley was, the report said.

    Three days after signing the Nov. 26 settlement agreement of his complaint and acceptance of his punishment for not reporting other fights with Freeman to his superiors, Malley came under investigation again, officials said.

    Officer Hugo Benettieri, police spokesman, said Tuesday the complaint was unrelated to the Freeman case, but he could not comment further because an investigation is underway.

    "When that investigation is completed, a report will be given," Benettieri said.

    Sources with knowledge of the Freeman investigation said Freeman, who is married to William Freeman, a sergeant in the Windsor Police Department, had a five-year affair with Malley, who is unmarried.

    William Freeman filed for divorce on Oct. 25.

    The report contained about 300 pages and included transcripts of 13 interviews with police department members, employees of Kahoots, some of whom are friends of Freeman, and other civilians with information germane to the investigation, police said.

    Investigators found that on Sept. 12, 2006, Freeman and Malley got into an argument at a bar in Somers while they were off-duty. The dispute spilled over onto the parking lot, where it became physical.

    "The next thing that [Malley] knew, he was seeing stars and that he had blood pouring down his face and left eye," the report said. "Officer Malley states that Lt. Freeman was kicking him and going crazy and that he grabbed her in an attempt to calm her down."

    Freeman claimed that "Officer Malley suddenly did a leg sweep on her, forcefully taking her to the ground and that he began choking her. Lt. Freeman claims that she struck Officer Malley several times in an attempt to stop the attack on her," the report said.

    About a year before that incident, Malley said he and Freeman got into another argument at a bar in Stafford and Freeman "split my head …" the report said. Malley told investigators Freeman hit him with an unknown object and the two wound up on the floor fighting.

    State police investigated the incident as a domestic case but no charges were filed.

    Town police said Freeman and Malley should have reported it to their superiors, as required by department policy.

    On Feb. 9, another fight erupted at Freeman's home, the report said. Malley said Freeman punched, slapped and kicked him before he left the house. Freeman said Malley shoved her to the ground in her driveway.

    On Aug. 10 at Kahoots, Freeman and Malley got into another argument in front of patrons and a bartender.

    The report said Malley was on duty and went to the strip club to confront Freeman about an issue. The details of the issue were redacted, but it involved an allegation of Freeman being unfaithful with the off-duty officer she was with.

    In his complaint, Malley said Freeman started harassing him and using her position of authority in August 2005. He said he was threatened on numerous occasions with the loss of his K-9 position and threatened with a requirement to undergo a fitness for duty evaluation.

    Freeman turned over several documents in an attempt to show that the relationship between them was nothing more than a personal intimate one and was not a workplace sexual harassment issue.

    Based on evidence and testimony in the investigation, the department found that Freeman committed harassment, the report said.

    The report, which was heavily redacted, also dealt with sexual conduct in the workplace, but three pages were blacked out. At the conclusion of that section, police said they could not determine whether the sexual conduct "described above occurred."

    Numerous other pages and sections of the report on allegations of harassment, racial and sexual bigotry also were blacked out.

    Frank N. Cassetta, assistant corporation counsel, reviewed the report before its release. In a letter to Chief Mark J. Sirois, Cassetta said: "We have redacted information that we believe would constitute an invasion of certain employees' personal privacy."

    Contact Dan Uhlinger at uhlinger@courant.com.

  2. i think its utterly disgusting to see that these two officers especially officer jay malley still on the force it just shows the level of deep corruption in that shitty department... his abuse and racism goes way back if he were innocent he would never have been in the news period... i say east hartford knows that she was going to sing like a little birdie and let her take the fall so jay malley can be the knight and shining armor i say he is a bag of racist abusive shit... and he should pay for the crap he has caused

  3. how the hell can they say that lt. freeman sexually harasssed offcier racist jay malley when they had a five year relationship hello does anyone not see the corruption here they are making her take the fall because corruption lies so deep.... i can see if they were going out for about a couple of months and then she abused her power but that is not the case they were having an affair for five years and now jay malley wants to call it harassment get a life boy wheres the integrity


  5. officer jay malley only filed that bogus sexual harassment claim just to cover his ass because he new that shit was gonna blow up in his face

  6. why all the talk on lt. freeman excuseeee me officer jay malley claims that she was the abusive one yet he continued to follow her to where she was and made false statements that he was knocked around bullcrap he continued to follow her around to where she was and while on duty at that the truth is he was the abuser and has been since way back he is a sick guy and to think he is going to be on the streets of hartford trying to do comunity policing what a scary thought

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  9. AnonymousJune 25, 2009

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    If you want to comment and you really MUST comment on the sex of others - you will have to email me, prove who you are, then post using your own name. I'm getting more posts that aren't approved that really alerted to me what someone is trying to do here.


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