Millville police sergeant accused of killing wife appears in court
Press of Atlantic City, NJ
July 14, 2008
BRIDGETON - Robert Vanaman, a Millville police sergeant charged with murdering his wife, appeared in Superior Court on Monday nearly a month after a request by the defense for a change in trial venue was denied.
Judge Walter Marshall Jr. set the next hearing for Sept. 15 and indicated he could set a date for the final hearing before Vanaman's trial.
Attorneys for Vanaman, 39, asked that the upcoming trial be moved to Gloucester County because, they contended, Cumberland County's juror pool was tainted by the media coverage of the May 11, 2006, death.
The request was denied May 16.
According to police, Vanaman shot his wife, Barbara, twice in the chest with his service revolver. Vanaman's defense maintains that the shooting was done in self-defense and in response to his wife attacking him with a knife.
Previous entries:
[NJ] Millville Police Sgt. Vanaman charged with murdering wife, Barbara
[NJ] Police Sgt. Vanaman 's NEW excuse for killing wife Barbara ?
[NJ] Stopping wife-killer Officer Vanaman from claiming self-defense
[NJ] Slow-mo shuffle towards the murder-of- Barbara trial
[NJ] Wife-murder trial of (free as a bird) Sgt Vanaman could get delayed
[NJ] Millville Police Sgt. Vanaman denied venue change for his murder-of- Barbara trial
looks like the fix was on this was not justice