Tuesday, September 28, 2010

[ND] Police Officer Duane Gunville stabbed his wife in the chest and fled. Sounds like attempted murder to me.

[News Excerpt] A Bureau of Indian Affairs police officer for the Spirit Lake Nation in North Dakota has pleaded not guilty to aggravated assault. Duane Gunville, 41, is accused of stabbing his wife in the chest with a kitchen knife... The Grand Forks Herald said Gunville's wife needed several stitches. Authorities said Gunville fled to the Belcourt area, where he was arrested after a standoff. BIA Assistant Special Agent Mario Red Legs said Gunville is on unpaid administrative leave... [Full article here]

[News Excerpt] ...A brief stand-off with Turtle Mountain authorities led to his arrest... The Devils Lake Police Detective Sue Schwab said that officers responded to a residence in Devils Lake after a hang-up 911 call from the female victim... She was able to leave the residence and call 911 from a cell phone, but that call was interrupted. When she was located, the Lake Region Ambulance Service transported her to Mercy Hospital to have her wounds treated. She had apparently been stabbed with a knife more than one time... Aggravated Assault is a Class C felony. The maximum penalty for this charge is five years and a $5,000 fine. [Full article here]

[News Excerpt] ...Gunville’s wife called 911 shortly before 6 a.m. Aug. 7, police said. “Basically, it was a 911 hang-up call with the sounds of a frightened female, and the officers were able to locate where she was,” said Detective Sue Schwab of the Devils Lake Police Department. According to a criminal complaint, Gunville and his wife were arguing, and he dragged her into their home. Gunville got a kitchen knife and stabbed her in the upper chest, leaving a wound that required several stitches, the complaint states. The complaint says Gunville’s wife also had an injury on her forearm, bruising on her neck and a scrape on her knee... Gunville fled from Devils Lake to the Belcourt, N.D., area, where, after a standoff, he was arrested later that day,... It’s not clear if the charge against Gunville will affect his job status. Elmer Four Dance, the special agent in charge of the region’s BIA law enforcement, said he needed to speak with other BIA officials before commenting on the matter ... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence (IPV) abuse law enforcement public safety lethal murder north dakota stab stabbed attempted murder state jail]


  1. fire him he isnt beon the law and if so let all the people that are charged with this offense go

  2. Sounds like what I would have said - only a little differently. :)

  3. Trial date for ND Bureau of Indian Affairs police officer Duane Gunville for cutting wife with a knife is FEB 24 2011


  4. I know this man and shocked he was a cop. Everyone up here know's he is an abuser. It was only a matter of time for him to do this. Welcome to INDIAN NATION PEOPLE.

  5. Sheena GrantJuly 24, 2011

    Okay, I also know this man...personally, and I know that he ISN'T an abuser! This story was fabricated repeatedly and none of you know the real story. As for a stand-off, that didn't happen!! I was there when Duane willingly came out for police, UNARMED! So for those of you that think you know what happened...think again!


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