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[CA] Officer Roberts' 17 felony counts for abuse of wife and girlfriend - ...[Huntington Beach Police Officer James] Roberts is charged with 17 felony counts of false imprisonment, threats, domestic battery, aggravated assault, dissuading a witness by force or threat and vandalism...
O.C. Sheriff's Department is investigating allegations of a cover up in Huntington Beach Police Department, officials say.
The Orange County Register
By Annie Burris
October 13, 2009
[Excerpts] The former wife of a Huntington Beach police officer charged with beating and threatening her has filed a claim against the city alleging that police officers actively tried to cover up the abuse, which she says allowed it to continue. James Roberts III, 33, was arrested Sept. 2 and charged with physically abusing both his former wife, Shannon Robert, and a girlfriend, prosecutors said. Roberts is charged with 17 felony counts of false imprisonment, threats, domestic battery, aggravated assault, dissuading a witness by force or threat and vandalism. Shannon Robert’s allegations about the cover up are under investigation by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department in conjunction with their inquiry about James Roberts... The claim, filed Sept. 24 by Shannon Robert, alleges a conspiracy among numerous city employees to cover up the abuse beginning in June 2007. The claim, a precursor to a lawsuit, names four employees and unknown 911 dispatchers... Shannon Roberts alleges that her former husband was on police duty and went into her home to make threats or abuse her while his partner waited in the car... On another occasion, the former wife called 911 when James Roberts showed up at her home intoxicated and trashed her home by breaking and destroying furniture, the attorney said. The operator then called the husband to ask which officers he wanted to respond... Police officers gave James Roberts a ride home and told his wife there was nothing they could do about the damage because it was on private property... Roberts repeatedly told his wife that he would lose his job as a police officer if she reported the assault to the police, and threatened to kill her at least once... Shannon Roberts is claiming continued emotional distress, property damage, continued loss of earnings, and physical injuries. James Roberts is expected to be arraigned Friday... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence law enforcement CALIFORNIA TEFLON COVER UP COVERUP BROTHERHOOD LAWSUIT]
The abuse of power with many city and state officers has been out of control fcr many, many years. Some, do not survive. Those who do are left with horrible memories of abuse. Who can they trust? This is the law, they are suppose to protect us also and in return we are blamed, shamed and guilt for the abuse that many of us have sustained.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your blogs. God bless.
With much respect,
ReplyDelete...The HBPD chief wants to do his own cover-up before the OCSD conducts their cover-up. Then the DA will sweep them all under the rug. PATHETIC!...
...Shades of Stacey Peterson...
...People who have a job where they are an authority figure (police, fire dept, teachers, people in public office etc.) should be punished to the full extent of the law and get the MAXIMUM sentence. No getting probation or off the hook for good behavior. We need to set an example of these people...
...Hey Roberts (as well as those others involved),
Remember that little piece of paper we all had to memorize back at the Academy..... went something like this:
"As a Law Enforcement Officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality and justice. I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all...." Remember? Or did that just slipped your mind?...
...you have no idea what it is like to be beaten, belittled, held prisoner, and abused so I understand that it's hard for you do be a good judge of what these women have gone through. Yes many of them do have a low self esteem, but that does not make them a bad person or deserving of any mistreatment. You need to learn to have compassion for others who have been battered. I suggest that maybe you learn more about domestic abuse before you comment any further. This is a serious problem that get’s over looked by the public, the media, the court system and the local police agencies all the time. All women, children and men have the right to live their lives in a health and safe environment free of abuse...
this jerk deserves to become bubbas girlfriend. he continually harassed many down town employees and even tried to plant cocaine on a employee at aloha grill. this was witness by 4 people who all were confronted threatend by this officer Roberts. so ahhh haa to you ace
ReplyDeleteLets get all the facts before we start to make a decision.