Friday, October 9, 2009

[KY] Disarmed Officer Evans wants his guns back. (Should it matter what he wants?)

...A photograph of the woman was submitted to court showing a wound on her forehead with stitches... The woman also said her daughter was afraid of Evans... "Bernard stated to me that if I ever reported him that he would have someone to take care of me without hesitation from Covington"...

Evans placed on leave, files appeal

The Ledger Independent
By MISTY MAYNARD, Staff Writer
Thursday, October 8, 2009 11:34 PM EDT
[Excerpts] A Maysville police officer has been placed on administrative leave pending the resolution of a court case involving domestic violence. Maysville Police Chief Kent Butcher said Officer Bernard Evans, 32, has been on administrative leave without pay since Sept. 14. It was on that date that a woman filed for an emergency protective order against Evans... A photograph of the woman was submitted to court showing a wound on her forehead with stitches... The woman also said her daughter was afraid of Evans... "Bernard stated to me that if I ever reported him that he would have someone to take care of me without hesitation from Covington," the woman repeated in her statement. The DVO signed by Walton is effective through Sept. 18, 2010. In that order of protection, Walton marked in additional findings "that it was established by a preponderance of the evidence that an act(s) of domestic violence or abuse has occurred and may again occur"... Under the terms of the DVO, Evans is not permitted any communication or contact with the woman or her child and must remain at least 500 feet away from their house and place of employment. He was also ordered not to dispose of or damage any property of the parties. Also to "assist in eliminating future acts of domestic violence and abuse," Evans can not "obtain, possess or use any firearm or ammunition while this DVO remains in effect." Under the emergency protective order issued prior to the DVO, Evans had to turn in all guns, whether personal property or belonging to the Maysville Police Department, to Butcher. Butcher said Evans has complied with the EPO and all guns are in the possession of the police department... A motion for relief pending appeal was also filed and cited that because Evans is employed as a police officer, "he will suffer immediate irreparable injury before the appeal is heard because the entry of a Domestic Violence Order precludes him from possessing a service weapon and he has been placed on 'administrative leave without pay' because of the order"... According to the Kentucky Court Records on-line, Evans is slated to appear in Mason County Circuit Court Oct. 21. The motion for relief pending appeal will likely be considered that day... [Full article here]
[police officer, officer-involved, domestic violence, abuse, law enforcement, kentucky]


  1. It has already been stated that Mr. Evans will return to work and receive back pay. I hope this will not be the case as some of us citizens here in Maysville Ky. have seen Mr. Evans be violent to people he has taken into custody. What are people to do when this type of actions are being swept under the rug. I have seen the victims head and thats something that should not be tollerated by any human being let alone a police officer. We thought they were to protect and serve. May god be with the victim and her daughter. Thank you, Chief Butcher for doing the right thing in this situation. May God bless you.

  2. If this guy continues to patrol the streets in Maysville may god be with us all. This man needs to be evaluated medically. Please let justice be served

  3. If you have been following the bernard evans case vs shawna orme then you should read in the paper she stated that the door hit her in the head as he was coming in with force. Some people should get there facts straight.

  4. Excuse me if I don't lap up that lie like a stupid dog. Context.

  5. Bernard Evans is incapable of domestic violence. Period. Anger - yes; as are all of us human beings. Poor decision-making in choosing a relationship partner - quite obviously. Violence against another human being - only in the line of duty. Violence against a woman with whom he is in a relationship - absolutely not.

    My heart breaks for all women who suffer any form of abuse -emotional, physical, psychological - at the hands of a man, police officer or not. I am one of them. But intelligent people must not be deceived into believing that there are not women capable of fabricating stories of abuse for whatever reason - in this case, revenge. What a sad and pititful tribute to women who truly suffer or lose their lives to abuse.

    Because I know what domestic violence looks and feels like, and because I have known Bernard Evans almost his entire adult life (since he was 21 years old), I can say with conviction, credibility, and authority that he is incapable of inflicting domestic violence on a woman.

  6. Amazes me that people think that they can vouch for what another person does or doesn't do behind closed doors with an intimate partner.

  7. The 2 judges have ordered the DVO to stand for 3 years and no weapons. Now they are appealing the gun issue to save his job??????

  8. Some judges allow that. Who would decide on the appeal?

    Even with weapons removed, if there is reason to fear, stay just as careful. There are guns everywhere and not having one is what? A trust issue?


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