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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Is anybody listening? (Blog stats for the past four weeks)

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Page LoadsUnique VisitorsFirst Time VisitorsReturning Visitors
Total 40,594 27,459 25,327 2,132
Average 10,149 6,865 6,332 533

WeekPage LoadsUnique VisitorsFirst Time VisitorsReturning Visitors
W32 2010 11,007 7,418 6,842 576
W31 2010 10,602 7,158 6,605 553
W30 2010 10,143 6,696 6,140 556
W29 2010 8,842 6,187 5,740 447


  1. Ernie MenardAugust 16, 2010

    Are you bragging or complaining? If you're complaining I can tell you why I rarely read the content of your site: I don't like the layout. I don't like the huge header. I don't like the color scheme. So, even if I see something I might be interested in reading that is linked from your site I have to consider whether reading the article is worth the annoyance.

  2. Thank you for the feedback. I'm not bragging or complaining. Just maybe a bad pick for the title of the post. I'm satisfied because of the emails I get from folks who'd like help or info


    because no one can say OIDV is not a problem anymore. They used to. Those days are gone.

    Your multiple complaints about the esthetics is interesting. After about 3000 posts no one has ever said any of that, so how the blog LOOKS has never been even a thought. I'll consider your input.


Please post updates or email them to behindthebluewall@gmail.com. No cop-hating or victim-hating comments allowed. Word verification had to be added due to spam attacks on this blog.