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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

[IL] The price for blue silence - Stacy and Kathleen

There were 18 or 19 domestic calls to the home of Bolingbrook Police Sgt. Drew Peterson and his wife Kathleen (Savio). After Kathleen's bloody and bruised "accidental" death, still a cop, he married Stacy Cales, and we can't find her anywhere.

Where is Stacy, Drew?
Previous entries:
[IL] Stacy Peterson , wife of Police Sgt. Peterson, is missing
[IL] 18 domestic reports before cop's wife - Kathleen's - "accident"
[IL] Stacy Peterson 's neighbor Sharon is both resolved and afraid


Very Latest from Illinois on Bolingbrook Police Sgt. Drew Peterson's 3rd wife
by Greta Van Susteren
Nov. 13, 2007
This press release (below) just forwarded to me by OTR Producer Steph Watts (on the ground in Bolingbrook, Illinois):
Press update: Kathleen Savio exhumation
JOLIET – The body of Kathleen Savio was exhumed early today at Queen of Heaven Catholic Cemetery in Hillside. Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow, Will County Coroner Patrick O’Neil and investigators from the Illinois State Police and the state’s attorney’s office were present during the exhumation. The area surrounding the gravesite was contained to law enforcement officials and cemetery personnel during the exhumation. Kathleen Savio’s family, however, had requested a Roman Catholic priest be present. To respect the family’s wishes, the state’s attorney’s office contacted the Rev. Chris Groh, who is chaplain for the Joliet Police Department and a trusted member of Will County’s law enforcement community. Father Groh led a short prayer service at the gravesite. He was joined by the Rev. Patrick Pollard, Archdiocesan Director of Catholic Cemeteries for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Kathleen Savio’s remains were transported to the Will County morgue. An autopsy will be conducted by an independent medical examiner later today. Results of the autopsy are not expected to be available to investigators for several days. The autopsy results will be part of the ongoing investigation into Kathleen Savio’s death and will not be released to the public.

UPDATE - Read Jeff Goldblatt’s Email Below for the Latest
by Greta Van Susteren
November 12th, 2007 6:38 PM Eastern
Another email just received from my colleague FNC’s Jeff Goldblatt...
From: Goldblatt, Jeff
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 5:46 PM
To: Van Susteren, Greta
Subject: Here ya go
A ray of hope this afternoon among those looking for Stacy Peterson. Family spokeswoman, Pamela Bosco just held a press conference in Bolingbrook to brief reporters on today’s search, which included 70 volunteers. She says, Illinois State Police has provided search teams with new information about new areas, which will be searched tomorrow. “We were given…some information, that police have had, that we were now provided, they are leading us into another area.” Bosco was short on specifics on the location for tomorrow’s search. And I don’t blame her. After all, her first mission is to find Stacy…not to aid reporters... It is absolutely ironic that after all these years the families of Kathleen Savio and Stacy Peterson have formed this pact of solidarity. Remember, Drew and Stacy said their "I Do’s," a mere 8 days after the finalization of Drew’s divorce to Kathleen... When asked by a reporter today about the imminent exhumation, Pamela Bosco said, “I think both sides are very happy. I think it will provide a lot of answers to the questions we have...”

If Kathleen Savio was murdered, other, terrible questions loom

Change of Subject Column, Chicago Tribune
By Eric Zorn
November 10, 2007
The urgent question, "What happened to Stacy Peterson?" is now at least temporarily eclipsed by the question, "Why wasn't the cause of Kathleen Savio's death investigated more thoroughly back in 2004?" Savio was the third wife of Bolingbrook Police Sgt. Drew Peterson, and she was found dead in her bathtub shortly before their divorce was to be finalized. Stacy Peterson is, of course, Sgt. Peterson's fourth wife , and her Oct. 29 disappearance has become the latest in the sad series of real-life mysteries that grip cable-news watchers coast to coast. Friday, when the Illinois State Police took the highly unusual step of naming Sgt. Peterson a suspect in his wife's disappearance, we learned from Will County prosecutors that, gee, in retrospect, Savio's death three years ago had "signs indicating it was a homicide"... "No one drowns in a bathtub without being unconscious," [Will County State's Atty. James] Glasgow said... Glasgow appeared to back up members of Savio's family who have said Peterson threatened to kill her and abused her physically, but that police and prosecutors never charged him. Was the earlier ruling an oversight? An error made in haste? Or did Sgt. Peterson get the benefit of doubt in the murder investigation and in the domestic abuses cases because of his status as a police officer? And who is ultimately accountable for these decisions? Such questions demands furious scrutiny: If the suspicions of the Illinois State Police prove true, Stacy Peterson may have paid for that ruling with her life.


  1. Expert calls Savio autopsy items ‘a bit suspicious’
    Kathleen Savio's body was exhumed from Queen of Heaven Cemetery Tuesday morning.
    Chicago Suburban News, IL - 1 hour ago
    By Don Grigas, dgrigas@mysuburbanlife.com
    Nov 13, 2007

    Bolingbrook, IL - An expert in autopsies performed on exhumed bodies says the condition of the remains of Kathleen Savio will ultimately determine if authorities can prove whether or not her death in March 2004 was an accidental drowning or a homicide.

    Savio, the third wife of Bolingbrook Police Department Sgt. Drew Peterson, died March 1, 2004, in what a six-person Will Country Coroner’s jury at the time ruled as an accidental drowning.

    That decision has been challenged by Will County Coroner Patrick O’Neil — who last week said he did not agree with the jury’s findings — and Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow.

    On Friday, Glasgow said a review of the case has led him to believe the death was not an accident, and authorities ordered Savio’s body to be exhumed for a second autopsy.

    Also on Friday, Illinois State Police Capt. Carl Dobrich announced Drew Peterson is now a suspect in the cause of Savio’s death.

    On Tuesday, authorities exhumed Savio’s body from Queen of Heaven Cemetery in Hillside, and an autopsy on her remains was scheduled for this afternoon.

    According to a release issued this morning by Glasgow’s office, the results of the autopsy will not be known for several days, and results will not be released to the public due to the ongoing investigation.

    William Walsh, internationally renowned researcher in the area of biochemistry and medical research, said Savio’s remains “could prove useful, or it could be a frustrating fishing expedition searching for new clues, depending on the condition of her body.”

    “After three and a half years of being underground, you just don’t know what condition the body will be in. A lot will depend on how well the casket was sealed and the amount of moisture present in the casket after burial,” said Walsh, a Naperville resident who has been involved in more than 20 high profile autopsies and clinical studies of human remains, including that of William Sherrill of the Oklahoma post office slayings and Ludwig Von Beethoven.

    Walsh also said if skin has been well preserved “there is a good chance the autopsy could reveal subcutaneous bruises beneath the skin.”

    Bruises under the skin, not noted in the initial autopsy performed less than 16 hours after Savio’s body was discovered, could indicate Savio was being restrained or held under water, Walsh said.

    The initial autopsy report listed several surface bruises and contusions but also said they did not appear to be recent.

    Glasgow said two of the bruises — one on Savio’s elbow and one on her buttocks — did not appear to be consistent with a fall in a bath tub that has a smooth surface.

    Doctors also are expected to re-examine a 1-inch laceration to the back of Savio’s head that left blood at the scene.

    After being read the contents of the initial Will County Coroner’s autopsy report dated March 20, 2004 — the autopsy was actually performed at 2:20 p.m. March 2, about 15 hours after Savio’s reported time of death — Walsh said two items appeared “to be a bit suspicious.”

    In the initial autopsy performed by Bryan Mitchell, the doctor noted Savio’s tongue was “partially clenched between the teeth.”

    “You need to be unconscious when you drown, and upon death the muscles in the face relax and the jaw relaxes. Typically you don’t die with your tongue clenched between your teeth. That might indicate there was a struggle at the end,” Walsh said.

    Walsh also said the fact the doctor made no note about the presence of water in the lungs was conspicuous.

    In the initial report Mitchell noted water was found in the Ethmoid sinuses but did not note whether water was present in the lungs.

    “That (water in the lungs) is something you would typically indicate in the case of a drowning victim,” Walsh said.

    Drew Peterson and Kathleen Savio were divorced at the time of her death but lived within blocks of each other in their Bolingbrook subdivision. Although their divorce was final, the courts had yet to determine the division of marital assets.

    Drew Peterson’s fourth wife, Stacy Peterson, is still missing after more than two weeks of an intensive search for her.

    Stacy Peterson last spoke to her family on Sunday morning, Oct. 28. Her family filed a missing person report with the Illinois State Police at 4 a.m. Oct. 29.

    Drew Peterson said Stacy Peterson called him by cell phone the evening of Oct. 28 to tell him she was leaving him, but investigators have not confirmed or denied whether or not telephone records indicate that call ever took place, citing the ongoing investigation.

    Drew Peterson, a 29-year veteran of the Bolingbrook Police Department, planned to leave the job Dec. 15, the 30th anniversary of his hire in 1977, according to Bolingbrook police.

    He was suspended without pay last Friday by the Bolingbrook Police Department.


  2. Poor Kathleen, she's getting some justice now that Stacey, (younger and more attractive has gone missing)it bogles the mind. What she wasn't important enough 3yrs ago? Don't turn 40 ladies your life wont be worth **** to anybody but your kids. Those poor kids.


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