November 13, 2007
Raeford Police Chief Kevin Locklear was charged Tuesday in connection with an alleged assault on his estranged wife... with assault on a female, injury to personal property and domestic criminal trespass. He surrendered to Hoke County authorities Tuesday afternoon and was released from the county jail on a $2,000 secured bond. The Raeford City Council suspended Locklear Tuesday morning as authorities investigated the case... Erlina Locklear was taken to a FirstHealth clinic in Raeford after she was allegedly assaulted at her home at 10 p.m. Monday. Clinic staff called authorities, and she was transferred to FirstHealth Moore Regional Medical Center in Pinehurst for treatment. She told investigators that her estranged husband pushed her, causing her head to hit cement twice. He also grabbed her by the shirt and threw her onto the porch, she said. Investigators said they found evidence of injuries to her to support the charges against Kevin Locklear, including a cut on her lower lip. They said they also found a broken yard ornament on her front porch. Erlina Locklear's cell phone and charm necklace also were damaged, authorities said. Kevin Locklear is scheduled to appear in court on Dec. 4.
I feel that he should be put in jail and not allowed to serve in any law enforcement agency ever again. But knowing our legal system he'll get a "stern talking to" instead...........LLJJ
ReplyDeleteI feel that he should be put in jail and not allowed to serve in any law enforcement agency ever again. But knowing our legal system he'll get a "stern talking to" instead.
ReplyDeleteSo devastating to see this happen! We have known Kevin for quite awhile and still find it hard to believe that this happened. We are anxiously awaiting hearing the outcome of the investigation. However, as a Chief he should have known better than to allow these actions (or anything that can be construed as these actions) to take place.
ReplyDeleteBy the time it hits this level it's about a certain thing that it's not the first time. That Erlina needed medical help is what brought it to light. PLEASE surround her with support. Often people run only to the officer - in this case the chief - to protect his career and to sympathize with how much trouble this is. And whether people assume the victim has support - or whether somehow they find themselves blaming her - it is wrong to leave her out.
ReplyDeleteEVEN if you are friends with Kevin - don't take sides like kids. Make SURE she has what she needs also - especially safety. Usually in police families there is a threat to the woman that if the abuse comes to light and threatens the job - that much worse will happen to her.
She didn't set out to harm him. She was injured and needed medical help, so now for both of them - BOTH of them - their lives are tossed in the air.
Stay prayed up.
Love everybody.
Do what you can to make sure this doesn't get covered up and doesn't continue.
If your chief tries to get out of this instead of admit what's happened and do all he can to make himself a better man, then it's going a wrong and dangerous direction.
How small or big is your town?
ReplyDeleteTo Mr. Jackson,
ReplyDeleteThere should be accountability for assault and battery and whatever else happened AND it is a FARCE to have a chief of POLICE that can break the law and stay chief.
I am also guessing Erlina, unless she is divorcing him, is hoping that nothing big comes of this.
Usually the wife who is staying will say it's her fault, or she fell down, or that she was drunk or mad and attacking him and he was only trying to protect himself...
anything to not have him be madder at her.
It's sad.
Hugz to all.
Raeford police chief case handed to state
ReplyDeleteThe Fayetteville Observer
By Erinn McGuire
November 15, 2007
RAEFORD — The domestic-related charges against Raeford Police Chief Kevin Locklear will be handled by the state Attorney General’s Office, the district attorney said Wednesday.
Hoke County District Attorney Kristy Newton said she turned the case over to the state to avoid any conflict of interest.
She and Locklear have worked together regularly for the past 12 years.
“It would be most appropriate for them to handle the matter,” she said.
On Tuesday, Locklear was charged with three misdemeanors following an alleged assault on his estranged wife, Earlina Locklear.
He was charged with domestic criminal trespass, injury to personal property and assault on a female. Locklear, 41, was released from jail Tuesday after posting $2,000 bail. He is scheduled to appear in court Dec. 4.
Earlina Locklear, 39, said she was assaulted around 10 p.m. Monday at her home on the 200 block of Covington Ave.
She told investigators Locklear grabbed her by the shirt and slammed her onto a porch, according to a warrant. She also said Locklear pushed her down on the cement, causing her to hit her head twice, the warrant said.
The Hoke County Sheriff’s Office was called to investigate.
Order to stay away
On Tuesday, a temporary domestic violence ex parte order was issued, ordering Kevin Locklear to stay away from his wife. The order is based on one person’s account of an incident to a magistrate and doesn’t require testimony.
The Locklears have been separated for about 13 months, according to Earlina Locklear’s brother, Robert Capps Jr.
Capps, 43, said his brother-in-law moved out of his sister’s home in October 2006 after more than 16 years of marriage.
The Locklears have a 13-year-old daughter and a 17-year-old son. Capps said neither child was home Monday night at the time of the alleged assault.
He said his sister called him Monday night.
“She ... said there was a problem with the refrigerator,” he said. “I knew it was more than that. By the time I got over there, Kevin had left.”
Capps said he took his sister to an EMS clinic in Raeford on Monday night. She was later transported to FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, where she was treated and released.
“Right now, she’s laying down and still a little sore and pretty much in shock with what’s going on,” Capps said Wednesday.
City officials have suspended Kevin Locklear without pay until further notice. Maj. Wagner Baskett is interim chief.
A phone call to Kevin Locklear wasn’t returned Wednesday.
This is not the first time Locklear has been suspended without pay.
In 1993, when Locklear was a 26-year-old officer with the Raeford Police Department, he was suspended. That year, he was convicted in District Court of assaulting a man with a lead-weighted baton during an arrest. Locklear appealed, and a Superior Court jury could not reach a unanimous verdict. The judge declared a mistrial, according to Newton. Former District Attorney Jean Powell dismissed the case because a majority of the jurors favored not guilty, Newton said.
In 2004, Locklear became chief of the Police Department, which had 14 officers at the time.
Staff writer Erinn McGuire can be reached at mcguiree@fayobserver.com or 486-3567.
Raeford police chief hospitalized overnight
ReplyDeleteThe Fayetteville Observer
November 22, 2007
RAEFORD — Police Chief Kevin Locklear was hospitalized overnight in Moore County, an official confirmed Wednesday morning.
Locklear, 41, is on suspension without pay after being charged with assaulting his estranged wife Nov. 13.
Mayor John K. McNeill would not say why Locklear was taken to FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst.
Locklear, who was reached at his home Wednesday, declined to comment.
McNeill said he was still getting information.
Locklear was charged with domestic criminal trespass, injury to personal property and assault on a female. All are misdemeanors.
He is scheduled to appear in Hoke County District Court on Dec. 4.
The state Attorney General’s Office will prosecute the case. Kristy Newton, the Hoke County district attorney, turned the case over to state officials, citing her 13-year working relationship with Locklear.
ReplyDeleteCloud, I didn't see this recent incident posted on your site yet. I so wish your advice above had been followed. Now we are looking at another tragedy, another mother gone.
You predicted the behavior quite well....
OHHHHH. It's not Erlina. Let me go read.
ReplyDeleteOh Delilah.
ReplyDeleteLink to the post after this one:
ReplyDeleteDECEMBER 14, 2007
HEY CHIEF LOCKLEAR - BEATING YOUR WIFE IS A CRIME! - ...Locklear said he plans to take legal action against the town. “This is not going to be the end,” he said... he believes his firing was racially motivated...
PSPRO Chief Locklear was found guilty in the assault charge back in 1993 he appealed the verdict and it was overturned in superior court Fayetteville observer only told half the story.
ReplyDeleteAUG 17, 2011
ReplyDelete[NC] The said-suicide of Amanda Graham Barker, fiancée of asst. police chief fired from different department after domestic violence