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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

[WA] Tacoma Officer who outreached to kids was monster at home

Lee William Giles admits that as a Tacoma Washington Police Officer he repeatedly raped his own girlfriend's young developmentally disabled son over a period of years - starting when the boy was about 7 & videotaped the crimes. Giles’ then-girlfriend Maureen Wear is also admitted to participating in the production of multiple video tapes of children - that included her own son and two related little girls - 3 and 8 years old. Plea bargains brought Giles' 26 charges and Wear's 17 charges down to four charges each.
Former Tacoma Police officer, girlfriend plead guilty to child rape
November 26, 200
A man who vowed to protect the public with the Tacoma Police Department for three decades pleaded guilty Monday to charges of raping and molesting children. Retired police officer Lee William Giles, Jr. and his girlfriend, Maureen Wear, agreed to plea deals that will send them to prison for at least 20 years. Giles, 61, and Ware pleaded guilty to first- and second-degree child rape, first-degree child molestation and third-degree child assault... Prosecutors say Giles repeatedly raped his own girlfriend's young son over a period of years, videotaped the crimes, and that Wear – the victim's own mother – was involved in the attacks. COURT PAPERS INDICATED THAT OTHER FEMALE FAMILY MEMBERS WERE ALSO VICTIMIZED. IT WAS MOUNTING, GUT-WRENCHING EVIDENCE THAT WOULD DOOM EITHER DEFENDANT DURING A TRIAL. "THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A LOT OF GRAPHIC EVIDENCE IF THIS CASE WOULD HAVE GONE TO TRIAL," SAID PROSECUTOR JOHN SHEERAN...

Former Tacoma cop, girlfriend plead guilty to child rape
The News Tribune
November 26th, 2007
...Prosecutors and defense attorneys will recommend sentences of just more than 19 years in prison for both defendants. But the terms of confinement will be left open-ended. That means Giles and Wear can’t be released from prison until they serve the 19 years and a state review board then decides they are no longer a threat to society... Chushcoff will sentence Giles on Jan. 4. Wear’s sentencing was set for Dec. 28... GILES HAD BEEN CHARGED WITH 26 CRIMES, WEAR WITH 17. “THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A LOT OF GRAPHIC EVIDENCE INTRODUCED HAD THE CASE GONE TO TRIAL,” HE SAID. “THE VICTIMS’ FAMILIES ARE SUPPORTIVE OF THIS RESOLUTION.” The investigation began after a male relative [son] of Wear’s told authorities he’d been abused by the couple for years. Detectives searched the retired police officer’s home on North Proctor Street and seized videotapes that showed Giles and Wear sexually abusing the boy and two [toddler] girls related to Giles, according to court records. The victims ranged in age from 3 to 16, the records state. The crimes were particularly shocking because Giles was for years the face of the police department... Among other duties during his 30-year career, Giles was assigned to the “Harvey, the Talking Motorcyle” program, a police program in elementary schools aimed at making officers less scary...


Two More Come Forward Against Officer Accused Of Rape
August 4, 2006
The case against the former Tacoma Police officer and his girlfriend accused of raping his girlfriend’s son are accused of also raping two girls, one 8 years old, the other 3 or 4 years old. The boy's mother was arrested Thursday for investigation of rape because of allegations she was involved in sex acts with her son... Lee William Giles Jr., was once the public face of the city's police force... Giles’ girlfriend is also accused of participating in the production of multiple video tapes of children, including her son being sexually assaulted. The allegations indicate the videotaped molestations took place while Giles was still employed as a police officer with the city of Tacoma... As an officer, Giles appeared with Harvey, the talking motorcycle, in a grade school program designed to make officers seem less scary and was involved in the TV program "Behind the Shield." After retiring he became host of the radio show "Crime Time" on KLAY-AM... According to documents filed by prosecutors in court, the case came to light last month after the boy, now 18, moved to Spokane County to live with his father and told his father that Giles had raped him. He later told investigators he also had been forced to perform sex acts with the woman. Giles admitted under questioning that he had raped the boy, likes little boys and child pornography and, while on duty, sometimes took child pornography from drug houses... Giles told investigators he twice had oral sex with the boy, starting when he "was a little bitty kid, like 6 or 7," and took videos of himself and the boy fondling each other. The boy, described by prosecutors as developmentally disabled... On Tuesday, police wrote, detectives recorded a conversation in which the boy asked Giles what he should say about what had happened. "Just tell them you can't remember," the former officer was quoted as saying. "I can't remember nothing and you can't remember nothing, right... "Just tell them nothing. ... Just say nothing about it."

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