Due to a family death I have been away. I have a lot of things to catch up on a lot of fronts. I'll be trying to find out what I missed, and I have an inbox full of items that I'm beginning to mull through.
Thank you to everyone who thought of me and forwarded me news.
It's a NEW DAY. The dirty laundry is being hauled out of the hamper these days. The good ol' days of keeping it under wraps are slipping away. I can see the light of accountabilty like a light at the end of this dark tunnel. More and more police trainers are writing me for permission to use the officer-involved domestic violence [oidv] fatality photoshow during their trainings, more victims are becoming vocal, more victims are getting support, and more reporters and law enforcement agencies are emailing for resources to contact regarding oidv.
MAYBE the best thing of all is that more and more departments are writing up a specific procedural policy to guide them on oidv cases. I am collecting those and plan on adding a section to the OIDVN site posting those policies.
The level of danger to victims has not changed, there is no central office anywhere to oversee these cases or to provide assistance to victims, and the fear and deaths continue.
There is much left to do - but so many more trying to make things better now.
I take heart and press forward with others.
Police Officer Involved Domestic Violence. Lighting a candle of remembrance for those who've lost their lives to domestic violence behind the blue wall, for strength and wisdom to those still there, and a non-ending prayer for those who thought they had escaped but can't stop being afraid.
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Officer-Involved Domestic Fatalities - 1 Officer-Involved Domestic Fatalities - 2 [WA] Tragedy Will Occur If They Don't Have ...

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