The cloud is dark and low. Time is important.
Previous post:
[OH] Police Chief Osiecki's armed standoff after he read the news - ...Earlier in the day, several officers had gone to [Brunswick Hills Police Chief Robert] Osiecki's home to reassure him after an article appeared in a local newspaper Thursday. The article stated that next week he would be disciplined or fired for an October incident in which he allegedly was intoxicated and pointed a gun at a relative inside his home... Area police chiefs who know Chief Osiecki were on scene to help with negotiations... Osiecki also made several demands... Township police did not have a report on the incident...

Brunswick Sun Times
By Melissa Martin mmartin@sunnews.com
Thursday, February 26, 2009
[Excerpts] Amid ongoing discussions to determine whether the [Brunswick Hills] township will retain its own police force or contract services with the Medina County Sheriff's Department, trustees have appointed a new acting police chief. Sgt. Steve Klopfenstein has assumed the duties of acting chief following the Feb. 13 resignation of acting police chief Lt. Deano McNeil. McNeil, a 21-year veteran of the township police force, served as the department's acting chief since Oct. 31, the day former police chief Robert Osiecki was suspended from the department... Osiecki, 51, is currently serving a 25-day jail sentence that began Feb. 12 after pleading no contest to one count of handling a weapon while intoxicated in connection with a four-hour standoff that took place at his township home back in November. In connection with a separate incident during which he brandished a gun at his home during an Oct. 29 domestic incident, trustees fired the former chief Dec. 19 on grounds of misfeasance, malfeasance, neglect of duty and misconduct in office. Osiecki has since filed an appeal of the decision in Medina County Court of Common Pleas. Because he failed to file a written notice of the appeal with the board of trustees within 10 days as required by law, however, trustees and their attorney, county prosecutor Dean Holman, have filed a motion with the court to have the appeal dismissed... [Full article here]
Since the last post:
...The charge that was dismissed by the board claimed that during the Oct. 29 incident, Osiecki threatened to kill himself...
The Plain Dealer - cleveland.com
Posted by Melissa Martin
December 25, 2008 08:30AM
Trustees say the Brunswick Hills Township police department will be placed under careful scrutiny in light of facts that were exposed during last-week's quasi-judicial hearing that resulted in the termination of longtime police chief Robert Osiecki. Trustee Kathleen Scheutzow said the board will conduct a close examination of police department operations now that details have emerged suggesting that officers in the township police department may have violated their own departmental rules and operations. Along with inter-departmental cover-ups related to the Osiecki case, trustees say they will be investigating the remaining officer with regard to additional acts of misconduct in office... During Friday's disciplinary hearing, trustees laid out the groundwork for seven charges that were brought against Osiecki, whose termination became effective Friday. Five of those charges stem from an incident that took place inside his Lonetree Court residence on the evening of Oct. 29... The charge that was dismissed by the board claimed that during the Oct. 29 incident, Osiecki threatened to kill himself... [Full article here]
...He was fired Dec. 19. No charges were ever filed. A month earlier, Osiecki had a weapon in his home as county SWAT units camped outside the house on Lonetree Court...
The Plain Dealer - cleveland.com
Posted by John Caniglia
January 23, 2009
Ousted Police Chief Robert Osiecki is fighting to get his job back after his series of personal and professional troubles prompted the township trustees to consider disbanding the department. Osiecki, 51, pleaded no contest this month to possessing a weapon while intoxicated following a four-hour standoff Nov. 20. In December, he was fired from the job he has held since 1993 for a separate drunken, gun-wielding incident in October. He has filed a notice of appeal of the firing in Medina County Common Pleas Court... [His attorney, Stephen] Brown called the gun incidents aberrations for Osiecki, saying "that's not him. It was out of character."... The trustees placed him on administrative leave Oct. 31, two days after he wielded a gun during a domestic dispute at his home. The trustees said he was drunk at the time. He was fired Dec. 19. No charges were ever filed. A month earlier, Osiecki had a weapon in his home as county SWAT units camped outside the house on Lonetree Court. Stemming from that incident, he pleaded no contest last week to possessing a gun while under the influence. The crime carries a maximum sentence of six months in jail, but, in an agreement with prosecutors, Osiecki is expected to be sentenced to probation for three years. A key point of the agreement is that he cannot use or possess weapons, a move that could end his career as a police officer. A sentencing date has not been set. Brown said Medina Municipal Judge Dale Chase would decide the sentence, and he could allow Osiecki to continue to carry a gun and keep working... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence, ohio politics, oh politics]
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