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Friday, May 27, 2005

[NY][FL] Ex-NYPD Officer Bodie killed by SWAT at domestic call

Ex-NYPD officer killed in standoff with Palm Beach cops
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Posted on Fri, May. 27, 2005
[Excerpts] A former New York City police officer was shot and killed by a Palm Beach County sheriff's sniper after a tense, armed standoff... Craig Bodie, also an ex-Marine with a criminal record, was killed by a single bullet to the head... The deadly showdown began as an argument between Bodie and his estranged wife, Lana... [sheriff's spokesman Paul] Miller said the argument escalated after Bodie put a gun to his head, threatening suicide, in front of his family... the SWAT team were called to the scene... But Bodie insisted that he was "going to jail or going to the morgue"... Bodie was shot about 1:15 p.m. and taken to Delray Medical Center...
Bodie's police and military background complicated attempts to end the standoff peacefully... He was familiar with the tactics used by negotiators...
Friday's standoff had the hallmarks of the phenomenon dubbed "suicide by cop," said Miller, the sheriff's spokesman. "Once he started shooting," he said, "he had to have realized we have to shoot to kill"...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

WA Detective Rohde Reported Cop on Cop DV_Got Woes

On May 25th, 2005, a judge refused to overturn a Snohomish County jury decision, which awarded no money to an Edmonds police detective who alleged that the city mishandled her ongoing domestic dispute... Superior Court Judge Ronald Castleberry turned down Rohde's request for a new trial.

The detective never dreamed she'd end up suing the Edmonds Police Department, accusing her bosses of failing to protect her from her abusive boyfriend -- an officer on the same force.

Edmonds did not have a written policy on police-involved domestic violence until January 2002, three years after Rohde first called 911 to report that Falk had slammed a car door on her, kicked open another door and refused to let her leave their home. "Even after the policy was adopted," Harrington concluded, "no training was reportedly provided to officers or supervisors within the department.

While still at the pd, she said..."It's been incredibly stressful, not only with him being there but because of the ways the department has failed me."...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

[AK] Sonya Dora Nitcuk Ivanoff - murdered Inupiak Eskimo from the village of Unalakleet

Sonya was murdered.
Nome Police Officer Matthew Owens, who is accused of killing Sonya, is now awaiting a second trial scheduled for October of 2005. (First was deadlocked, with the majority - 10 to 2 - voting for conviction.)

Sonya is known in the media as Sonya Ivanoff.
That is not her name. Her name is Sonya Dora Nitcuk Ivanoff, the entire name being important. It gives back a little of what has been taken away - who she is. (On the internet, of the 911 times that Sonya is mentioned, only one acknowledges her full name.)

She was born Native, an Inupiak Eskimo from the village of Unalakleet - an Inupiat Eskimo word meaning "where the east wind blows".

Sonya went to Nome, got a job on the swing shift at the local hospital, and was working for money to go to college - which she was to start that fall in Hawaii.

She liked to drink green tea, eat salt and vinegar chips, and sometimes made a junk food run to Tesoro around midnight. She knew how to make agutaq, Eskimo ice cream made with fish and berries.

Yes, fish and berries.

She loved her little nieces and nephew, and babies made her laugh. She loved holding them, and looked forward to having her own one day. She liked lip gloss.

I won't tell you the way her body was found.
You can run an internet search if you need to know.

What I want put out for the remembering about Sonya is that she was a loving, beautiful 19 year old Inupiak Eskimo woman from the village of Unalakleet, working her way to college in Nome, who made fish and berry ice cream,
and oh how she loved to
Eskimo dance...

Remember her dancing.

To her family, I am so sorry to you for everything, first and most deeply for your losing your Sonya. I am sorry to you for the waiting for a suspect which must have been an eternity, and for having to know that reports of Sonya in Owens patrol car went unacknowledged for weeks. I am sorrowful for you that once he was arrested you had to endure watching his bail reduced, and for having to see his request granted to be put under house arrest on the Anchorage Hillside - where gorgeous homes with huge windows with beautiful views look over Anchorage and the Turnagain Arm... One woman said, "What a way to await a trial. What is a little ankle bracelet when you can drink your morning coffee with a view?" I am sorry. No one should know what you know, and yet too many do. I am sorry that he had to be free while Sonya was gone. I am sorry for how the first trial turned out, and for how hard it had to be every day in the courtroom, and then for having to learn that has to be done over again.
But my prayer is that the second trial will be done right, that whatever justice there is left to be had will be yours, and that you will be able to close this chapter of losing Sonya, and move on to the next one - missing her, and remembering her dance. [rant police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder staged native american eskimo 1st world 3rd world people of color alaska state politics]

Monday, May 23, 2005

CA Paige McGowan, 10 - Dad killed the family

2005: This is Paige McGowan.

Her law enforcement dad, an ex-Cathedral City Police Officer, and most recently Riverside District Attorney Investigator, David McGowan killed Paige, her sister Rayne, her brother Chase, her mother Karen, and his own mother Angie before killing himself. (On the web: Click here)

Sunday, May 22, 2005


A former Columbia police officer was convicted Saturday of first-degree murder in the death of a homosexual college student with whom he had an affair. Murder victim Jesse Valencia's mother, Linda, was comforted Saturday after the conviction of Columbia Police Officer Steven Rios in the slaying. (May 2005)

Thursday, May 19, 2005

[OH] Sgt Mitchell 45 hang-up calls aren't harassment of ex

Jury finds police officer not guilty of harassment
Toledo Blade, OH
May 19, 2005

A Clay Township police sergeant was found not guilty yesterday in Oregon Municipal Court of harassing a former girlfriend last summer. Sgt. Terry A. Mitchell of Genoa was charged with one misdemeanor count of telephone harassment in September. He pleaded not guilty. A jury deliberated for about an hour after a day-long trial before finding him not guilty, according to court officials. Sergeant Mitchell was suspended for three days in September while Oregon police investigated the allegations that he made about 45 unsolicited phone calls to a former girlfriend who lives in Oregon from the beginning of June until mid-July, township police Chief Roger Schultze said.

FROM 2004:

Records reflect other complaints
Port Clinton News Herald, OH
By Kristina Smith
September 23, 2004
A Clay Township sergeant charged in Lucas County with harassing his ex-girlfriend was disciplined in 2002 for harassing a Genoa man and woman. Clay Township Police Chief Roger Schultze gave Terry Mitchell, 40, a verbal warning and ordered him to meet with a counselor in July 2002... The Oregon police detective who investigated a misdemeanor telephone harassment charge pending against Mitchell in Oregon Municipal Court could not find documentation of the complaints in Mitchell's personnel file because Schultze removed it. Schultze said Wednesday he removed the complaint a year after he disciplined Mitchell because it is a procedure he follows and outlined in the discipline letter. "I thought he was protected by the 12-month thing," Schultze said. "But I found out that's not really true." He said he plans to put the complaint back into Mitchell's file. The Ottawa County Sheriff's Office also investigated a harassment complaint a Clay Township woman filed in 2001 after her domestic violence arrest and determined there was nothing to indicate Mitchell had done anything wrong... The sheriff's office gave the complaint to Schultze to handle internally, and Schultze said he investigated and also found no wrongdoing. Schultze said he didn't add the report to Mitchell's file because the sheriff's office handled it. When Oregon Detective Sgt. Paul Magdich viewed Mitchell's personnel file, he asked Schultze if there were any internal investigations into Mitchell, calling them "IA" investigations, Schultze said. Schultze said he didn't know what Magdich meant and did not show him the complaint or discipline letter he wrote to Mitchell... The Genoa man who filed the complaint was married to a Genoa woman who dated Mitchell. He accused Mitchell of talking to his wife while on duty, blowing him a kiss and following him in his car... The Oregon report also cites four other incidents, including an anonymous letter, of woman accusing Mitchell of improper conduct, but there were no formal complaints. Genoa Police Chief Mike Graalman also told the Oregon detective his department often gets complaints from women about Mitchell's behavior, according to police reports. Schultze, however, said Graalman never notified him of any complaints.