I recently noticed that Trooper Tuer is back on the roads here:
Detroit Free Press (MI)
January 5, 2005
Boy, 14, killed as he walked across I-96 A 14-year-old boy was struck and killed Tuesday as he and another youth tried to walk across a Detroit freeway, Michigan State Police said. The accident occurred at 6:11 p.m. as the boys walked north across the local and express lanes of westbound I-96 near Schoolcraft, Trooper Craig Tuer said...
Is this the kind of self-training to be a better law enforcement officer the kind of training that the Michigan State Patrol ACCEPTS? Who's in charge? THAT's who is responsible!:
Man shot by police faces term
Saginaw News (MI) -
October 1, 1999
...A 20-year-old Saginaw man faces sentencing stemming from a June 1997 incident in which a police officer shot him after pulling him over because his muffler was loud and he wasn't wearing a seat belt... Investigators said [Larry L.] Polk struggled with [Trooper Craig] Tuer for control of his weapon. Polk previously said the trooper shot him in the back as he tried to flee. The shooting created community support for Polk, despite Prosecutor Michael D. Thomas' ruling that the shooting was justified... The 30-year-old Tuer, a five-year veteran of the Bridgeport Post, has said he attempted to stop Polk's car because the occupants were not wearing seat belts and it sounded as though the auto didn't have a muffler.
City man accuses troopers of conspiracy, torture
Saginaw News (MI)
June 28, 2000
A Saginaw man is alleging in a federal lawsuit that state police troopers conspired against him and tortured him by sticking their fingers in his bullet wounds. Larry L. Polk Jr., 21, claims Troopers Craig Tuer and Patrick L. Sharkey concocted a cover-up plot after Tuer shot him... The troopers felt his wounds so they could provide investigators with matching stories, Polk says in the suit... Polk, Sharkey and Tuer were unavailable for comment... Tuer and Sharkey rolled Polk from his stomach to his side and back to his stomach, the suit says. The troopers then "moved (Polk's) clothing and located and probed (Polk's) wounds with their fingers," the suit claims. The troopers were trying to determine the path of the bullet or bullets "to choreograph a false, yet plausible excuse for the use of deadly force," the suit contends. Sharkey, a former emergency medical technician, testified at a 1997 court hearing that he rolled Polk over to check his wounds and determine the path of the bullet. Sharkey said he saw a small hole in POLK'S LOWER *BACK* and felt a marble-size bulge on his right side.
Trooper faces charges
Saginaw News (MI)
February 12, 2004
A state trooper from the Bridgeport Post faces charges that he slapped a woman outside a Saginaw bar. Saginaw County prosecutors have issued an arrest warrant for Craig J. Tuer of Vassar, charging him with disturbing the peace and assault and battery Jan. 23 outside White's Bar, 2609 State. A woman at the bar said Tuer slapped her around 2:30 a.m. Police have said they did not know how Tuer knew the woman or what triggered the altercation... In 1997, TUER SHOT AN 18-YEAR-OLD BLACK SAGINAW MAN IN THE *HIP* during a struggle after a traffic stop. The incident touched off protests from black leaders, but Prosecutor Michael D. Thomas ruled that the shooting was in self-defense and did not charge Tuer in the incident.
Bar spat trial starts
Saginaw News (MI)
April 22, 2004
Shortly after arriving at White's Bar in January, off-duty State Police Trooper Craig J. Tuer had a physical altercation with his girlfriend, a prosecutor says. When an employee asked him to leave, Tuer refused, even after she threatened to call police, Assistant Prosecutor Andy Coulouris told a jury of three men and four women... "Tuer took a fist to (bar employee) Craig Young," Coulouris said during his opening statement. At that point, a melee erupted inside, he said. When Tuer finally left the establishment, 2609 State, HE ASSAULTED JESSICA RANGEL, ALSO AN EMPLOYEE, IN FRONT OF SAGINAW POLICE OFFICER MATT GEROW, Coulouris said. Prosecutors have charged Tuer, 35, of Vassar with disturbing the peace or in the alternative assault and battery against Young, and a separate count of assault and battery of Rangel... He and his girlfriend, Sonia Gouine, and some of their friends arrived at the bar after attending a Kid Rock concert, Coulouris said. After the altercation with Gouine, Tuer threw Young against a wall inside the small bar, he said. "At that point, everything went wild," Coulouris said. A few seconds later, someone removed Tuer from the bar, he said. While outside, Tuer saw Gerow and talked to him. Rangel then approached and said something to Tuer that made him angry, Coulouris told the jury. "IN FRONT OF AN ON-DUTY POLICE OFFICER, HE REACHED ACROSS THE CAR AND SLAPPED JESSICA," THE PROSECUTOR SAID. " TUER STRUCK HER AGAIN WHILE SHE WAS ON THE HOOD OF THE PATROL CAR"...
State trooper faces jail
Saginaw News (MI)
April 24, 2004
A jury has found a state police trooper guilty of assaulting a bar employee when a night of revelry turned raucous. State Police Trooper Craig J. Tuer faces up to 93 days in jail for assault and battery when he is sentenced before Saginaw County District Judge Darnell Jackson. A sentencing date is not set... "He reminded (the employee) who he was," [Prosecutor Andy] Coulouris said. "It's futile to call the cops because 'I'm a cop'"... In the lot, Saginaw Police Officer Matt Gerow pulled up in his squad car, and Tuer said he briefly talked to him. Tuer said he then struck Rangel with a police-taught self-defense move when she approached him and his girlfriend in a threatening manner. Gerow, however, testified Rangel was not physically threatening Tuer when he struck her twice...
Suspended officer found guilty
Saginaw News (MI)
June 4, 2004
A judge has sentenced suspended State Police Trooper Craig J. Tuer to two months of house arrest for assaulting a bar employee at a West Side Saginaw bar in January. Saginaw County District Judge Darnell Jackson today ordered Tuer, 35, to serve six months of probation, with the first two months on electronic monitoring, for assault and battery. A six-member jury deliberated about 90 minutes before convicting Tuer . Jurors found Tuer, who is assigned to the Bridgeport Post, innocent of another count of disturbing the peace, or in the alternative assault and battery, against a second employee, Craig Young. "I'm sorry the incident took place," said Tuer, dressed in a navy blue double-breasted suit. "I have remorse." Tuer said he will become a better police officer because of his experience on the other side of the law. Jackson also ordered Tuer to pay $540 in fees and fines and $25 in restitution and to attend anger management counseling... Tuer will remain under unpaid suspension until state police administrators conclude an internal investigation and determine what sanctions he should receive...