Too much is going unnoticed. Too many deaths. Too many law enforcement/ public safety agencies still not taking it seriously. Too many frightened and HOPELESS victims with nowhere to turn. Too many law enforcment officers, firefighters, and public officials who feel they can't reach out for help - for a host of reasons.
I'm feeling a little fiesty after having my pics all deleted (wincing) so here are just SOME of the stories I've posted on the group I moderate
so far
just this month (June):
..."He started choking my trachea with one hand and as I tried to scream he covered my mouth with his other hand," the victim wrote in a statement. "I was able to kick him off me, he got on top of me again and slammed my head into the tile floor twice." She eventually ran to her children's bedroom where she called 911. Investigators noticed the victim had red marks and swelling on her neck, a swollen and cut lip as well as a large bump, redness and swelling on the back of her head. Police took Clark into custody at his business on Southwest Macedo Boulevard. He was carrying a .380-caliber pistol...
[US] Ex-Intelligence Officer Lentz gets life in death of wife Doris
[FL] Sheriff's Deputy Ciesla double dv homicide & suicide
...Police said Thomas Ciesla, 28, a Collier County corrections officer who abruptly quit his job Tuesday, killed the father and aunt of his estranged wife, Amy Ciesla -- Thomas Podejko, 63, and Carol Lindner, 62... Carol Lindner's husband, Thomas Lindner -- also Amy Ciesla's uncle -- was also shot in the arm and transported to Lee Memorial Hospital...
...It was not immediately clear how Carrboro's former fire chief Rodney Murray had died, or how long he had been in the room, but authorities were investigating the possibility of suicide... Murray was jailed 5 times for repeatedly violating an order to stay away from Ambrosecchia who ended a 10 year relationship with Murray in 2005...
Polk County Deputy Robert Reichert is charged with domestic battery & placed on paid administrative leave after a domestic assault incident reported to have bruised his daughter-in-law
[IL] FIRE DEPT. LT. BALES can beat his women if he wants to
...His girlfriend told officers at the scene that [Joliet firefighter Joseph] Bales tore weather stripping from the door of her Nissan XTerra and hit her with it several times in the face, according to reports. Two male witnesses told officers the young woman "was screaming at the top of her lungs for help" when they arrived... (Wife) Christine Bales has alleged she was physically assaulted and that other firefighters had to hold back her husband. But fire officials, who filed no police report regarding the incident, described it as a domestic argument... The city's human resources director Mike Suppan said that firefighters are not sworn to uphold the law while police officers are...
...During the investigation, his estranged wife made allegations of abuse. The department cleared him of perjury and domestic abuse... [Police Chief Gary] Michel first suspended [Officer Chris] Cook for three weeks without pay... Six weeks later, Cook was again in trouble for using his computer to run the license plate on his wife's car... used his security clearance to obtain dispatch information from two 9-1-1 calls to his ex-wife's home... Cook kept his job, the second time with a four-week suspension without pay... He said it was in the aftermath of Tacoma Police Chief David Brame's shooting of his wife and himself, which is why he thinks the department and the city pursued him so aggressively...
[GA] More on the recent dv murder of Officer Tasha George
Dougherty County Officer Tasha George was shot outside her Temple Avenue home last Friday by Travis Smith. Interestingly, the indictment also accuses him of battery and stalking, crimes that happened one month before Tasha George was killed... George was trying to end things with him, & earlier in the day she had the locks changed on her house and a security company was installing a burglar alarm.... police reports from May 19th show a history of domestic violence at the home. After 8 that night, police arrested live-in boyfriend Travis Smith. Records show Smith pushed George through a glass table. She had an abrasion to her right eye and a deep cut on her stomach....
[NH] Fired Trooper Plunkett arrested for stalking ex girlfriend
A former New Hampshire state trooper [Michael J. Plunkett] who is charged with possession of child pornography, witness tampering and falsifying evidence was arrested this week on charges of stalking his former girlfriend, who is a key witness against him...
[AZ] Fired for dv & drunk driving Officer DeStefano is rehired
Back in March I wrote on our group that a few months prior "...Marana Police Officer John Michael Destefano Jr. was arrested for dui after landing in a ditch, a week later was arrested for domestic violence on his wife (drunk then also), and was arrested a few years ago for dv as well. He's fired..." But the news that came out this month is, "The Marana Police Department last week rehired an officer it fired in March for drunk driving and two domestic violence-related arrests..."
Wish I was surprised.
[PA] Update on Trooper Heller's threat to wife, judge, parents, dog...
Luke J. Heller, a Pennsylvania trooper assigned to a Bucks County barracks, allegedly threatened to kill himself, his estranged wife, her lawyer, and a judge during a contentious divorce case that ended last year... "Mr. Heller is suffering from a mental disorder which I consider serious, and is in need of medication and psychological treatment," psychologist Robert M. Gordon wrote in a 2004 court-ordered evaluation of Heller. Heller, 36, remained working at the Dublin barracks until he was suspended this year... His most recent issues are posting invitational rough sex pics of his ex-wife on the internet -unlawful use of a computer and criminal use of a communication facility — "AND OTHER CHARGES" (???) That's the focus, but what I hear is the ex wife saying that folks have disassociated from her because even THEY are in fear. The focus should be on his threats to lives - not the pictures. I hope she has support.
More post titles from June. I'll try to get back here and explain a few more:
[MI] Deputy Harvey's pointing gun & taser at wife & son UPDATE2
[IL] Chicago Officer Grubbs kills himself after domestic quarrel
[ID] Ex-wife of BCSO Deputy Flavel calls for charges
[AR] Court reverses (ex) Chief Brown's sexual assault of niece
[NJ] Officer Cheryl Silva / Chief's son dv - Update on fallout
[TN] Officer Hewitt and his gun.
[TN] Officer Hewitt's NEW wife tried to sleep outside w/gun
[PA] Officer Delucia update (Where wife was ARRESTED to testify)
[TX] Officer Binion arrested for domestic violence
[MD] What to do with mad, suicidal fired-then-hired Ex-cop Shifler
[GA] Jail Officer Tasha George killed. Wanted out of relationship.
[TX] Officer Lee fired 2x. 1st family violence, now wife harrasment
[FL] Deputy Reichert arrested for simple battery of daughter-in-law
[OR] Update: Demoted Chief Foxworth given a command position
[NJ] Officer Brownlee's girlfriend shot in the leg. CORRECTION
[FL] 21 guns Cop Thropp - choking daughter, pointing gun at wife's...
[AR] Officer Fowler suicide a day after estranged family seriously beaten
[FL] Officer Brems' wife says she was beat for refusing group sex
[MN] "Police Fighting Alcohol Abuse Among Officers"
[MO] Trooper Burnett suspected of stalking ex girlfriend again
[FL] Corrections officer Frank Ferencz charged with hitting wife
[TX] Probation for ex-officer Davis domestic sex-crime(s) against
[FL] Gun in gf's mouth/drug dealer Miami Officer Flynn sentenced
[GA] "Wife Turns on Former Deputy" McCollough
[CA] SDPD Sgt. Sainz beat up officer in front of kids, keeps job 6
[THE BASICS] Police Family Violence Fact Sheet - NCWP
[MA] Gun-in-wife's-mouth Trooper White retrial - Wants job back
[AL] Ex Birmingham Officer Jackson gets life for killing wife Angele
[VA] Deputy Freeman divorce->drugs-> prison->armed robbery
[MS] Officer Clark, dead 15yo Tawana & pistol-whipped ex, Angela
[OR] Mayor Potter's statement on Police Chief Foxworth demotion
[OR] 40 page report released. Chief Foxworth demoted to Cpt.
[CA] Stepson sentenced for shooting (forgiving) Detective Bryant
[FL] Fired cop Daniel who killed wife and son sentenced today
[TN] Judge overturns jury's murder conviction for ex-Deputy Carpenter
[CA] Fire Cpt. Rodriguez Murders Wife Katherine, Kills Self
[NH] Officer Moltenbrey disregarded protection order right away
[TX] Austin Officer Gates arrested for dv on wife - Officers need he
[MA] Officer Sadllier assaults his mother - has several past "infractions"
[AL] Sheriff's Cpt./ Coroner/ Ex-Cop Billy Brown escaped dv charge
[NC] Chief's son, Cop Walker rape arrest + past dv abuse of power
Ramos was to return to duty after Domestic violence arrest
[NJ] Officer Capo's family sexual assault trial update (four articles)
[WA] Conviction of Ex Tacoma Police Officer Torres upheld
[PA] Carli Dennis' cop husband pleads not guilty to her murder
[CO] Deputy Sanders dv and sexual assault on girlfriend charge
[NH] DV Prosecutor Marconi severe dv on own girlfriend
[FL] Deputy Melvin Jones arrested, charged for dv on wife
[SC] Ex cop Brooks only gets 12 years for killing girlfriend Lisa Ho
[WA] Jane Jermy
[WV] Mayor Ore Obstructs DV arrest then fires officer
[Local] Article by Attorney for estate of ex-chief's wife, Crystal Judson Brame
[WA] The Crystal Judson Brame Memorial Scholarship
[WA] Tacoma Student Awarded First Crystal Brame Scholarship
[NJ] Update - Officer Robert Vanaman Wife's Murder
[NY] Update on punching, biting Officer Tammy Mackin
[FL] No action against Ex-Sheriff's Deputy/Councilman Long same-sex dv
[WA] Deputy Spier, a man, his girlfriend & a gun - Charges dropped
[NJ] (Wife-stalking) New trial ordered for convicted Officer Moore
[WI] Update on ex officer Zimmermans' being cleared of killing ex
[CA] Update on frightening Officer Shaddox (More charges dropped)
[WA] VIDEO: Ex Police wives stand in for hiding Joyce DeAllah
[WA] A blog comment: Maleng's inaction on Deputy DeAllah's dv
[WA] Ex Police wives stand in for Deputy DeAllah's hiding wife
[RI] Pension fight for Judge Marjorie Yassar (arrested twice for dv)
[WI] Officer Nechodom can FELONY STALK if he wants to
I'll be back.
God be willing.