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Friday, November 30, 2007

[PA] Officer Holland - the dv didn't sink him but the forgery did

...police arrested Officer Holland on domestic violence charges after responding to his house. But the district attorney's office withdrew the charges after Officer Holland's wife refused to testify...

City police officer resigns after being charged
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A Pittsburgh police officer accused of forgery in connection with financial documents has resigned... Attorney Lee Rothman confirmed his client's resignation but declined to comment further because Officer Holland's preliminary hearing, scheduled for January, hasn't been held...


Former Pittsburgh 'Officer Of The Year' Charged In Loan Forgery
The Pittsburgh Channel
November 14, 2007
A man who was named the Pittsburgh Police Bureau's "Officer of the Year" in 2000 is charged with forging documents to get a hardship loan from the department's retirement savings plan. Faquar "Terry" Holland, 35, was released on bond Tuesday after being arraigned on charges of forgery and unsworn falsification...Police said Holland was having financial trouble because of child support and other debts... Holland has been with the police bureau for 12 years.

City officer has history of problems
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, PA
By Torsten Ove
November 15, 2007
A veteran city police officer arrested Tuesday on forgery charges in connection with a falsified real estate transaction has a history of discipline problems and a previous arrest on charges of domestic violence and was once given notice that he would be fired... Several sources said Officer Holland had been given a five-day termination notice sometime in 2002 or 2003, but that top officials gave him a second chance. The nature of the alleged misconduct in that case could not be determined... In May of that same year (2003),police arrested Officer Holland on domestic violence charges after responding to his house. But the district attorney's office withdrew the charges after Officer Holland's wife refused to testify...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

[WA] After his arrest it's Officer Elmore's daughter that leaves the home

...The teenager says her father, 50-year-old Jerry Elmore of Aberdeen, hit her with a belt at least five times... she told school counselors her father had caused the bruises on her arms and legs...

Judge frees Ocean Shores officer accused of assault
November 26, 2007
The Associated Press
An Ocean Shores police officer accused of striking a 17-year-old girl who lived in his home in Aberdeen has been released without bail while he faces a misdemeanor domestic violence charge. In Aberdeen Municipal Court today, Officer Jeffrey Elmore was told not to contact the girl. She was moved from the home after the Nov. 18 altercation. He was arrested Wednesday.

Police officer charged with assaulting teen daughter
Nov 29, 2007
An Ocean Shores police officer has been charged with fourth-degree assault involving his 17-year-old daughter. The teenager says her father, 50-year-old Jerry Elmore of Aberdeen, hit her with a belt at least five times in an argument over a telephone call on Nov. 18. Elmore was arrested Nov. 21 after she told school counselors her father had caused the bruises on her arms and legs. According to a police report, he has been placed on paid administrative leave and his daughter has moved into a friend's house. He is barred from having contact with her and from possessing firearms. Elmore has been a police officer for nine years. He has not entered a plea to the charge. A hearing is scheduled Dec. 11 in Municipal Court.


Officer-Involved Domestic Violence Network [OIDVN]

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

[WA] Tacoma Officer who outreached to kids was monster at home

Lee William Giles admits that as a Tacoma Washington Police Officer he repeatedly raped his own girlfriend's young developmentally disabled son over a period of years - starting when the boy was about 7 & videotaped the crimes. Giles’ then-girlfriend Maureen Wear is also admitted to participating in the production of multiple video tapes of children - that included her own son and two related little girls - 3 and 8 years old. Plea bargains brought Giles' 26 charges and Wear's 17 charges down to four charges each.
Former Tacoma Police officer, girlfriend plead guilty to child rape
November 26, 200
A man who vowed to protect the public with the Tacoma Police Department for three decades pleaded guilty Monday to charges of raping and molesting children. Retired police officer Lee William Giles, Jr. and his girlfriend, Maureen Wear, agreed to plea deals that will send them to prison for at least 20 years. Giles, 61, and Ware pleaded guilty to first- and second-degree child rape, first-degree child molestation and third-degree child assault... Prosecutors say Giles repeatedly raped his own girlfriend's young son over a period of years, videotaped the crimes, and that Wear – the victim's own mother – was involved in the attacks. COURT PAPERS INDICATED THAT OTHER FEMALE FAMILY MEMBERS WERE ALSO VICTIMIZED. IT WAS MOUNTING, GUT-WRENCHING EVIDENCE THAT WOULD DOOM EITHER DEFENDANT DURING A TRIAL. "THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A LOT OF GRAPHIC EVIDENCE IF THIS CASE WOULD HAVE GONE TO TRIAL," SAID PROSECUTOR JOHN SHEERAN...

Former Tacoma cop, girlfriend plead guilty to child rape
The News Tribune
November 26th, 2007
...Prosecutors and defense attorneys will recommend sentences of just more than 19 years in prison for both defendants. But the terms of confinement will be left open-ended. That means Giles and Wear can’t be released from prison until they serve the 19 years and a state review board then decides they are no longer a threat to society... Chushcoff will sentence Giles on Jan. 4. Wear’s sentencing was set for Dec. 28... GILES HAD BEEN CHARGED WITH 26 CRIMES, WEAR WITH 17. “THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A LOT OF GRAPHIC EVIDENCE INTRODUCED HAD THE CASE GONE TO TRIAL,” HE SAID. “THE VICTIMS’ FAMILIES ARE SUPPORTIVE OF THIS RESOLUTION.” The investigation began after a male relative [son] of Wear’s told authorities he’d been abused by the couple for years. Detectives searched the retired police officer’s home on North Proctor Street and seized videotapes that showed Giles and Wear sexually abusing the boy and two [toddler] girls related to Giles, according to court records. The victims ranged in age from 3 to 16, the records state. The crimes were particularly shocking because Giles was for years the face of the police department... Among other duties during his 30-year career, Giles was assigned to the “Harvey, the Talking Motorcyle” program, a police program in elementary schools aimed at making officers less scary...


Two More Come Forward Against Officer Accused Of Rape
August 4, 2006
The case against the former Tacoma Police officer and his girlfriend accused of raping his girlfriend’s son are accused of also raping two girls, one 8 years old, the other 3 or 4 years old. The boy's mother was arrested Thursday for investigation of rape because of allegations she was involved in sex acts with her son... Lee William Giles Jr., was once the public face of the city's police force... Giles’ girlfriend is also accused of participating in the production of multiple video tapes of children, including her son being sexually assaulted. The allegations indicate the videotaped molestations took place while Giles was still employed as a police officer with the city of Tacoma... As an officer, Giles appeared with Harvey, the talking motorcycle, in a grade school program designed to make officers seem less scary and was involved in the TV program "Behind the Shield." After retiring he became host of the radio show "Crime Time" on KLAY-AM... According to documents filed by prosecutors in court, the case came to light last month after the boy, now 18, moved to Spokane County to live with his father and told his father that Giles had raped him. He later told investigators he also had been forced to perform sex acts with the woman. Giles admitted under questioning that he had raped the boy, likes little boys and child pornography and, while on duty, sometimes took child pornography from drug houses... Giles told investigators he twice had oral sex with the boy, starting when he "was a little bitty kid, like 6 or 7," and took videos of himself and the boy fondling each other. The boy, described by prosecutors as developmentally disabled... On Tuesday, police wrote, detectives recorded a conversation in which the boy asked Giles what he should say about what had happened. "Just tell them you can't remember," the former officer was quoted as saying. "I can't remember nothing and you can't remember nothing, right... "Just tell them nothing. ... Just say nothing about it."

[NJ] Stopping wife-killer Officer Vanaman from claiming self-defense

Judge to rule on Vanaman defense
The Press of Atlantic City
By JOHN MARTINS 856-794-5114
November 27, 2007
[Excerpts] - Prosecutors will try to convince a judge Thursday to bar a Millville police sergeant from claiming at his upcoming trial that he was acting in self-defense when he fatally shot his wife last year. First Assistant Prosecutor Ken Pagliughi filed court papers Oct. 10 asking that a Superior Court judge bar Sgt. Robert Van-aman, 38, from using self-defense as a justification for the killing. Vanaman, a 15-year veteran of the Millville police force, was arrested last November after a six-month investigation into the shooting death of his 37-year-old wife, Barbara... Vanaman - who remains free on $500,000 bail - is charged with murder, criminal restraint, possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes, tampering with evidence, hindering prosecution and obstructing the administration of law enforcement. Barbara (Getz) Vanaman, a part-time aerobics instructor, was pronounced dead at South Jersey Healthcare–Regional Medical Center in Vineland on May 11, 2006, after being shot twice in the chest with her husband's service revolver... In his court filing, Pagliughi argues that Vanaman's attorneys did not follow an established court rule that requires defendants to let prosecutors know if they intend to use any of several defenses... The rule, 3:12-1, also states that the notice must be given in writing no later than seven days before an arraignment or other pre-trial conference. Vanaman was arraigned April 2... Prosecutors, however, have said they can prove Vanaman killed his wife in cold blood. They also said that medical experts believe the defensive knife wounds that Vanaman allegedly received at the hands of his wife were superficial and likely self-inflicted... Vanaman is on unpaid suspension from his job at the Millville Police Department...
(Full article here)
[police officer involved domestic violence law enforcement fatality fatalities new jersey]

[SD] Ex-chief Huber pleads not-guilty. Community focuses on Pam's kids.

A benefit auction for the children of Pam Huber
will be held January 13, 2008 at the Hyde County Memorial Auditorium. A soup/sandwich lunch will held from 11 to 1 O'clock. The benefit auction will begin at 1:30. Anyone who would like to contribute to the auction or to the benefit fund for the Huber children may contact maryluze@venturecomm.net.

Huber Pleads Not Guilty
Former Highmore and Miller police chief Ken Huber plead not guilty Monday.

By Stacy Steinhagen
Nov. 26
Huber faces murder and manslaughter charges in the death of his wife Pamela Huber. An arrest warrant says Huber shot his wife in the forehead with a pistol in their home on October 28th. She died five days later. Now the residents of Highmore are taking it upon themselves to make sure the family Pamela left behind is taken care of. Pamela Huber took over as Highmore's finance officer in 1984 after her father, who had held the position, died. Community members say she will remain a part of the fabric of Highmore for a long time. Highmore Mayor Vikki Day says, "Oh, my goodness, we all bought shirts from her, sweatshirts, aprons." Day proudly showed off Pam's handiwork from her embroidery business. Day says Pam was involved in many activities including Girl Scouts, Ducks Unlimited, and Junior Shooters, and Pam would have still penciled in planning a benefit like the one the town's planning for her children. "She'd be the first one. She always was," Day says. In the weeks since her death, Ken Huber has appeared in court twice. Now he's proclaimed his innocence beyond his statements made public in court documents calling the shooting an accident... The grand jury's indictment lists the 13 people who testified before them, including the Hubers' daughters and Jennifer Lowrie, Hyde County State's Attorney, who admitted in court papers having an affair with Ken Huber and arriving first on the scene the night of the shooting. What the witnesses said, however, is sealed for now. Huber's trial starts March 31st. Until then the community has an important date of their own on the calendar: January 13th, a benefit auction for Pamela's children. Day says, "I think that's the reason the community is doing so well. They're focusing on helping Pamela's children and moving on"...

Highmore man pleads not guilty to murder
By Chet Brokaw
November 26, 2007
...Huber is being held on a $500,000 cash bond. At an earlier hearing, Anderson refused to reduce the bond after saying Huber was a risk to flee because both charges carry a sentence of up to life in prison. In a separate civil proceeding, members of Pamela Huber's family got a protection order preventing Huber from having any contact with his two daughters, but that protection order was set to expire, Mayer said. To replace it, Judge Anderson prohibited Huber from having any contact with his daughters unless it is approved by his defense lawyer, the lawyer representing Pamela Huber's family and mental health counselors working with the two girls, Mayer said. The attorney general's office is handling the prosecution because Hyde County State's Attorney Jennifer Lowrie has a conflict of interest. An affidavit filed by a law officer said Lowrie acknowledged she had been having an affair with Huber. When Huber was arrested, a state investigator's affidavit said it was almost impossible the gun fired accidentally because the Glock handgun had three safeties, Huber had received extensive training in gun safety, and he was a firearms instructor and hunting safety instructor. The investigator also said if Ken and Pamela Huber had divorced, he stood to lose much property in a divorce settlement and might have been required to pay child support.

[WI] Officer Lee pleads "not guilty" to trying to kill wife Chao

Ex-Wausau cop pleads not guilty of trying to kill wife
Green Bay Press-Gazette
November 26, 2007
[Excerpts] A former Wausau police officer pleaded not guilty today to charges accusing him of trying to kill his estranged wife by crashing his pickup truck into a bridge. Chueng Lee, 45, will stand trial for attempted first-degree intentional homicide, aggravated battery and false imprisonment... Shawano County Circuit Judge Thomas Grover set Feb. 12 for the start of a trial... According to court records, Lee threatened to kill Chao Lee, 40, at her Weston home Sept. 18 before she got into his pickup for what he said was a drive to a casino. She said her husband told her, "You want to die in the house so all the kids will be scared or you rather die someplace else?"... Chao Lee, who filed for divorce in March, told investigators that she got into his truck because of those threats and when she tried to fasten her seat belt several times, he repeatedly removed it before the crash into the concrete bridge near Bowler, the complaint said...

Monday, November 26, 2007

[PA] 1 CPRB response to claim that a dv policy would leave officers "terrified"

Tomorrow folks in the City of Pittsburgh are coming together again to make decisions or delays on their proposals for a police domestic violence policy. Though this response to public comments made by police union president Jim Malloy was written last month, it's also timeless.

Mr. President, Honorable Members of Council, Good Morning.

Perhaps among the most compelling reasons to move forward affirmatively is the very substance of the opposition expressed by the Fraternal Order of Police. Mr. Malloy suggests that the ‘guys will be terrified to argue with their wives’ – respectfully, I remind Mr. Malloy that he represents a diverse membership of Pittsburgh police officers, all of whom maintain some relationship that is protected by the domestic abuse laws of the Commonwealth. … be it as a son, a daughter, a brother, a sister, a wife, a husband, a conventional, gay or lesbian partner. Reasonable people simply do not tolerate the disrespect and dehumanization which accompanies domestic abuse.

We have heard the victims seeking the safety of a PFA characterized as vindictive or manipulative people seeking only to make life difficult for the alleged abuser and suggestions that a PFA is only an accusation deserving of little weight. The opposition has come perilously close to invoking the “nuts & sluts” defense. It takes a lot of courage for a victim to seek the protection of a PFA order - it is not a decision made casually.

We have heard from the experts as to the unique nature of domestic violence and law enforcement and the fragile vulnerability of police families.
  • The current measure is an excellent beginning. Weaknesses include the self-reporting aspect of civil or criminal actions against an officer. I recommend some independent verification be conducted by an objective third party, not an internal office staffed by police officers.
  • An annual public report should be provided by the Bureau of police which includes a disclosure of the number of officers involved in DV related incidents, including PFAs.
  • When a court of competent jurisdiction issues a PFA on behalf of a victim the public receive the same protection from the abusive police officer.
  • If personal possession of a weapon is prohibited by a PFA, then the City issued weapon should be withheld as an administrative safeguard to protect the victim and avoid complicity in a heinous act.
Finally, I issue a warning to the City of Pittsburgh that we have some officers whose domestic relations are fraught with abuse and violence. Some incidents have resulted in, or can reasonably be expected to result in serious injury or death of a family member or intimate partner. While they are few, we know they are out there and we know who some of them are. If we fail to adopt a policy to express intolerance for police committed domestic abuse, or do so and fail to enforce it through administrative accountability, then we will truly deserve the devastating aftermath sure to follow the inevitable tragic incident to come.

Last week I shared the stories of several victims of police committed domestic violence. Today, many of them are sitting on your shoulders, particularly Crystal, Tyler and Austin. They wonder if you will be bullied into submission and contribute to the growing list of victims or if they as your better angels will prevail and guide this City toward enlightened respect for police officers and their families.

Thank you.

Elizabeth C. Pittinger
Executive Director
Citizen Police Review Board
10-18-07 City Council

[PA] Officer Walker's reported family abuse signifies no change in Pittsburgh Police modus operandi

How I read what's happening - Pittsburgh Officer Bradley Walker's wife only had MINOR facial cut(s) and swelling and their (reportedly) CHOKED CHILD "was not injured." Walker was let out of jail without having to post bond (how long did he stay in there to cool off?), then returned to WORK. The article that just came out said Walker's return to work angered an unnamed women's group WHILE relaying that THE MAYOR'S OFFICE announced that Walker is now placed on leave and his gun was taken away. (It was the MAYOR last summer who promised a zero-tolerance policy.) I'm assuming a connection between the "angered" women and the change in Walker's job status. I'm presuming that the Mayor's office had a part in taking him off the job, and I have a educated guess that it's not even the chief who makes these calls within Pittsburgh PD, but the police union. Sure, the chief's lips may move - but it's looking more and more like a sock puppet situation where the chief is controlled by a union that says OUT LOUD - and is quoted in the media - that they WILL continue to do things as they always have done them, that their ways are

"written in stone."

Police Officer Accused Of Domestic Abuse On Administrative Leave
Mayor's Office Confirms Status Of Pittsburgh Officer
WPXI.com, PA
November 24, 2007
New details were revealed on Saturday on a Target 11 investigation into a domestic abuse case involving a Pittsburgh police officer. The mayor's office told Target 11 Investigator Rick Earle that Bradley Walker is on administrative leave, and that his gun was taken. Walker was arrested at his home in Esplen Wednesday night, and was charged with two counts of simple assault for allegedly hitting his wife and choking his son. Police told Rick Earle on Friday that Walker was still on duty, angering a local women's group. Pittsburgh City Council will take up the policy regarding domestic violence and Pittsburgh Police officers on Tuesday.

Hearing set for Hill District officer in domestic dispute
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
November 24, 2007
A preliminary hearing is scheduled Tuesday for a city policeman accused of hitting his wife and choking his son during a domestic dispute. Bradley Walker, 41, who is stationed in the Hill District, is charged with two counts of simple assault in the incident, which occurred about 11:30 p.m. Wednesday at his home in Sheraden. His wife suffered a minor cut and swelling on the face where she was hit, according to a Pittsburgh police report. The child was not injured. The criminal complaint states that the couple had been arguing throughout the day over a cell phone. Walker, who was arrested without incident, was arraigned and released on his own recognizance.

This is the chief (left) at the last open meeting on the council president's cop dv policy proposal. I'm almost feeling his pain.
Leaders are in FRONT.
You CAN'T push a rope.
You MANAGE or you GET managed.

WHO is in charge?
Look for the ROOT CAUSE problem.
They are the little men behind the curtain projecting exaggerated shadows of themselves upon the wall, rustling their leather belts, and using baritone amplified voices to say, the way we do it is

"written in stone."

So what does the initial handling of Officer Bradley Walker's arrest appear to signify from afar? I'm on the other side of the country. And what I'm about to say is only my IMPRESSION:

The police department has made no progress in these six months, and their offer of a policy is a facade, most likely craftily worded to protect themselves from having to take any action against any officer that would jeopardize his career in law enforcement. Mrs. Walker's FACE was CUT and SWOLLEN and Pittsburgh Police LET HIM KEEP HIS GUN AND GO RIGHT BACK ON THE JOB.

What could this proposed policy of theirs possibly say that is genuine?

Fire the brass and toss out the union members on their ass. Whoops. I was daydreaming and typing out loud. REPLACE OR RESTORE LEADERSHIP to the police department. DETHRONE the police union as the monarchy rulers of the city. FACE that this police department is not ready to police itself, and mandate that the Citizen's Police Review Board be included in the process of at LEAST reviewing the policy that will outline how domestic violence situations involving officers will be handled. BUILD into the process automatic outside review of cases, even if that panel - including citizens not connected to city government -has no authority, because there will then at least be record of what has happened.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Timeless truth: "What it takes is a commitment from the highest level..."



New York Times
November 1, 1998
...A review of department records shows that officers found guilty of domestic abuse in administrative proceedings are rarely fired... Already this year, the Police Department has received 821 complaints of domestic abuse by officers... Donald Sheehan of the FBI, a special agent coordinating the bureau's effort to reduce family violence by officers, said:
"New York hasn't been able to get a grip on the problem. What it takes is a commitment from the highest level of the department, and we just haven't seen that yet."

[MI] EMT Gibson kills wife Ladora, self - wounds young son

Police: Off-duty EMT kills wife, self
Detroit News
George Hunter
November 25, 2007
Police are working today to determine why an emergency medical technician fatally shot his wife and wounded his 9-year-old son a day before killing himself... Gibson fatally shot his wife, Ladora Gibson, when he fired a gun into her car on Kelly Road near Saratoga Street. Bullet fragments also struck the couple's 9-year-old old son in the stomach, although he was expected to recover... "That's the number one concern at this point: we hope the boy will recover"... Gibson's problems apparently stemmed from a problem at home... Ladora Gibson had been staying with relatives recently because of a domestic dispute...

Police investigate apparent murder-suicide
Detroit Free Press
November 25, 2007
It began as a fatal shooting on Detroit's east side, turned into manhunt in Sterling Heights and ended with a suicide in downtown Detroit. That's how police describe an apparent murder-suicide that left a Sterling Heights couple dead and their 9-year-old son injured. The couple -- LaDora Gibson, 38, and Anthony Gibson, 41 -- were headed to a relative's home in Detroit when Anthony Gibson shot his wife, killing her... "I don't know what transpired between them to cause the shooting," said Deputy Chief Joyce Motley of the Eastern District, where the first shooting occurred. The couple had more than one child -- neither Charbeneau, the neighbor, nor Motley knew how many -- but they weren't in the car when Gibson shot himself. Police are still investigating.

[GA] Unnamed officer - stalking & false imprisonment

Police Officer Arrested, Charged
Chris Sweigart
A Holly Springs police officer has been arrested and charged with stalking, false imprisonment, and violation of his oath of office. The police department will not disclose which of their 15 officers is being investigated or release any details about the charges. They have confirmed that an arrest was made and that the officer was out on bond Saturday. Holly Springs Police have also launched an internal affairs investigation.

(I get the feeling they are protecting more than the officer's name.)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

[WI] Lone survivor of Deputy Peterson's deadly dv rampage

Mother of Crandon Shooting Survivor Tells Her Son's Story
By Elizabeth Ries
Nov 22, 2007
The mother of the lone survivor of last month's deadly shootings in Crandon is speaking out about her son's recovery. Charlie Nietzel and seven other people were shot in an apartment house by 20-year-old Tyler Peterson, an off-duty sheriff's deputy and Crandon police officer, after Peterson argued with his ex-girlfriend. Investigators say Peterson later killed himself during a standoff in nearby Argonne. Neitzel is still recovering from his injuries. Carole Neitzel recently wrote about what her family is going through in an email to the local newspaper on November 6th. She included a recent picture of Charlie and said, "He is in a full arm cast from his shoulder down to his knuckles of his fingers. He essentially has no elbow. The bullet shattered several inches of the bone so severely that the doctor has nothing to work with to stabilize it." While Charlie can't put any weight on his injured foot for up to six more months, there is some good news about his recovery. "He flexed his calf muscle and wiggled his toes!! That is HUGE in that his foot has been essentially dead since the bullet damaged the sciatic nerve in his leg," his mother wrote. "We didn't know to what extent it was damaged and now the doctor says we know it is not completely severed"... (Full article here)

Charlie Neitzel Medical Fund
Laona State Bank
P.O. Box 395
Crandon, WI 54520


Photo display is from Sonia's page on myspace:

How BIG, how BAD, can Sonia's killer BE?
How thick, how wide is the blue wall?
How gender specific - that even killing an officer
can be done quietly?

If justice cannot move swiftly for a slain officer of the law
what are the rules?

What isn't being said out loud?
Wives of officers - FIERCE to defend their men and their husband's department - are often murdered with no one from the police department showing up at her funeral. No officers. No wives. No uniforms to be seen. Wives of officers think they are in the family until they divorce or are beaten. Then the door closes and they find themselves outside the wall, despised and shunned. Shocked, disoriented, and stunned.
If they are killed, every effort is made to not let it reflect on the department - and if possible, not reflect on the officer. She killed herself. She was coming at him with a knife. She drowned in an empty tub, lacerated and bruised from what must have been a fall.

She disappeared, probably ran off with another man.
And her people keep searching
and searching.

And if it can be pulled off, life goes on.

There are exceptions. I see their faces too.

I am the keeper of the stories.
I tell you it's the way it usually goes.

But now comes Sonia, an officer herself. Does her being a woman determine the sloth and silence after her murder? If her NYPD fiance' had been slain while alone in the house with her, dead from her "recently fired" department issued service weapon,

and if she had been just getting out of the shower - all blood spatter and gun residue washed away - as the police who she called arrived,
would she still be free two months later?

It is very hard to imagine that she would.
And if a slain officer cannot find timely justice
what hope is there
for the rest of us?

I try to think the best, but I am recalling / deliberately resurrecting the murder of Annette Perez.

Officer Investigated in Slaying of Woman
August 25, 1995
A police officer in the Bronx is under investigation in the weekend shooting death of a pregnant woman believed to have been his girlfriend... The officer, Anthony Nieves, 30, of the 41st Precinct, was placed on desk duty yesterday, his gun and shield having been taken from him earlier... About the same time as the officer was placed on desk duty, funeral services were held for the woman, Annette Perez, 25. The services came the day after relatives and friends held a candlelight vigil outside the 41st Precinct station house, demanding action against Officer Nieves...

August 25th 1995
...Officer Anthony Nieves, 30, was stripped of his gun and badge and placed on modified assignment after the victim's family held the vigil, calling for justice. Police spokesman Tom Kelly said the action against Nieves was "in the best interest of the department." THE ACTION WAS TAKEN AFTER SOME 60 FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF THE SLAIN WOMAN GATHERED WEDNESDAY NIGHT OUTSIDE THE 41ST PRECINCT in the South Bronx where the cop works...


August 22th 1996
Annette Perez was only days from giving birth to her second child when she was shot to death in her Bronx apartment a year ago. As the anniversary of her death passed, her anguished family is demanding answers about why the case remains unsolved. They plan to hold a vigil Sunday outside the 46th Precinct stationhouse, and say they will not rest until Perez' killer is brought to justice. Perez, 25, died on Aug. 19, 1995, from two gunshot wounds to the head. The unborn baby also did not survive... "If they were so suspicious of him in the beginning, why hasn't he been arrested?" asked Norma Rosario, 55, the victim's distraught mother...


WHEN ABUSE WEARS BLUE: A special report;
New York Police Lag in Fighting Domestic Violence by Officers
November 1, 1998
In the fall of 1995, Officer Anthony Nieves was accused of two offenses that could hardly have been more different. Already a suspect in the murder of one girlfriend, he was arrested for harassing another. Then he was caught, while off duty, sprinting onto the field at Yankee Stadium to high-five a player. Yet when police officials considered the incidents, they imposed punishments that could hardly have been more similar. His antics at the stadium earned him a 30-day suspension. Harassing his girlfriend earned him a 29-day suspension... Already this year, the Police Department said it had received 821 complaints of domestic abuse by officers, from threats to actual assaults... In the Nieves case, the officer was punished no more severely for the abuse complaint than for the ball park prank, even though his girlfriend said she had been terrified when he scaled her fire escape and broke the window to her apartment after a fight. When he was disciplined, police administrators who made the decision held personnel records showing that he had been placed on modified duty because he was a suspect in the murder of a previous girlfriend. Officer Nieves, who was never charged in the murder, has since been returned to full duty... "You kind of wonder, what will it take to finally make them deal with this?" said Dr. Pamm, of the Mayor's Task Force on Domestic Violence. "I mean, how many bodies do they need before they realize it is a major problem?"

Previous entries:
- FAREWELL SONIA - September 30, 2007
- [NYPD] Sad clue in the murder of Precinct Princess Officer Sonia Garcia - October 05, 2007
[rant police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder cop-on-cop new york state politics]

Friday, November 23, 2007

[FL] Chief's wife Martha Pichardo bruised after tactical take down

...allegedly grabbed his wife by her arms and slammed her onto the mattress... then grabbed her by the arms... pushing her against the headboard and placing his forehead on hers while applying pressure...

CUTLER BAY Richard J. Pichardo, Police Chief
Town of Cutler Bay Police
10720 Caribbean Blvd., Ste 105
Cutler Bay, FL 33189

Miami Herald
Wed, Nov. 21, 2007
Arrested on a misdemeanor battery charge: Miami-Dade police Maj. Richard Pichardo, who commands the town of Cutler Bay's department of police. Wife Martha told investigators that they argued Sunday and she refused to give him the keys to their vehicle because "he was highly intoxicated"... The incident ended when he became ill and fell asleep...

Top Cutler Bay cop is accused of assaulting his wife
Beautiful City
21 November 2007
According to news reports top Cutler Bay police officer is accused of assaulting his wife during a domestic dispute at their residence early Saturday morning. Major Richard Pichardo, 43, was arrested Monday at his home... Pichardo's wife, Martha, told Miami-Dade police the couple was arguing in their vehicle about domestic issues. The altercation escalated when they arrived home and she refused to give Pichardo his keys, claiming he was too drunk to drive... Pichardo allegedly grabbed his wife by her arms and slammed her onto the mattress, causing her to fall off the bed onto the bedroom floor... Pichardo then grabbed her by the arms and placed her onto the bed, pushing her against the headboard and placing his forehead on hers while applying pressure. Again, Pichardo requested his keys, the report said... Pichardo's wife had a minor bruise on her upper right tricep that was consistent with her story... Pichardo was charged with simple domestic battery and transported to a Miami-Dade County jail...

[OH] Deputy's wife, Amber Pierce: "He grabbed me by the throat ..."

..."He grabbed me by the throat and pushed me against a building. He took my cell phone out of my hand and threw it behind the house"... Amber Pierce had redness on her neck when they arrived...

Deputy spends T-Day in jail
Cincinnati Enquirer, OH
November 23
A fight over going to grandpa's for Thanksgiving dinner ended up with a Hamilton County sheriff's deputy behind bars. Jarrod Pierce, 28, of Norwood, a deputy who works at the Hamilton County Justice Center, was in court today charged with domestic violence. His wife... Amber Pierce told police her husband was driving the car and ordered her out at a stop sign. She got out and was in the process of getting the children out of the car when she said Pierce started to pull the car away, almost knocking her and her daughter down. After that, she said Pierce backed the car down the street to where she was. "He grabbed me by the throat and pushed me against a building. He took my cell phone out of my hand and threw it behind the house," she told police. Police at the scene noted Amber Pierce had redness on her neck when they arrived... Pierce was ordered held today on a $10,000 bond and ordered to stay away from his wife.

[TX] SWAT STANDOFF: Ex-cop holds ex-wfe at gunpoint

...Police initially tried to break down the front door unsuccessfully because it was barricaded...

Former officer ends standoff peacefully
Houston Chronicle
Nov. 22, 2007
A former law enforcement officer [David James Vitrella] was in police custody after a five-hour standoff with SWAT officers Wednesday at a Near Northside duplex where his ex-wife was visiting... The former officer, whom police would not identity, broke into the home... His ex-wife and one of her male co-workers, who lived at the house, were inside. The man escaped and called police... the former officer, armed with a handgun, had his ex-wife in a bedroom... Police negotiated with the man... and the two came out peacefully about 6 p.m.

Hostage Standoff Ends Peacefully in Northwest Houston
Wednesday, 21 Nov 2007
...A man [David James Vitrella] was holding his ex-wife hostage at gunpoint... SWAT team officers from Houston Police Department were called. Police initially tried to break down the front door unsuccessfully because it was barricaded... Deputies talked with the suspect through a bullet-proof ballistic blanket at some points and by telephone other times...

[WA] Ocean Shores Officer Elmore arrested for assault, domestic violence

Police have arrested an Ocean Shores police officer for investigation of fourth-degree assault and domestic violence. Jeffrey Elmore, 50, was arrested at his Aberdeen home on Wednesday afternooon, accused of assaulting a child who lives in his home. The incident took place on Nov. 18, but was not reported to Child Protective Services until Wednesday. The details of the allegations are not known. Elmore is being held in the Aberdeen City Jail.

[MI] Internal investigation follows Sgt. Flocken's dv arrest

Ann Arbor sergeant charged with domestic assault
The Ann Arbor News
Art Aisner
November 23, 2007
An Ann Arbor police sergeant was arrested for domestic assault earlier this week and has now been placed on administrative leave, officials said. Sgt. Craig Flocken, 41, was arraigned Wednesday on one count of domestic assault, according to officials with the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department. He was freed later that day on bond... An internal investigation is under way...

[IL] Sgt. Peterson says he's a very misunderstood man

...Peterson denies allegations that he threatened to kill three of his four wives...

Ex-Cop to Missing Wife: 'Make Yourself Seen'
Drew Peterson Tells ABC News He Was 'Controlling' But Not Abusive
Nov. 20, 2007
[Excerpts] Drew Peterson says he's a very misunderstood man. Since the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson, Oct. 28, all eyes have been on the 53-year-old police sergeant. He's been named a suspect in her disappearance, and the drowning death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, is being called a homicide by a forensic pathologist. Now, he says, he wants to tell his side of the story and send a message to Stacy... Peterson admits that if he was an outsider hearing about the case, "I'd look at me as a bad guy." But, he told ABC News' Barbara Pinto, he's not the bad guy. "Basically, I'm a good person. I do good things." Peterson says the fact that he has not joined the massive search for his 23-year-old wife is nothing sinister. "Why would I go search for someone who I don't believe is there? Why would I go beat the weeds in the cold? It's a waste of time"... Peterson denies allegations that he threatened to kill three of his four wives. Peterson's second wife, Vicky Connolly, told the Chicago Tribune that during their marriage, Peterson told her he could kill her and make it look like an accident. "The ex-wives saying such a thing, they're getting even I would say," he said. "For me divorcing them or cheating on them or whatever"... Peterson says he and his four children have been prisoners in their own home for weeks. He said he told them "that their mom's on vacation and they understand. They're OK with that." Peterson said he just wants the media circus to end. But a few hours after he spoke to Pinto, he was on his porch being photographed for People magazine.

[LA] Another dead-in-the-bathtub officer's wife: Cynthia Wallace Welch


...[Shreveport police officer Michael] Welch is a widower. His wife died this past January in what was determined to be a suicide using Welch's department-issue pistol. Cynthia Welch, 30, was found in the bathtub of the couple's mobile home with a gunshot wound to the head...


The Shreveport Times
January 25, 2007
Welch, Cynthia Wallace, 30, of Shreveport, died Sunday; services at 2 p.m. today at Brookwood Baptist Church, Shreveport; burial in Centuries Memorial Park Cemetery, Shreveport; arrangements by Rose-Neath Funeral Home, Southside Drive, Shreveport.
(Newsbank Record Number: shr36575539)

That would make her date of said-death January 21st, 2007.



Officer will lose job if convicted of domestic violence
KTBS, LA - Nov 20, 2007
The Shreveport police officer arrested Monday after a fight with his girlfriend could lose his job if convicted of domestic battery because he would be prohibited from carrying a gun. Michael Welch, 31, hit his girlfriend early Monday after she had taken his pickup for two days, police said. Welch is a widower. His wife died this past January in what was determined to be a suicide using Welch's department-issue pistol. Cynthia Welch, 30, was found in the bathtub of the couple's mobile home with a gunshot wound to the head, police said. Welch was placed on leave while detectives and the coroner investigated, then returned to duty, Police Department spokeswoman Kacee Hargrave said. Welch, a patrolman, is currently on paid administrative leave while the Police Department's Internal Affairs Division investigates the incident involving his girlfriend. He posted bond on the domestic violence charge and was released from jail, officials said. Monday's fight revolved around Welch's girlfriend, Crystal Nicholas, not returning his truck, police said. He had reported it stolen after she didn't call him. Nicholas, 27, brought it back to the mobile home they shared and the fight ensued, police said. Welch has not been arraigned on the charge. Nicholas was arrested for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.

Previous entry:
[LA] Officer Welch and girlfriend arrested

[police officer involved domestic violence law enforcement fatality fatalities murder louisianna state fake suicide unsolved or unresolved]

Thursday, November 22, 2007

[OH] BIG Sgt Nyerges' terroristic threats to wife of murder-suicide DROPPED

...Rocky River Prosecutor Michael O’Shea told [Visiting Judge Mary Grace] Trimboli, “we don’t want to lock Mr. Nyerges up”... Nyerges was also charged with domestic violence; however, that charge was dropped...

(See comments section for excerpts from older news)

Police officer sentenced to probation, ordered to pay fines
Westlake West Life, OH
By Ben Saylor
Nov. 21, 2007
Bay Village Police Sgt. Warren Nyerges was sentenced to two years probation and ordered to pay $175 in fines last Friday for drug abuse and harboring a dangerous animal. The dangerous animal charge stemmed from a June 6 INCIDENT WHEN ROCKY RIVER POLICE RESPONDED TO AN INCIDENT DURING WHICH NYERGES ALLEGEDLY THREATENED TO KILL HIMSELF, his wife and her dog. Police found a five-foot alligator in Nyerges’ garage. A subsequent search of Nyerges’ home led to the discovery of tablets that tests revealed to be Oxymetholone, a steroid commonly referred to as anadrol that is used by athletes and bodybuilders to gain body mass... The sentence was handed down last Friday morning from Visiting Judge Mary Grace Trimboli. Rocky River Municipal Court Judges Maureen Adler Gravens and Donna Congeni Fitzsimmons both recused themselves from the case due to their past work with Nyerges in law enforcement and community matters... One concern brought up during the sentencing hearing was the [FORTY] firearms confiscated from Nyerges’ home. Seewald informed the court that an arrangement has been made for the guns to be transferred into the custody of a third party. The firearms will then be sold at gun shows. ROCKY RIVER PROSECUTOR MICHAEL O’SHEA TOLD TRIMBOLI, “WE DON’T WANT TO LOCK MR. NYERGES UP.” O’SHEA ADDED, “I JUST WANT MR. NYERGES TO BE CLEAR THAT WE’RE NOT GOING TO TOLERATE ANY MORE OF THIS BIZARRE BEHAVIOR, AND IF WE DO, WE’LL BE BACK HERE.” The probation period prohibits Nyerges from accessing firearms, orders him to undergo a full substance abuse assessment and follow all recommendations from it, inform the court of any change of address, abstain from all drug and alcohol abuse and also be subject random drug screenings, Trimboli said. Should Nyerges violate any of these conditions, he will be ordered to serve 60 days in jail, the maximum sentence allowed for the drug abuse charge. He was fined $100 for the drug abuse charge and $75 for the dangerous animal charge. O’Shea said the sentence “was exactly what we wanted to have happen”... Seewald said of the sentence, “I’m happy with the resolution…I think they did the right thing.” Nyerges was also charged with domestic violence; however, that charge was dropped. He is currently using up his accumulated vacation and sick days. Once they have been used up, Seewald said, “I believe that we have worked out an accomodation with Bay Village that will allow my client to receive what remains of his benefits, and then he will sever his relationship with the Bay Village Police Department.” Nyerges is currently awaiting word on whether he will receive disability benefits from the Ohio Police and Firemen’s Pension Fund.

Article excerpts from older articles that are in comments section below:

...Nyerges' wife reported that he threatened to kill her, her dogs and himself... Nyerges was released from the hospital after being found stable and to not pose a risk to himself or others... They also said they found and confiscated more than 40 guns and knives along with ammunition... City officials acknowledged there have been some problems with Nyerges over the last two years... "We've been watching him," said Mayor Debbie Sutherland. "There's been several incidents which caused us concern involving the officer." Police Chief David Wright, who has headed the department for nearly 12 years, said the department has tried to do its duty and protect people while also trying to deal with and help Nyerges. "There appears to have been erratic behavior both in his professional and personal life"... Nyerges' personnel file showed that this is not the first time his behavior has been a concern. In 2006, his first wife, Barb Richards, came to the police station and told Lt. Slepecky that she feared for her safety and the safety of others because of Nyerges' actions... "He is having problems with his heart and is seeking the disability as a result"...

[IL] Lt. Ruckrich's ex must be sleeping very lightly

Oak Lawn Cops Arrest UIC Police Officer
21 November 2007
OAK LAWN - A 22-year veteran of the University of Illinois at Chicago police force was placed on administrative leave pending an internal investigation after his arrest Saturday by Oak Lawn police, according to authorities. Oak Lawn police reportedly first encountered Lt. George Ruckrich on Friday about 2:30 a.m. after receiving a 911 call from a 41-year-old woman who said there was an intruder in her home... Police described the woman as Ruckrich's ex-girlfriend. Officers responding to the call stopped Ruckrich in the area but could not place him in the woman's home and let him go, according to Oak Lawn Division Chief Mike Kaufmann, who said an investigation into the incident is ongoing. Police received another call from the woman's home Saturday about 6:15 p.m. after her 20-year-old son reported seeing a man peering into his bedroom window. Once again, officers responded and stopped Ruckrich in the area. This time, he was identified by the son as the man who had been looking into his window, according to police. [AND WHAT?] On Monday, a judge dismissed a charge of domestic-related disorderly conduct against Ruckrich as a result of what Kaufmann called a "technicality." Late Tuesday afternoon, Kaufmann reported police were planning to meet with prosecutors Wednesday to revise the charge to simple disorderly conduct... The woman received an order of protection against Ruckrich on Tuesday...

Police Powers University Of Illinois @ Chicago Police Department Under the provisions of chapter 110, section 305/7, Illinois Compiled Statutes 1992, members of the Police Department are peace officers. University police have all the powers possessed by police in cities and by sheriffs, including the power to make arrests on view and on warrants of violations of state statutes and city or county ordinances.

[GA] Theresa Parker & OTHER missing police officer's wives

...the lead investigator says he has touched base with several other states where spouses married to police officers ended up missing...

Parker Missing For Eight Months
John Madewell
November 21, 2007
For eight months now, a number of law agencies have been searching for missing dispatcher Theresa Parker. So far, there have been no arrests in the case and no sign of Theresa but her family refuses to give up hope. Today marks not only eight months since Parker disappeared, but also the first Thanksgiving for Parker's family without her. And they have noticed the eerie similarities to the Stacy Peterson case in Illinois. In that case, Drew Peterson's fourth wife, Stacy, has been missing now for almost a month. And his third wife's body has been exhumed. The autopsy ruled her cause of death as probable homicide, not accidental drowning as first ruled. And Drew Peterson was a police officer in Bolingbrook, Illinois before he was fired. Back in Georgia, Theresa Parker's estranged husband Sam Parker remains the only person of interest. He too was fired from the LaFayette police department...for an unrelated reason. Theresa Parker's mother and sister have taken notice of the Peterson similarities. Christina Hall called the similarities eerie, "I see it too, I really do. I see it and I hurt for the family too because I know exactly what they're going through. It's all too similar, it really is." The GBI says it has not contacted Illinois authorities because they are swamped with this case. However, the lead investigator says he has touched base with several other states where spouses married to police officers ended up missing.

Previous entry:
[GA] Reward offered for finding officer's wife, 911 dispatcher Theresa Parker

[CO] Poor Heather - executed wife of Officer Garraus

I never say "hate," but I hate this case. I'll be glad when I hit "publish" and can go on to something else. The only decent person in this maggot nest of criminal and or slutty law folks is the one told to get on her knees to be shot. Killed.

Poor Heather.

Heather's police officer husband was sexing up a deputy's wife (who was also a dispatcher) who ended up having the police officer's baby. The deputy's wife sleeping with Heather's cop husband decided to kill Heather. The murderer to-be had a friend - a former deputy herself - who helped the deputy's wife plan the execution-style murder of Heather, including offering her cop forensic wisdoms about how to hide the evidence and set it up. The murder happened as Heather left work. The murderer's deputy husband also is charged with trying to mess with the evidence. That's all enough to make anyone sick.

Poor Heather.

Trial date set in Greeley murder case

By Monte Whaley
The Denver Post
11/21/2007 03:54:39 PM MST
What could be Greeley's most outrageous murder trial in recent memory is set to begin Feb. 19, when Shawna Nelson faces allegations that she shot and killed romantic rival Heather Garraus, the wife of her police-officer lover... Nelson's best friend - former Weld County deputy Michelle Moore - was arrested this week on charges that she helped plot with Nelson to kill Garraus in January. The victim was married to Ignacio Garraus, who carried on a two-year affair with Nelson that produced a baby boy. Nelson was married to Ken Nelson, a sheriff's... Both Ignacio Garraus and Ken Nelson have left their old jobs. A pre-trial hearing is set Jan. 25. The two-week trial will be in Larimer County, where Klein hopes a jury can be empaneled that has not been tainted by the massive publicity the case has drawn... (Full article here)

Officer involved in case lived with murder suspect
Dan Boniface , Web Producer
The woman arrested on Tuesday in connection to the January murder of Heather Garraus was living with an officer who was involved in the case. Greeley Police say 26-year-old Michelle Dawn Moore of Windsor, who is a former Weld County Sheriff's deputy, was living with Greeley Police officer Tim Young during and after the murder of Garraus. Investigators say 37-year-old Garraus was fatally shot execution-style outside the Colorado State Credit Union on January 23 as she left work. Soon after, Shawna Nelson was arrested and charged with first-degree murder and two counts of a crime of violence. According to the arrest affidavit, Nelson, who is accused of pulling the trigger, had discussed her intent to the kill Garraus with Moore prior to the murder. Moore, who is the best friend of Nelson, was booked on conspiracy to commit first-degree murder and criminal attempted first-degree murder on Tuesday. Officials say Shawna Nelson and Ignacio Garraus, Heather Garruas' husband, had a three-year affair and conceived a child together. Ignacio Garraus is a former Greeley Police officer... during a conversation roughly a month before the murder, Nelson told Moore she was going to shoot Garraus in the head when she left the credit union and that she would drive her husband, Ken Nelson's truck because her own vehicle would be easily identified. Shawna Nelson's husband Ken, also a former sheriff's deputy, has been charged with tampering with evidence... Moore told detectives about subsequent conversations in which the two women talked about how to avoid being caught. Moore admitted to giving Shawna advice on how to commit the crime saying she would need to disguise herself and also that she should wear gloves and cover her hair to avoid leaving DNA at the scene. Moore also suggested muzzling the gunshots and picking up her shell casings before the leaving the scene. They also discussed leaving "misleading" evidence at the scene such as someone else's DNA, according to the affidavit... Moore met with Nelson the day before the murder on January 22. The intent was to kill Heather Garraus on this day, according to the affidavit and that Nelson gave Moore crushed Ambien to put in Ken Nelson's coffee so that he'd sleep at the house through the whole incident... (Full article here)

[NJ] Police Chief Kennedy won't be prosecuted for domestic violence

Previous entry: [NJ] Police Chief Kennedy on "vacation" after wife reports dv

Prosecutor: Insufficient Evidence on Sea Isle Chief, Responding Officers
Cape May County Herald

By Joe Hart
[Excerpts] According to the county Prosecutor’s Office, insufficient evidence exists to pursue criminal prosecution in the domestic violence case involving Sea Isle City’s Chief of Police William Kennedy. Prosecutor Robert Taylor announced Nov. 21 that his office concluded an internal affairs investigation into the Oct. 16 incident, in which Kennedy’s wife Phyllis filed a restraining order against the chief. According to a press release, the scope of this investigation was limited solely to the domestic violence incident and response by members of the Sea Isle City Police Department. In addition to clearing the chief, investigators found “no evidence of misconduct on the part of the responding officers”... According to the release, “specific details of the investigation cannot be released due to its status as internal affairs, however, the completed investigation is being returned to the City for review and whatever administrative and/or disciplinary action the City deems appropriate”... (Full article here)

Prosecutor's Office clears Kennedy
An independent investigation of the police chief ordered by Sea Isle City continues

The Press of Atlantic City
By BRIAN IANIERI 609-463-6713
November 22, 2007
[Excerpts] ...It is not the end of the investigation into Kennedy. Sea Isle City hired an independent investigator to determine if the chief violated any city policies or procedures and if the city should seek any administrative or disciplinary action following his wife's allegations... "It has been determined that at the present time there is insufficient evidence to pursue a criminal prosecution with regard to the domestic violence incident," [County Prosecutor Robert] Taylor said in a statement issued Wednesday. "Further, there is no evidence of misconduct on the part of the responding officers and that the procedures followed were consistent with the Attorney General's Guidelines on police response procedures in domestic violence cases"... Phyllis Kennedy said Wednesday she dialed Sea Isle City police one night in October after arguments with her husband. "I knew it was an internal thing, but my point when I went to the Prosecutor's Office was I didn't know what my rights were," she said. "They told me they would still investigate it due to the fact it was the chief of Sea Isle and it was his own men that were called to the scene"... Chief Kennedy could not be reached Wednesday. He has previously said he would not comment on allegations his wife made because of a court-order barring third-party communication with his wife... (Full article here)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

[NM] NOT in any news search results: Shooting of cop's wife Tera Chavez

Blogger from Eye on Albuquerque discussed this last month (see below article) and may have helped to bring this case into the public's view. It could have just been YET ANOTHER "suicide" by the intimate partner of a law enforcement officer. 

OMI pulls suicide ruling in death of cop's wife
Nov 20, 2007
An Albuquerque Police Department officer was put on leave today after medical investigators determined his wife's death may not be a suicide after all. Tera Chavez was found dead next to her husband's department-issued handgun, a 9 mm Glock... Tera Chavez, 26, was found shot in the head. A small amount of marijuana was found with her. On Nov. 8 the Office of the Medical Investigator ruled the cause of death to be suicide. But KRQE News 13 has learned one week later the cause was changed to "undetermined" because of something revealed in the autopsy as well as new details uncovered by the Valencia County Sheriff's Department... After just returning to APD from bereavement leave, he is now on paid leave pending the outcome of the investigation that is now starting from scratch again... We've learned that Levi Chavez was having an affair with another officer in APD's Internal Affairs department. That will also be investigated to see if it played a role in Tera Chavez's death At this point Levi Chavez has not been named a suspect, and no one else has been charged...


Bottom of the Barrel
Blogspot: Eye on Albuquerque
Monday, October 29, 2007
[EXCERPT] ...A story that has not made the papers is the story of Officer Levi Chavez. Chavez is a lateral officer from the Los Lunas Police Department. According to our eyes officer Chavez's wife discovered that her husband was having an affair. Tragically, her response was to take her own life. Normally we wouldn't be talking about a suicide. It's always a shame when someone takes their own life and we apologize for even bringing it up. However according to our Eyes, Mrs. Chavez's untimely death lead to an investigation and an authorized search of the Chavez residence; a search that uncovered a substantial amount of marijuana and the paraphernalia required to make use of the afore mentioned illegal substance. Of course Officer Chavez denies knowing anything about the stash and you can guess who he threw under the bus. We hasten to remind you that everyone even police officers, are innocent until proven guilty and we really hope that APD's badges aren't being used to hide some fairly despicable individuals. We also firmly believe that most sworn officers at APD are honest, hard-working, and most importantly honorable...