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Monday, August 25, 2014

[MI] Officer Chambers alleged "mistress" shot by Mrs. Chambers. (Police wonder if it was accidental?)

Cop's Wife Shoots Reported Mistress After Finding Woman Overnight With Husband On Boat
Kim Craig
Aug 20, 2014
[Excerpts] Detroit Police Officer Kevin Chambers, 58, was on the boat with his reported mistress when his wife walked in carrying her 38 caliber revolver... We're told Detroit Police investigators are trying to get to the bottom of exactly happened next... Detroit Police say their investigators are trying to determine if the shooting was intentional or an accident... Police had told Action News that the officer's wife was locked up pending a possible arraignment, but we learned late Wednesday afternoon that the officer's wife was not in custody and had not been arrested... they don't have probable cause to think it was anything other than an accident. Police say they are investigating the possibility that officer Chambers tried to grab his wife's gun and it accidentally discharged causing a round to strike his reported mistress... [Full article here]

A 4a.m. accidental shooting at their boat's marina when his wife finds him with another woman? They what - wrestled for the gun? Was he the intended target? Why is he still an officer after his unpaid suspension in 2006 and after the felony warrant for him in 2008 (see below)? How many years did Officer Chambers spend on unpaid suspension besides the time we know about (see below)? How many unreported incidents has he had if these incidents that I could find are so under-reported? And one more time - how is he still an officer?

DETROIT POLICE OFFICER KEVIN CHAMBERS had some kind of [fleeing police, running red lights, speeding at 120mph during chase, being in possession of brass knuckles, failing alcohol test] problems in 2008 - resulting in a felony warrant and at that time Kevin Chambers had been suspended without pay from the Detroit Police Department for at least a year and a half in connection with Chambers having FIRED SHOTS in 2006 - off duty? domestic? at home? We don't know.:

Minutes of the Regular Detroit Board of Police Commissioners Meeting
Thursday, May 22, 2008

On May 16, 2008, the Internal Affairs Alert Team received notification to respond to the Northwestern District regarding the arrest of Police Officer Kevin Chambers, badge 85, assigned to Tactical Mobile for fleeing and eluding, carrying a concealed weapon and operating while impaired. It should be noted that Officer Chambers has been suspended without pay since November 16, 2006 on Force Investigation Case #06-091 for an off duty incident where he fired shots.

 A review of the Arrest Report prepared by Police Officers Daniel Sitarski, badge 2098, and Stanley Kropik, badge 775, both assigned to the Northwestern District, revealed that at approximately 5:50 A.M., on May 16, 2008, while on routine patrol in the area of Evergreen and Grand River, they observed a person, later identified as Officer Chambers, operating a Harley Davidson Motorcycle at a high rate of speed and disregarding a red light.

The officers attempted to perform a traffic stop, but Officer Chambers sped off exceeding speeds of 120mph. The officers activated their overhead lights and siren and pursued Officer Chambers. Officer Chambers disregarded two more traffic signals and the chased was terminated by Sergeant Harold Ashford; badge S-526, assigned to the Northwestern District. The officers continued on Grand River and observed the motorcycle on the ground at Berg and Grand River and Officer Chambers attempting to pick it up. The officers ordered Officer Chambers to the ground and he was placed in handcuffs. The officers conducted a pat down for offensive weapons and found that Officer Chambers was in possession of brass knuckles. Additionally, the officers detected the odor of intoxicants on Officer Chambers and he was administered Field Sobriety Tests at the scene, which he failed.

 Once at the Northwestern District, Officer Chambers was administered a Breathalyzer Test by Police Officer Darryl Bennett, badge 4320, assigned to the Northwestern District, and the result was a blood alcohol content of.08.

 Officer Chambers was advised of his constitutional rights (Miranda) and he refused to make a statement.

 On this same date, an Investigator’s Report was presented to Wayne County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney (APA) Robert Donaldson naming Officer Chambers as the defendant. APA Donaldson advised Internal Affairs that the warrant would be adjourned to May 19, 2008.

On May 19, 2008, APA Thomas Dawson recommended charging Officer Chamber with one count of Fleeing and Eluding – Third Degree, one count of Possession of a Dangerous Weapon, one count of Operating While Impaired and one (1) count of Reckless Driving. On this same date, Magistrate Millicent Sherman, of the 36th District Court signed felony warrant #08 060420 for the recommended charges.

Based upon the above facts and circumstances, it is recommended that Officer Chambers be charged with, but not limited to, the following violation of the department Rules and Regulations:


Due to the seriousness of the conduct, I am requesting your concurrence with the suspension of Police Officer Kevin Chambers without pay, effective May 22, 2008.

Exec Dir Goss stated there are no arguments on this case because it is a felony.

Unless contravened by this Board the suspension without pay shall stand. There were no contraventions.  [PDF document here]

Minutes of the Regular Detroit Board of Police Commissioners Meeting
Friday, May 30, 2008
[Excerpt] ...OLD BUSINESS
Comm. Hampton stated he has read and familiarized himself with the recommended petitions that were presented on May 15, 2008, and May 22, 2008. He concurred with the suspension without pay for... PO Kevin Chambers, Badge 85. Exec Dir. Goss stated unless contravened by this Board the suspension without pay shall stand. There were no contraventions... [Full PDF here]

Minutes of the Regular Detroit Board of Police Commissioners Meeting
Friday, May 30, 2008
[Excerpt] ...OLD BUSINESS
Comm. Hampton stated he has read and familiarized himself with the recommended petitions that were presented on May 15, 2008, and May 22, 2008. He concurred with the suspension without pay for... PO Kevin Chambers, Badge 85. Exec Dir. Goss stated unless contravened by this Board the suspension without pay shall stand. There were no contraventions... [Full PDF here]

[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal female perp HX michigan state politics]

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

[NM] State Police Officer Vigil arrested on felony domestic

...[New Mexico State Police Officer Isaac] Vigil was brought to the Police Department by his commanding officers...
[Excerpts] New Mexico State Police have confirmed that the Tucumcari Police Department is filing domestic violence charges against an NMSP Officer. Officer Isaac Vigil has been placed on administrative leave for an internal investigation. While on leave, Vigil will not be allowed to perform police duties and has turned in his vehicle, firearm and badge... [Full article here]

[Excerpts] Tucumcari police on Thursday arrested a New Mexico State Police officer on felony child abuse charges and a misdemeanor domestic violence charge, officials confirmed Friday... Tucumcari officers responded to a report of domestic violence... officers interviewed a woman from that address... After the interview, a Tucumcari officer asked that a warrant be issued for Vigil, charging him with child abuse, a third-degree felony, and a misdemeanor charge of battery on a household member... Vigil was brought to the Police Department by his commanding officers and was taken into custody without incident. State Police Sgt. Damyan Brown said Vigil was immediately placed on paid administrative leave pending an internal investigation... Vigil was booked into the Quay County Detention Center and has since posted a $15,000 appearance bond... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety child abuse bully new mexico state politics]

[TN] Knoxville Police Cadet Michael Little stole Travis Wegener's life in quadruple domestic shooting.

Knoxville Police Cadet Michael Little shot and injured his ex-girlfriend Ashley [W.], her mother Rhonda, then shot and killed Ashley's visting friend Travis Wegener. Cadet Little was shot dead with a shotgun by Ashley's older brother Joshua [W.]. Ashley had broken up with Cadet Little a couple of weeks ago after dating him for 2 years. She said his goal in life was to become a police lieutenant.
"The associate pastor at Sharon Baptist Church says Wegener was a beloved church member who was involved in the college and young adult ministries. He says Wegener also volunteered with the children's ministry, and loved to help out in the kitchen."
Cadets aren't issued guns so Little used his own weapon. Ashley and Rhonda will be okay physically.


Knoxville Police Department Cadet Program
[Excerpts] ...The Knoxville Police Department created the Police Cadet Program to enhance the recruitment of potential applicants for Police Officer. Applicants who wish to apply for a Police Cadet position should be between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty-one (21) years of age, pass a drug test, background check, polygraph test, physical examination and a comprehensive psychological examination... Assist sworn Patrol Officers with various assignments... Salary of $20,439 per year... When a Cadet turns twenty-one (21) years of age they will be eligible for employment as a Knoxville Police Officer...
[kpd knoxville police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder tennessee state politics]

Monday, August 18, 2014

[IN] Aurora Police Chief Fields was allowed to resign after family domestic violence

Former Aurora Police Chief Bryan Fields

He got off light - but was not allowed to remain a law enforcement officer in Aurora.

December 15, 2013
[Excerpts] Aurora Police Chief Bryan Fields was arrested Sunday for domestic battery. Dearborn County officers responded to reports of a domestic disturbance at Fields' home around 4 a.m. Fields, 42, and his wife Holly, 42, were engaged in physical confrontation when police arrived... Holly Fields was transported to Dearborn County Hospital. The extent of her injuries are unknown... Bryan Fields was arrested on a preliminary charge of misdemeanor domestic battery. On Wednesday, the Board of Works for Aurora held a brief meeting, issuing a notice of discipline to Fields... Fields has been ordered to surrender any police department equipment... [Full article here]

Dec 16, 2013
[Excerpts] Following his arrest Sunday on domestic battery charges, the police chief of Aurora, Ind., is being defended by the person he’s accused of hurting: His wife. Holly Fields said what happened early Sunday morning between her and her husband, Aurora Police Chief Bryan Fields, is "simply a misunderstanding"... But the 911 call made by their son tells a different version of what happened Sunday... The son describes a violent scene and said his parents told him not to call emergency responders. “They were telling me if I called they'd say nothing happened,” the boy said. "My mom told me I'm kicked out if I call the police"... Holly may be facing charges as well. Bryan is still in the Dearborn County Law Enforcement Center and is expected to appear in court Tuesday morning. [Full article here]

Dec 16, 2013
[Excerpts] The chief of the Aurora Police Department has been arrested. Officials said Bryan Fields was accused of roughing up his wife Sunday morning... WLWT News 5 has talked with Bryan Fields in the past when he worked for the Dearborn County special crimes unit and more recently as the Aurora police chief... [Full article here]

December 18th, 2013
[Excerpts] ...The police chief [Aurora Chief of Police Bryan Fields] appeared in Dearborn Superior Court I Tuesday, where not guilty pleas were entered for charges of Domestic Battery (Class A misdemeanor) and two counts of Battery Resulting in Bodily Injury (Class A misdemeanor)... One of the couple’s two sons – ages 18 and 19 – told responding officers that he first saw inside the home Holly Fields standing over Bryan, yelling at and allegedly striking her husband in the head with her hands... The son then went outside, but soon heard a thud from inside the home and went back in. The 18-year-old son said he saw Bryan on top of the couple’s 19-year-old son, allegedly striking him with his fists. Trying to pull Bryan away from behind, Bryan threw his head back and struck the 18-year-old in the nose, causing it to bleed. In speaking with police, the 19-year-old son stated that he was in the dining room when he heard the thud from a bedroom. According to the affidavit, he told officers that he went into the bedroom to find Bryan on top of Holly striking her in the ribs with his fists. The older son pulled Bryan from his mother, at which time Bryan allegedly struck the 19-year-old in the head and tackled him to the floor where Bryan began repeatedly punching him. At about that time is when the younger son had entered the room and was allegedly head-butted by Bryan... Bryan Fields said that the incident was a misunderstanding. The affidavit noted that he did give a statement later, but what was said was not included in the affidavit... Bryan Fields was released from jail Tuesday after posting his $500 cash bond. During his court appearance, Dearborn Superior Court I Judge Jon Cleary issued no contact orders for the couple’s two sons. Fields’ next court date is a pretrial hearing on January 30. A bench trial has been tentatively scheduled for March 4... [Full article here]

Dec 18, 2013
[Excerpts] The Aurora Board of Public Works met in executive session Wednesday to suspend the police chief [Bryan Fields]... According to the city attorney, the board voted to suspend Fields with pay, effective immediately. Further administrative action could take place at another meeting scheduled for Dec. 26... Fields has the right to request a hearing with the board before his possible suspension. That hearing is scheduled for Jan. 9... Joshua Daugherty will serve as interim chief while Fields serves his suspension. Legal charges of domestic battery are pending against Fields. The Dearborn County prosecutor said that because of his personal relationship with the police chief, a special prosecutor will be needed to try any case against Fields. [Full article here]

Fields to step down Friday
Jan 8, 2014
[Excerpts] Aurora's chief [Bryan Fields] of police has resigned after his December arrest... "It has been a privilege to serve the city of Aurora for the past 16 years, and my decision to resign was not made lightly," Fields wrote in his resignation letter to the city... [Full article here]

[Excerpts] Former Aurora police chief Bryan Fields pleaded guilty to one count of domestic battery, a Class A misdemeanor, through a plea agreement in Dearborn Superior Court I, Friday, Aug. 8. Originally charges with three Class A misdemeanor counts, Fields pleaded guilty to battery against his stepson (1) [REDACTED], according to the joint motion in tender of conditional negotiated plea agreement signed by himself, his attorney Bob Ewbank, special prosecutor Ric Hertel, Ripley County prosecutor, and Dearborn Superior Court I Judge Jonathan N. Cleary. Fields was sentenced to 365 days incarceration with 361 days suspended and credit given for two days time served as well as good time credit, a total of four days. As part of the agreement, the "state shall not oppose a petition for expungement after one year probation and six months," said the plea agreement. Fields was required to pay $168 court costs, $50 each probation user's fee and administrative fee, and $20 monthly probation fee... In addition to allegedly punching his wife in the ribs with his fists, Fields head-butted his stepson (2) [REDACTED] and punched Cochran in the head, according to the probable cause... Bryan Fields resigned from APD effective Jan. 10, 2014. Aurora Mayor Donnie Hastings appointed then-APD Sgt. Joshua Daugherty, who had been serving as acting chief, to the chief's position... Over the years, APD has had several officers resign after they were charged with crimes... But at least two former officers resigned after they were charged with battery. Former officer Jared W. Dausch was charged with a felony and two misdemeanors stemming from an alleged domestic battery May 25, 2008, and former officer Brett "Mooch" Hamilton resigned in October 2009, six months after he was charged with battery. [Full article here]
[high ranking police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety children step children son indiana state politics]

Thursday, July 10, 2014

[KY] Deputy Scotty Hill's wife suffered bruises to her cheek, arms and knee - and she says he threatened murder-suicide

Before becoming a sheriff's deputy
for Boone County, Scotty Hill was
a Newport Police officer. 

Boone County sheriff's Deputy Scotty D. Hill's wife suffered bruises to her cheek, arms and knee Tuesday night after a domestic assault. She told police that he was threatening to shoot her and then kill himself. Hill was charged with alcohol intoxication and domestic violence. "The man's wife actually called one of our [Boone County sheriff's] deputies on his cellphone and said, 'Can you get down here and help me out? Scotty's been drinking and he just kicked in a door.'" In 2008 off-duty Deputy Hill, his wife, Florence Police Officer [R.H.], and their teenage daughter went to pick up a purchased horse and while there he shot and killed the property owner, 55 year old Brenda Pollitt. Pollitt was said to be armed and was shot in self-defense but her family does not agree. The grand jury found there was not enough evidence to charge Hill.

Brenda Pollitt's sister Jill Johnson:
"He shot my sister in the back..."
  • ...The phone went dead. When deputies arrived they found Scotty Hill at the intersection of Poole Road and Mudlick Verona Road.  They said he was drunk, armed and riding a horse...
  • ...Hill was also suspended in 2008 after he was involved in a fatal shooting incident while he was off duty.  In that incident, Kentucky State Police said Hill fatally shot 55-year-old Brenda Pollitt after she pointed a gun at him and threatened to shoot...
  • ...In 2008, while off-duty, he shot and killed a woman in Nicholas County while trying to buy a horse from her nephew.  It was self-defense...
  • ...Boone County Deputy Scotty Hill fatally shot 55-year-old Brenda Pollitt after she pointed a gun at him late Monday and threatened to shoot... Also present at the scene was Hill's wife, Regina, who is a 9-year-veteran of the Florence Police Department. Officer Regina Hill has also been placed on paid administrative leave, pending the completion of an investigation...
  • ...Brenda May Pollitt, 55, was shot five times from 6 to 8 feet away by a .40-caliber police weapon. Two entry wounds were in Pollitt's back... [Nicholas County Coroner Billy] Clark said that he could not confirm Pollitt had a gun; both weapons apparently had been confiscated before he was called to the scene...
  • ...Brenda Pollitt's family feels justice was not served. Pollitt's sister spoke out for the first time... "They couldn't even look at me and then they looked at me, and he would just hang his head and his wife was shaken and it was awful." That's what Jill Johnson recalls of this morning's court proceedings when the Nicholas County Grand Jury said there wasn't enough evidence to charge Boone County Sheriff's Deputy Scotty Hill with anything in regard to the shooting death of Johnson's sister, 55 year old Brenda Pollitt. "He shot my sister in the back, bullet come out of her chest...I want justice and it's what my family wants... I want the man that shot my sister in the back put away"...
  • ...Deputy Hill is still on administrative leave. We're told it will stay that way until he's ready to come back. The sheriff says the department has always supported Hill...
  • ... "She [Brenda May Pollitt] backed [Boone Sheriff's Deputy Scotty Hill] up with the gun. He told her to put the gun down. She didn't and then he did what he needed to do," [Nicholas County Sheriff Dick] Garrett said... "Obviously he's rattled," [Boone County Sheriff's Lt. Col. Rob] Reuthe told the Kentucky Enquirer. "He's a family guy"...
  • Off-duty Boone Co sheriff's deputy arrested for domestic violence, FOX19 [LINK], Jul 09, 2014
  • Boone County deputy arrested and suspended, local12.com [LINK], July 9 2014
  • Deputy Involved In Deadly Shooting Not Indicted, WKYT [LINK], Feb 16, 2009
  • Off-duty Boone deputy shot woman 5 times, Herald-Leader [LINK], Jan. 03, 2009
  • Off-duty Boone deputy kills woman, The Kentucky Enquirer [LINK], December 31, 2008
  • Boone officer kills woman, herald-leader.com [LINK], December 31, 2008
  • Off duty Boone Co. deputy involved in fatal central Ky. shooting, FOX19 [LINK], Dec 30, 2008
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal terroristic threats threatening cop on cop kentucky state politics]

Monday, June 30, 2014

[WA] Seattle Police Officer was arrested today accused of molestation of ex's daughter

A Seattle Police Officer was arrested today accused of molesting his ex girlfriend's daughter. His name wasn't officially released but the news agencies have it and are sharing it. I'll wait until there's at least some indication of what kind of evidence they have or how solid the case is. I don't think that they'd arrest him without solid evidence, but I'd still rather wait. God bless everyone involved in this.
...He's now facing charges of first degree child molestation and communicating with a minor for immoral purposes. Deputies say the victim in the case was between 7- and 11-years old when the alleged crimes were committed...
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety child abuse sex assault washington state politics]

[NY] Always positive, State Police Trooper Kerstin Williams death ruled suicide within a day

New York State Police Trooper Kerstin Williams

Gleaned from the news:

27-year-old New York State Trooper Kerstin Williams was found by boaters shot to death on the bank of Nassau Lake in the Town of Nassau, Rensselaer County last night with her division issued firearm near her body. State Police say they found no sign of foul play and no note, and according to NY State Police Captain Scott Coburn of Troop G, the autopsy conducted today confirmed the cause of Kerstin's death as a suicide. 
..."Trooper Williams always had a positive attitude and was eager to do a good job while on the road," Major Patrick Regan, the Troop F commander, said in a statement...
"My dear friend. I can't believe I am writing in your guest book. I replay every wonderful memory of you in my head. I cherish them greatly. I miss you and love you and will carry our friendship with me always. Be at peace." ~ Angela Blaney

Check for most recent news here

I don't know and wouldn't guess what actually happened because people do take their own lives, but Kerstin deserves a longer investigation than one day before ruling her cause of death. We all deserve that and it would seem at LEAST when it's one of their own they'd really want to say something more like 

it appears to be suicide 
but the investigation is ongoing. 

Rest in peace, 
and to the weary please reach out for help.
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder state politics Schodack New York service weapon]

[GA] Police Sgt. Haggas and his young wife are both arrested on a domestic charge, out on bond

Columbus Georgia Police Sgt. Craig Haggas and his wife Whitney Compton-Haggas have been arrested and charged with misdemeanor simple battery stemming from domestic violence that happened in May. They are due in court today, Monday June 30th.

Columbus police sergeant arrested, charged with misdemeanor battery
Posted: Jun 28, 2014
Updated: Jun 28, 2014
By David Hurst
[Excerpts] ...Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, the city's Director of Public Safety, confirms the arrest comes from a domestic dispute and says Haggas has been placed on administrative leave. Tomlinson referred all other details to Columbus Police Chief Ricky Boren, who declined to comment any further... [Full article here]

[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety mutual combat female perp accused georgia murder state politics]

Sunday, June 29, 2014

[CO] Denver officers and wives fighting, pressure to swing, child abuse (Stephanie you deserve better)

Swingers, Denver Police Officer Jeremy Ownbey
and his wife Jamie Ownbey

Gleaned from 3 articles:

Denver Police Officers Jeremy Ownbey and Steve Sloan, along with their wives - partially dressed Jamie Ownbey and fully dressed Stephanie Sloan - had a violent altercation in the home of the Sloans' where alcohol was involved. All but Stephanie were throwing punches. While this was going on between the formerly swapping "swinging" lovers - minus Stephanie ["Steven wanted Stephanie to join, but she refused"], the Ownbeys had left their two "small children" at home without supervision.

Four Aurora police officers responded to the the Sloan's home after Officer Ownbey (and Jamie?) had left, but while APD officers were still there Jeremy Ownbey is said to have returned, appearing and admitting to being drunk. Who is surprised that the Aurora officers did not arrest Officer Ownbey for drunk driving, cite him, or give him a sobriety test? Instead they gave him a ride home. Aurora police spokesman Frank Fania reportedly said that the Aurora officers made a "poor decision" and that he wished the officers could have a do-over because, "It’s not our way of doing business".

He said there is an investigation into why the Aurora officers didn't arrest Officer Ownbey.

It takes an investigation to figure that out?

Injuries are not mentioned in the articles and the danger is downplayed. What injuries occurred when Officer Sloan punched Jamie Ownbey in the face or when he was punched "numerous" times in the head by Jeremy Ownbey? And I can't imagine the police would call it "gun play" if *I* pulled a gun, pointed it, and threatened to shoot someone. What the Aurora spokesman calls a "brawl" was lethal with head punches, forceful falls, drunk (mad) driving, and a gun in the hand of a trained shooter. That's not playing.

How long were the children left alone and just how "small" are they? I'm wondering why the writers of the articles don't ask or say.

Officer Ownbey and Jamie Ownbey are now facing child abuse charges, and respectively trespassing and assault.

Swinger, Denver Police Officer Steve Sloan
whose wife Stephanie refuses to participate

[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal colorado state politics]

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

[FL] Will Plant City Officer Combs "resign" and be rehired - again? [Domestic Battery]

Plant City police Officer Matthew Combs was arrested for domestic violence battery, put on unpaid leave, then he was ALLOWED to resign within 2 days. That sure sounds like there was evidence that an assault occurred. An internal investigation had been "initiated" but that process would have shut down as soon as he resigned - so there will be no finished report of what happened. When he resigned it STOPS the internal investigation because he is no longer an employee. Without a completed report he can actually be hired back or by another department if he can intimidate the victim to not cooperate with the criminal charges or if the good ol' boy system spanks his hands by letting him do an alternate program that will erase the assault from his record.

There is a list of folks on Facebook begging the chief to not accept the resignation because Matthew is a good guy and because he's served the community. Neither of those things has anything to do with the crime of domestic violence. His supporters say he touched her forehead with a finger and that this is a he-said she-said. (I'm doubting both of those scenarios because of the immediate UNpaid leave.) His supporters don't realize how that resignation HELPS "Matt" not be accountable for his criminal actions or how it is actually a part of his becoming rehired at the same department or another one nearby. Too often there is a formula for making domestic charges roll off the back of officers so they can keep their weapon and stay in the profession:
"...Combs was originally hired as a Plant City police officer in September 2002. He resigned in January 2004 and was rehired June 2005..."
~ Source: Plant City police officer resigns in wake of arrest, The Tampa Tribune, By Dave Nicholson, June 16, 2014, Updated: June 18, 2014 at 11:29 am

The chief, city manager, judge, and district attorney are usually there for the officer - meaning NOT-there for the victim. The victim has not been mentioned in any of the articles other than she is his EX and it was Father's Day. We aren't told if she is hurt, afraid, hiding, recanting, safe, getting services, or fearless. IN THESE STORIES she's usually just the backdrop with only room for one "important" person, - the accused officer.

I hope she is okay.

None of these Facebook folks spoke up for the alleged victim or even wondered...

[teflon repeat hx police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety florida state politics]

Friday, June 20, 2014

[MD] Officer Dwight Jones pleads guilty to domestic violence but is not fired - Prince George's County Police

Read on the United States Federal Law banning domestic violence offenders from having firearms - "the Lautenberg Amendment"

Police Officer Pleads Guilty to Domestic Assault, Faces Probe

Bowie Patch
Posted by Deb Belt (Editor)
June 13, 2014 at 04:34 PM

A Prince George's County Police officer faces a departmental investigation after he pleaded guilty to domestic assault and was sentenced to four years probation.

Officer Dwight Jones, 45, of Upper Marlboro, pleaded guilty to second-degree assault in Prince George's County District Court on June 9. He was charged following a Nov. 30, 2013, domestic incident in Upper Marlboro. 

He received a three-year suspended jail sentence, and was placed on probation for four years, according to Maryland online court records. Jones must also pay a $250 fine.

Police Chief Mark Magaw said Friday, "Our officers are held to the highest standard, whether they are on or off duty. Any behavior that betrays the trust of our community will not be tolerated and is not acceptable."

The departmental investigation could lead to termination. Jones' police powers are suspended and he is on administrative duty. 

Jones has been with the department for nine years and is assigned to the Telephone Reporting Unit

[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder maryland state politics lautenburg gun law]

Thursday, June 19, 2014

[CA] LAPD Officer Figueroa could go to jail for life for brutal wife-attack

...[Los Angeles police officer Jose Robert Figueroa's] wife said in Spanish that Figueroa had tried to strangle her... With a black eye and bruises, she said she was very scared but believed God was with her and that was what saved her... Figueroa choked his wife and threatened to kill her, himself and their young son, the prosecutor said... “The defendant’s conduct on May 18 was vicious... This is one of the more serious and severe strangulation cases that this court will ever see... He has the training and the skill to accomplish what he began on May 18”...  He faces a possible life sentence if convicted on all counts...

Los Angeles Register
By Jessica Terrell
June 17, 2014
Updated June 18, 2014 1:48 p.m.
[Excerpts] A Los Angeles Police Department officer accused of attacking his estranged wife should stand trial on charges of attempted murder and making criminal threats, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge in Inglewood ruled Tuesday. Jose Robert Figueroa’s estranged wife told police that Figueroa showed up uninvited at her apartment in Inglewood on May 18, choked her until she passed out and tied her hands behind her back... Figueroa also is charged with causing great bodily harm. He faces a possible life sentence if convicted on all counts. [Full article here]


By Melissa Pamer and Melissa Pamer
2:24 PM, MAY 22, 2014,
UPDATED AT 11:43AM, MAY 23, 2014
[Excerpts] A Los Angeles Police Department officer [Jose Robert Figueroa] who allegedly choked his estranged wife until she passed out has been charged with premeditated, attempted murder in connection the Inglewood attack, authorities confirmed Thursday... In an interview at the door of her Inglewood home Thursday, his wife said in Spanish that Figueroa had tried to strangle her on Sunday. With a black eye and bruises, she said she was very scared but believed God was with her and that was what saved her. Deputy District Attorney Sam Ahmadpour said Figueroa threatened to kill his estranged wife in her apartment and “choked her until she passed out,” according to a press release issued by the DA’s office Thursday afternoon. “When she awoke, she was tied up,” the release stated... Figueroa was charged with the attempted willful, deliberate and premeditated murder of his wife on May 18, according to a criminal complaint... Under the second count in the criminal complaint, Figueroa was charged under a penal code section that covers injuring a spouse, cohabitant, fiancé, boyfriend, girlfriend or child’s parent. The count stated that Jose Figueroa “willfully inflicted corporal injury resulting in a traumatic condition upon (the victim), who was the mother of the minor’s child,” and referred to “circumstances involving domestic violence.” The third count alleged criminal threats, stating that Figueroa threatened to kill the woman in a manner that was “so unequivocal, unconditional, immediate and specific as to convey to (her) a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect of execution.”... [Full article here]

By Melissa Pamer and Melissa Pamer
POSTED 2:09 PM, MAY 23, 2014,
UPDATED AT 02:15PM, MAY 23, 2014
[Excerpts] ...[Los Angeles police officer Jose Robert] Figueroa choked his wife and threatened to kill her, himself and their young son, the prosecutor said... “The defendant’s conduct on May 18 was vicious... This is one of the more serious and severe strangulation cases that this court will ever see.” Figueroa was charged Wednesday with attempted murder, injuring a spouse and making criminal threats in an alleged attack on his wife at her Inglewood apartment on Sunday... The two have a 6-year-old son, she said. The child was present during part of the alleged violence... Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Victor L. Wright said he had been shown photos of the alleged victim that revealed “serious physical harm”... He was placed on paid leave pending the outcome of the investigation, an LAPD commander said. He had turned in his service weapon but was believed to have additional firearms registered to his name... “He has the training and the skill to accomplish what he began on May 18,” Ahmadpour said. Wright said that the seriousness of Figueroa’s alleged conduct and threats necessitated an elevated bail amount of $2.5 million out of concern for the safety of the defendant, his wife and their child... [Full article here]
[terroristic threatening tactical brutal police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder california state politics]

[CO] Police Dispatcher Priscilla Samento and ex-officer husband die in his murder-suicide

Canon City Police Dispatcher Priscilla Elaine Jenkins Samento and her husband, Retired Canon City Police Officer Daniel David Samento, have died in his murder-suicide.

Service: 9:00 a.m., Friday, June 20, 2014 at the Canon City High School Gymnasium. Arrangements are under the care of Holt Family Funeral Home. Online condolences at Holt Family Funeral Homes.

...Samento had retired Oct. 28, 2011, after 30 years with Canon City police. Priscilla Samento was a 21-year veteran of the Canon City police dispatch crew... He and Priscilla had been married about 20 years...

CELEBRATION OF LIFE FOR DANIEL AND PRISCILLA SAMENTO SET FOR FRIDAY: Husband, wife died in what authorities believe was a murder/suicide
Canon City Daily Record
By Carie Canterbury
[Excerpts] A Celebration of Life for a husband and wife who were employed by the Cañon City Police Department for a combined 51 years is slated for 9 a.m. Friday at the Cañon City High School gymnasium at 1313 College Ave. Daniel Samento, 56, a retired CCPD officer, and Priscilla Samento, 49, a CCPD dispatcher, were found dead in their home Thursday, both having had sustained fatal gunshot wounds.... It appears as if Mr. Samento shot his wife, Priscilla, and then took his own life... "We are in a deep state of mourning," Schultz said Friday. "These were excellent people, excellent employees, and they served the community here exceptionally well. We are, literally, in a state of shock." [Full article here]

The Canon City Daily Record
Published in  on June 18, 2014
[Excerpts] Priscilla Elaine Jenkins Samento. What can be said about Priscilla Samento that nearly everyone she met hasn't already said? Priscilla would take the weight of the world off the shoulders of anyone in need, many times at the expense of her own needs. She could be the most sensitive person you would meet and at the same time had the strength of many... [Full obit at Legacy here]

Daniel David Samento Obituary
The Canon City Daily Record
Published in  on June 18, 2014  [Obituary at Legacy here]

Rocky Mountain Corvette Social club
THREAD: Sad News about Dan and Prisicilla Samento
[Excerpt] "...Dan lead the cruise to the car show... He also was the DJ... and put on the annual car show... He had 3 Corvettes, C5 convertible, C5 Coupe and C6 Z06, all black. He also had a business where he repaired Corvettes with his son... Last Thursday, June 12, Dan evidently shot Prisicilla while she slept and then committed suicide. No one that I know of suspected this was coming. I talked with Dan for quite some time [May 10]... He seemed dispondent, disillusioned, and out of sorts. He told me he recently had sold his C5s, sold his truck, and property where he had just completed his garage and was going to build a new house, and was going to sell his Z06. I had asked [R.N.](Corvette Center) if he knew what was wrong with Dan as I had never seen him this low. [R.N.] did not know. Always cheerful, helpful, and forthcoming, Dan was a good friend to Corvette people and others and will be sorely missed. Patti and I took it very hard when we heard the news, as did all of his friends and RMCSC members. I do not know if we will ever know why this happened, but I will always have fond memories of Dan and Prisicilla and the times we shared at events and at his home in Canon City. RIP Dan and Prisicilla..."


The Pueblo Chieftan
By Tracy Harmon
June 13, 2014
[Excerpts] Police here are mourning the murder of a dispatcher and the suicide of her retired police officer husband... Canon City Police Department Dispatcher Priscilla Samento...  and (retired police officer) Daniel Samento, 56,” said Canon City police Capt. Jim Cox. “All indications point towards a murder-suicide... I don’t know what caused this — there was no note. Police work is very challenging and I am sure he (Samento) experienced his fair share of difficult situations.” Samento had retired Oct. 28, 2011, after 30 years with Canon City police. Priscilla Samento was a 21-year veteran of the Canon City police dispatch crew... He and Priscilla had been married about 20 years, Cox said. [Full article here]

KRDO [w/video]
Jonathan Petramala
POSTED: 11:22 PM MDT Jun 13, 2014
[Excerpts] ...Neighbors say they recently noticed a deterioration of Daniel’s health…both physically and mentally. “We knew something was going on just because his physical health was starting to deteriorate and we were worried but you don’t know what to do unless somebody really asks for help,” said neighbor... [Full article here]

Gina Esposito
Jun 14, 2014
[Excerpts] ...The police department is still reeling from the news that two of their own were involved in an apparent murder-suicide. 11 News reporter Gina Esposito says the officer conducting the news conference Friday was in tears while speaking to the press. Daniel, who retired less than three years ago, was a 30-year veteran of the department, while Priscilla was lauded as an excellent employee for the 21 years she worked as a dispatcher. Three grief stations have been set up by the police department for employees. "These were excellent people, excellent employees. They served the community exceptionally well. We extend our deepest sympathies to their family. We are literally in a state of shock.," Canon City Police Chief Paul Shultz said... Daniel's son, Jesse, said his father was recently diagnosed with schizophrenia and paranoia... At this time, there is no known motive. Anyone who has information to this case is asked to call the Cañon City Police Department at 276-5600 or contact Crime Stoppers. [Full article here]

[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder colorado state politics murder suicide funeral]

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

[NJ] 10 years ago Donna Weigand's life was stolen after breaking up with Officer Ritzler

Donna Elizabeth Weigand,
Registered Nurse [B.S.N.]
June 16, 1962 - May 21, 2004

Leesburg Prison Corrections Officer Alfred Ritzler took his ex-girlfriend Donna Weigand hostage at 158 Fishing Creek Road Lower Township before fatally shooting her and committing suicide. They had recently broken up. Armed, Ritzler went in search of her and found her with a date. Lower Township police got a 911 call but could only hear a woman yelling "Put the gun down! Put the gun down!" Police who arrived first heard two muffled shots about 15 minutes apart, followed then by a 6 hour stand off involving SWAT, multiple law enforcement agencies, a neighborhood evacuation, and finally a camera robot that went in and confirmed that Donna and Ritzler were no longer alive.

There's very little information about Donna that I could find but she's remembered here. I would love to know more about her, as a person, friend, and family member.

Alfred Joseph Ritzler
April 7, 1958 - Friday, May 21, 2004
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder suicide new jersey state politics]

Sunday, March 16, 2014

[PA] Officer Huff charged with another domestic involving her boyfriend

philly.com, Daily News
David Gambacorta
Sunday, March 16, 2014
[Excerpts] A PHILADELPHIA police officer who's already in hot water with the department was arrested earlier this week by Cheltenham Township police. Robbi Huff, 35, was charged with simple assault, disorderly conduct, harassment and resisting arrest after a fight with her boyfriend... Huff was allegedly "out of control," [Cheltenham Township Police Chief John] Norris said, and her boyfriend had "visible injuries to his face." She was released Thursday night on $10,000 unsecured bail, and is scheduled to face a preliminary hearing in Montgomery County District Court on March 24... This was not the first time... She was charged with disorderly conduct in September 2012 following a domestic dispute with the same boyfriend... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety female perp perpetrator philadelphia state politics]

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

[MI] Detroit Officer Bridges accused of brutal domestic assault

Detroit Police Officer Johnny Ray Bridges s facing  slew of charges for allegedly assaulting a woman inside a Detroit home.

[Excerpts] A 31-year-old woman broke the window of a Detroit home to escape the man who had fired a gun, beaten and detained her against her will. That man is Detroit Police Officer Johnny Ray Bridges, 47, the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office says... "A conviction could destroy both an individual’s career and reputation... If you have been arrested for domestic violence or assault with intent to commit great bodily harm, consult with a skilled and capable Michigan criminal defense attorney right away... Your attorney will work vigorously to have charges dismissed or reduced, or to obtain an acquittal so that you can avoid life-changing consequences."


Mar 05 2014
[Excerpts] A Detroit police officer is facing  slew of charges for allegedly assaulting a woman inside a Detroit home. The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office said Johnny Ray Bridges was drinking... Bridges allegedly fired off a handgun into the air and then punched and kicked the woman. Police said the woman, who was wearing only a T-shirt, escaped by breaking through a window and calling for help at a nearby restaurant... [Full article here]

myFOXDetroit.com, WJBK
Mar 05, 2014
[Excerpts] Wayne County Prosecutor Kym L. Worthy has charged Detroit Police Officer Johnny Ray Bridges, 47, with assault with intent to do great bodily harm, unlawful imprisonment, domestic violence and reckless discharge of a firearm... The woman appears to have escaped the situation by jumping out of a window and running to a nearby restaurant while wearing barely any clothing. An employee at the restaurant tells Isom the woman was only wearing a shirt and her face was "a little bit beat up." Employees gave her some clothes to cover up and called for help... [Full article here]

Detroit Free Press
By Gina Damron
March 5, 2014
[Excerpts] ... [Detroit Police Officer Johnny Ray Bridges]... Prosecutors said he punched and kicked the woman in the face and the body... The victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment and is in stable condition.” [Full article here]

March 06, 2014
[Excerpts] A 31-year-old woman broke the window of a Detroit home to escape the man who had fired a gun, beaten and detained her against her will. That man is Detroit Police Officer Johnny Ray Bridges, 47, the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office says... "At some point during the argument, Bridges fired a handgun into the air. Bridges assaulted the victim by punching and kicking her face and body."... His bond was set at $5,000 surety or 10 percent and he is scheduled to appear for a preliminary examination at 9 a.m. March 13. He was also ordered to have no contact with the victim or firearms. [Full article here]

March 07, 2014
[Excerpts] Detroit Police Chief James Craig calls recent criminal allegations made against three of his officers, the latest charges of criminal sexual assault filed against Officer Deon Nunlee, concerning, but not the norm. Earlier this week, Detroit Police Officer Johnny Ray Bridges was accused... On Sunday, Detroit Police Officer Dana Bond, 41, who was already suspended without pay because prior retail fraud charges, is accused of crashing into another vehicle while drunk, injuring two passengers and attempting to flee the scene... "This is not what our police officers do ... it does not represent the 2,500 or so sworn men and women who wear this shade of blue," Craig said. "I think the majority of the public has a great deal of trust and respect in the department." [Full article here]


Detroit Free Press
Jarrad Henderson/ Gina Damron
March 7, 2014
[Excerpt] ...On Wednesday Officer Johnny Ray Bridges, 47, was charged... He has been suspended without pay... [Full article here]

Michigan Criminal Lawyers Blog
[Excerpts] On March 3, Detroit Police Officer Johnny Ray Bridges was arrested after he allegedly beat a woman and detained her against her will... Bridges has been an officer with the Detroit Police Department for nearly 25 years. Although he turned himself in, his job is likely in jeopardy as the department has a zero tolerance policy for crime... In the state of Michigan, domestic violence and assault with intent to commit great bodily harm are extremely serious charges... A conviction could destroy both an individual’s career and reputation... If you have been arrested for domestic violence or assault with intent to commit great bodily harm, consult with a skilled and capable Michigan criminal defense attorney right away... Your attorney will work vigorously to have charges dismissed or reduced, or to obtain an acquittal so that you can avoid life-changing consequences... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety michigan state politics]

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

[PA] Police Sgt Walker's wife Lynda did NOT commit suicide 30 years ago. Now he gets short jail term.

Lynda Jean (Conrad) Walker.
Birth: Feb. 24, 1959, USA
Death: Nov. 13, 1983

...Montrose Pennsylvania Police Sgt. John David Walker was arrested in 2012 for the 1983 murder of his wife Lynda Jean Conrad Walker. Lynda's death had been ruled a suicide even before her autopsy was performed. In 2011 the grand jury had Lynda Walker’s body exhumed, she was re-examined, and found to have died by homicide. Sgt. Walker was allowed a plea deal in 2014, escaping trial and a possible life sentence, pleading "no contest" to voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to serve 2 to 4 years in a county jail. Information from Sgt. Walker's next wife helped police reopen the case. She said Walker told her that investigating police had no evidence BECAUSE he obtained the evidence police seized from the scene many years ago. He told her that he destroyed some of the evidence by burning it, and he also sold / was allowed to sell the 45-caliber pistol murder weapon...

Susquehanna County Cold Case Comes to a Close
Amanda Kelley
February 28, 2014

NEW MILFORD – A former police officer will now serve two to four years for murdering his wife in Susquehanna County.

John Walker pleaded no contest Thursday to the murder that happened more than 30 years ago.

This plea came as a surprise to many who knew the victim, Lynda Conrad Walker.

In 1983 her death was first ruled a suicide, but decades later an autopsy proved that she in fact didn’t shoot herself.

Walker pleaded no contest, which means he doesn’t admit guilt, but he doesn’t fight the charges either.

Even so, for some, that plea isn’t enough.

It’s been more than 30 years since Lynda Conrad Walker was found dead, a gunshot wound to her chest, a death originally ruled suicide in Susquehanna County.

Walker’s childhood friend says years later she still can’t believe her friend is gone.

“There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about her. She was a very close and dear friend with many of us and it’s heartbreaking,” said Lynda’s childhood friend Cathy Dunlap.

Now Lynda’s husband John Walker pleaded no contest to her murder.  He was charged in the cold case in 2011 after a new autopsy.  Now he’ll be locked up for two to four years.

The victim’s mother Norma says this case has taken its toll on her.

“It’s difficult, you have your ups and downs , you think things are going to go the way you want them to and the next thing you know there not,” said Norma Conrad.

The Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office brought charges in the cold case and says, “We believe the conviction achieved in this sad tragedy is an appropriate resolution based on the investigative facts available. Our condolences to the victim’s family and may they now have closure.”

This 30-year-old case comes to a close on the same week that Lynda Conrad Walker would have turned 55.

Her family and friends say this case will never truly come to an end.

“We waited a long time for this day, but this isn’t exactly what we wanted.  Not that we wanted a long trial or anything, but we wanted justice for her and her family,” said Dunlap.

Lynda’s friend had hoped for life in prison or the death penalty.  Her mother says this sentence is not for anyone to judge.

“The only thing I can say is after 30 years at least he has served something,” said Conrad.

Now Lynda’s mother looks toward the memorial she has for her daughter in her backyard, thankful for the fight others fought on Lynda’s behalf.

“I just appreciate how all of the people have been working on this case and just stayed with it.  They’ve been so kind to me and I wanted some way to be able to thank them,” said Conrad.

Ex-cop enters no contest plea in estranged wife ’s 1983 death
Susquehanna County Independent; Weekender (Montrose, PA) -
By Staci Wilson
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A 30-year-old murder case came to a close Thursday in Susquehanna County when a former sergeant with the Montrose police entered a no contest plea in the 1983 death of his estranged wife .

John Walker, 54, of Montrose, entered the plea to one count of voluntary manslaughter and was immediately sentenced by Specially Presiding President Judge Linda Wallick Miller, 43rd Judicial District, to serve 24-48 months in a county correctional facility, followed by five years probation.

There is no admission of guilt in a no contest plea.

Following a grand jury investigation, Walker had been charged in October 2012 with first degree murder in the Nov. 13, 1983 shooting death of his estranged wife Lynda Conrad Walker at the couple’s New Milford Twp. mobile home.

Lynda Walker died from a single, close-range gunshot wound to the chest.

As part of the plea deal, the murder charges were dropped in exchange for the voluntary manslaughter plea.

Defense attorney Paul Ackourey said his client has already spent 16 months in jail, and with the minimum sentence, Walker will be incarcerated for another eight months.

“He came into this process looking at a life sentence which was probably the principle motivating factor in entered in the (no contest) plea,” Ackourey said. “His family needed closure; as well as the victim’s family needed closure.”

Arresting officer Tpr. Greg Deck told the court he had been in contact with the victim’s mother, Norma Conrad, and that she was satisfied with the agreement.

Judge Miller said the resolution avoiding a trial would “save the victim’s family from having to open up 30 years of grief.”

The death had initially been ruled a suicide in 1983 by John Conarton, Susquehanna County Coroner at that time.

Walker was employed at the time of the shooting as a police officer in Great Bend. In the years since, he has been employed by several other municipalities, including Silver Lake Township and Montrose Borough. His most recent rank held on the Montrose force was sergeant and he had formerly served as the chief of police in the borough.

Walker was suspended from the Montrose police force after his arrest in 2012.

The Office of Attorney General initiated its investigation into Lynda Walker’s death in February 2010 at the request of Susquehanna County District Attorney Jason Legg based on a conflict of interest. Walker had served as a Susquehanna County Task Force detective under the supervision of the district attorney.

Evidence in the investigation was gathered by the Pennsylvania State Police and presented by the Office of Attorney General to the Statewide Investigating Grand Jury.

In 1983 Walker claimed that he came home to find his wife ’s lifeless body in his bed, with his gun lying next to her.

In June 2011, at the request of the grand jury, Lynda Walker’s body was exhumed from the West Lenox Church Cemetery in Lenox Twp.

Forensic pathologist Dr. Isidore Mihalakis conducted the autopsy; looked at the path the bullet took as it passed through Lynda Walker’s body; and examined other evidence.

Dr. Mihalakis concluded that the death of Lynda Walker was not consistent with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Rather, the manner of death was homicide, according to Dr. Mihalakis.

According to the 15-page grand jury presentment, which was accepted by Judge Miller at Thursday’s plea hearing as the basis of facts in the case, Lynda Walker’s body was found in her bed and a cocked .45 caliber handgun was partially in her right hand and a bullet wound to her left chest.

In a 1983 interview with police , Walker said the couple had been separated since July of that year but had agreed to meet that day at their home.

Walker told police the two argued after he told her he was filing for divorce and she threatened to kill herself.

Grand jury witnesses testified that they did not believe Lynda Walker was suicidal. Testimony also contradicted Walker’s 1983 statement to police about his whereabouts at the time of the death.

Laurence Braungard, who was also served as a police officer in Great Bend in 1983, told the grand jury that Walker had attended classes on suicide investigation at Lackawanna College prior to Lynda Walker’s death.

The case was prosecuted by John J. Flannery, Jr., of the Attorney General’s Criminal Prosecutions Section.

During the preliminary hearing Flannery argued, “There were two people at that trailer, one was the defendant, and one was deceased.”

Family & Friends React to Plea in Cold Case Death

After 30 years, a cold case in Susquehanna County is now closed.

Two years after being charged, former Montrose police officer John Walker entered a plea in connection to the death of his estranged wife in 1983.

In 1983, Lynda Walker died from a single gunshot wound to the chest. Her death was originally ruled a suicide.

In 2010, the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office took another look at the case, exhumed her body and investigators brought criminal charges.

"Her birthday was this week. She would have been 55," Norma Conrad said.

Sitting in her New Milford home, Norma Conrad has a little bit of closure.

After John Walker pleaded no contest Thursday to voluntary manslaughter for the death of Lynda Conrad, he was immediately sentenced to two to four years in prison.

"I want to thank everybody who's involved in this case," Norma Conrad said. "I want to thank them in some way. I'm not sure how I can do it. They've all stayed by me and stayed with it all these years."

Lynda's childhood friend Cathy Dunlap wished there had been a trial.

"I wanted to look at him right in his eye and say: Why did you do it? Why did you do it and two-to-four years is nothing compared to what we've gone through the last 30 years," Dunlap said.

Having already served 16 months in jail, Dunlap is angry that Walker could possibly be eligible for parole by the end of this year.

"It's not fair. He's been able to have children, do things, just live life and this has all been taken away from her," Dunlap said.

For Norma Conrad, she would have liked Walker to say "I'm guilty" but the no contest plea means he doesn't admit guilt but admits there is enough evidence against him.

A religious woman, Norma Conrad says John Walker's true judgment won't come on this Earth.

"There's a judge higher than an authority on Earth and he's had to live with that and he will continue to live with that," Norma Conrad said.

John Walker was initially charged with first degree murder in 2012. He could have faced life in prison.

Besides his two-to-four year sentence, he will also have to serve five years probation.


Murder charges lodged against Montrose cop

Scranton Times-Tribune
By Staci Wilson
Published: October 24, 2012
A Montrose police sergeant faces murder charges stemming from a grand jury investigation into the 1983 death of his estranged wife. John Walker, 52, Montrose, was charged Wednesday, Oct. 24, with one count of murder by Trooper Greg Deck. Attorney General Linda L. Kelly and State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan announced that charges have been filed in a Nov. 13, 1983 shooting death of Lynda Jean (Conrad) Walker. The death initially had been ruled a suicide in 1983 by John Conarton, the Susquehanna County coroner at that time. Mr. Walker was arraigned Wednesday morning by Magisterial District Judge Jodi Cordner in New Milford. Bail was denied. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for Nov. 5. "The Pennsylvania State Police investigators deserve a lot of credit for their work on this case," said Ms. Kelly. "They showed great patience and persistence in their pursuit of justice for Lynda Walker"... The Office of Attorney General initiated its investigation in February of 2010 at the request of Susquehanna County District Attorney Jason Legg, based on a conflict of interest. Evidence in the then-27-year-old death investigation was gathered by the state police and presented by the Office of Attorney General to the Statewide Investigating Grand Jury... In June 2011, at the request of the grand jury, Mrs. Walker's body was exhumed... [Forensic pathologist Dr. Isidore] Mihalakis concluded that the death of Mrs. Walker was not consistent with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Rather, the manner of death was homicide... According to the 15-page grand jury presentment, Mrs. Walker's body was found in her bed with a cocked .45 caliber handgun was partially in her right hand and a bullet wound to her left chest. In a 1983 interview with police, Mr. Walker said the couple had been separated since July of that year but had agreed to meet that day at their home. Mr. Walker told police the two argued. He told her he was filing for divorce and she threatened to kill herself. Grand jury witnesses testified that they did not believe Mrs. Walker was suicidal. Testimony also contradicted Mr. Walker's 1983 statement to police about his whereabouts at the time of the death. Mr. Walker's second wife, April Harvey, also testified that she was engaged in a relationship with Mr. Walker in the months that followed his separation from his wife. Mr. Walker and Ms. Harvey married in 1985, divorcing 19 years later. http://thetimes-tribune.com/news/murder-charges-lodged-against-montrose-cop-1.1393172

Pa. police officer accused of killing wife in '83
October 24, 2012
[Excerpts] A part-time police officer in northeastern Pennsylvania was charged Wednesday with killing his estranged wife in 1983, a shooting death that had previously been classified as a suicide. The state attorney general's office said John David Walker, 52, of Montrose killed Lynda Walker, based on new evidence obtained by exhuming her body last year and from conducting fresh interviews with him and witnesses... According to a grand jury report, Walker said back in 1983 that the day of her death, the two of them, separated for several months, had an argument at the mobile home where he lived in New Milford. He said he told her he planned to file for divorce, and she threatened to kill herself. He said he then went for a drive, making at least three stops before returning home and finding her body... The new investigation turned up contradictions in his story, according to prosecutors, including a neighbor who said his car was in the driveway when she heard a single gunshot. State police said Walker did not attempt to render aid to his dead wife or check her for vital signs, and that he called the home of a police dispatcher upon discovering her body, rather than dialing 911. His gun was on the bed by her side. A trooper interviewed Walker in March 2010. "Throughout his interview, Walker never expressed any remorse that he had left Lynda alone," the grand jury wrote. "Walker failed to deny that he had killed his wife until he was walking out the door of the barracks to leave."... http://www.sfgate.com/news/crime/article/Pa-police-officer-accused-of-killing-wife-in-83-3978060.php

Murder charges filed in Susquehanna County cold case from 1983

October 24, 2012
[Excerpts] ..."The Pennsylvania State Police investigators deserve a lot of credit for their work on this case," said AG Kelly. "They showed great patience and persistence in their pursuit of justice for Lynda Walker." .. "I am extremely pleased that justice is finally being served for Lynda," State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan said. "It certainly shows the tenacity of the investigators at the Pennsylvania State Police and the Attorney General's office who were involved with this case."... The OAG initiated its investigation in February of 2010 at the request of Susquehanna County District Attorney Jason Legg, based on a conflict of interest... The Coroner, who was not a trained forensic pathologist, initially ruled the death a suicide... "Our investigators talked to many people and worked on fitting all the pieces together with forensic evidence," said Noonan. "When that evidence was completed, we were in position to move ahead and make an arrest." Walker was arrested early today... http://www.fox43.com/news/wpmt-susquehanna-county-cold-case-murder-charges-filed,0,3975114.story

Police Officer Arrested in 1983 Cold Case Investigation
By: Eric Deabill
Updated: October 24, 2012
[Excerpts] A police officer from Susquehanna County is on the other side of the law tonight... State police filed murder charges against John Walker of Montrose. They say he shot-and-killed his first wife back in 1983. Police originally thought the death of Lynda Walker was suicide. Her family and friends didn't believe that designation... Eyewitness News spoke with the mother of the victim by phone Wednesday afternoon. She had just learned of the charges and was unaware that the charges were about to be filed... Investigators say part of the reason why Walker was not initially charged was because of the Susquehanna County coroner in 1983... http://pahomepage.com/fulltext?nxd_id=285242

Man charged in wife's 1983 death
Associated Press
Posted: October 28, 2012
[Excerpts] ...April Harvey told the grand jury she and Walker had been having a sexual relationship at the time of the shooting - they subsequently were married for 19 years and have three children together. Harvey testified Walker came to the McDonald's restaurant where she worked the night of the shooting and told her they had argued, and he was afraid. Walker did not disclose that encounter to investigators in 1983, the grand jury said. Harvey told jurors, according to the investigative report, that Walker said police had "no evidence as he obtained the evidence police seized from the scene many years ago. Walker told Harvey that he destroyed some of the evidence by burning it. Walker also sold the .45-caliber pistol"... http://articles.philly.com/2012-10-28/news/34779028_1_grand-jury-new-evidence-police-dispatcher

Mother of Cold Case Murder Victim Speaks Out

Newswatch 16
by Sofia Ojeda
October 25, 2012
[Excerpts] ...The mother of the victim talked exclusively with Newswatch 16. It was a very emotional interview as Lynda Walker’s mother Norma Conrad talked about her daughter and the new murder charges against Lynda’s husband. Norma said even after all these years, she never believed her daughter would hurt herself, and she hopes that justice will finally be served. It’s been a long time coming, said Norma Conrad about the new murder charges filed in the death of her daughter Lynda Walker. Conrad said she’s so grateful the investigators never gave up on finding the truth about her daughter’s death. “The ones who came and told me yesterday, the law enforcement officers, I just thanked them and thanked them and thanked them for doing what they’ve done and all the time they’ve spent” ... Lynda’s mother said she always knew her daughter didn’t do it. “I just know she never would, she never wanted to kill anything. why would she want to do it to herself? She wouldn’t want to. She just wouldn’t” ... According to court papers, investigators started looking into case again in 2010, when John Walker’s second wife contacted police with statements Walker made to her about Lynda’s death. Walker told his second wife police did not have evidence because he burned it. As investigators re-interviewed witnesses, they said their stories directly contradicted John Walker’s accounts. Investigators said one of the major pieces of information that didn’t add up was the coroner’s ruling. Lynda Walker’s death was ruled a suicide the day before an autopsy was even done. The original autopsy was also done by a funeral director and a general practitioner. Walker’s body was exhumed in 2011, and a new autopsy was done by two board-certified forensic pathologists. The pathologists said if it were a suicide, the position of the gun would not have been where it was found, and it was almost impossible for Walker to shoot herself in the direction her body was found. Walker’s death was then ruled a homicide... http://wnep.com/2012/10/25/mother-of-cold-case-murder-victim-speaks-out/

Defense Disputes Evidence In Cold Case Murder

by Sofia Ojeda
November 28, 2012
[Excerpts] ...Prosecutors on Wednesday presented evidence before the case could proceed to trial. The defense is already disputing much of it. John Walker’s defense attorney calls the commonwealth’s case all smoke and mirrors... The attorney general calls Walker a liar and says there is more than enough evidence to prove he is the killer. John Walker had nothing to say as he headed into district court in Susquehanna County. The former police officer was brought in, wearing handcuffs and shackles, to face a murder charge for the death of his wife Lynda Conrad Walker...Lynda’s brother, also in court, always felt she would have never hurt herself. “I always felt that he was guilty but never really had proof in my head a hundred percent, and after today, I feel very confident a hundred percent proof to me, I just hope the court comes out with same answers,” says Lynn Conrad, Lynda’s brother. The prosecution agrees. The attorney general calls John Walker’s story a pack of lies. He said Walker has changed his story from his original statements to police, and the autopsy done by the forensic pathologist showed the way the gun was angled could not be discharged with Lynda’s right hand. “The defendant has clearly given two varying versions of events. He denies being present at the scene when clearly eyewitnesses who have nothing to gain, no dog in this fight, put him there, put his vehicle there,” says John Flannery, Senior Deputy Attorney General... http://wnep.com/2012/11/28/defense-disputes-evidence-in-cold-case-murder/
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality justice delayed is justice denied fatalities murder alleged suicide said suicide pennsylvania state politics]