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Officer-Involved Domestic Fatalities - 1 Officer-Involved Domestic Fatalities - 2 [WA] Tragedy Will Occur If They Don't Have ...

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

[WA] Deputy DeAllah switched up on his dv plea

...DeAllah was charged with fourth-degree assault, fourth-degree assault with sexual motivation, attempted unlawful imprisonment, and violation of a no contact order...

King County deputy withdraws guilty plea to domestic violence charge
Seattle Times, WA
By Christine Clarridge
February 27, 200
[Excerpts] A King County Sheriff's deputy who was prepared to plead guilty to domestic violence assault charges in a Kent courtroom Monday made an about face and will now stand trial on the charges. Mack Amaad DeAllah, a 21-year veteran of the sheriff's office, was slated to plead guilty to one count of fourth-degree domestic violence assault in Kent Municipal Court, but changed his mind and left the court with a trial date... DeAllah was arrested on April 29, 2006 by Kent police on suspicion of second-degree rape, unlawful imprisonment and assault for an alleged attack on his estranged wife in their home. According to court documents, the woman told detectives DeAllah blocked her from leaving a bedroom, repeatedly threw her onto a bed and raped her. He was arrested the day after he was seen near his wife's home on suspicion of violating a no-contact order. DeAllah was charged with fourth-degree assault, fourth-degree assault with sexual motivation, attempted unlawful imprisonment, and violation of a no contact order. Those misdemeanor charges were filed after King County prosecutors said they lacked evidence to support felony charges...
[Full article here]

Sunday, February 25, 2007

[TX] Who can the senator's wife call when the SAPD have his back?

Excerpts from various news articles this past week:

...A caller identified only as Yolanda phoned police at 12:45 a.m. Saturday from the couple's home address. Her husband was abusing her, she told the dispatcher. She identified him as a senator, and said he had a gun, according to two police sources who'd read the electronic dispatch report. According to the incident report, Uresti appeared calm when police arrived. He said they'd gone to a party earlier in the evening and had been drinking. The report said he also "stated there was a gun in the home and it was unloaded by him"...

The SAPD dispatcher originally coded the call as a case of family violence with a gun. But the incident ultimately was classified as a disturbance..."

..."Last Friday night, Feb. 16, the police came to my house in response to a 911 call I made claiming that my husband, state Sen. Carlos Uresti, had threatened me. The incident is one I deeply regret. I believe we both do. While many couples have disagreements, this one, we're ashamed to say, got out of hand. We pushed each others buttons, and let anger replace the care we feel, but failed to show, towards one another. We said things we wish we hadn't, and, I'll admit, I called the police out of revenge." ..."Right now, we are renewing our commitment to each other by entering couples counseling and ask for the respect that this is a private matter and to allow us the time to sort out our issues and protect those we love. We ask for the community's prayers and support"... "There is no doubt in my heart that Carlos is working very hard for the State of Texas and to do the right thing for working people."...

...Yolanda Uresti did not return phone calls seeking clarification about the allegations she made early Saturday, none of which were addressed directly in her statement...

... Andy Hernandez, a political scientist at the University of Texas at San Antonio, said that if there's no evidence of abuse, the incident probably would have little or no bearing on Uresti's ballot prospects. "Is she still with him? That's the question that's going to matter"... SAPD spokesman Joe Rios described the incident as "a husband-wife thing... It was a family disturbance"... "There's absolutely no truth to what she said happened," Uresti said. "As with everything, there are always two sides to the story. It's a very complicated matter"...

A police department that would do it for the senator, would surely do this kind of re-write of reality for it's own as well.

of the articles this past week don't even mention the gun at all. What does that tell us? How scary is that? MOST of the news articles say only that Yolanda vengefully called the police because her husband was having an affair. (Like she's a nut.) No mention of a gun. No mention of the changed dispatch report. For that reason I included the word "gun" in the search string of the link above - to only include reports that are discussing the fuller available story.

Yolanda regrets calling the San Antonio Police Department.

It's evident why. She called for help and she got


NYPD: No stats, No problem.

An abusive spouse, with a badge
Staten Island Advance
February 25, 2007
...NYPD Spokesman Martin Speechley said domestic violence involving police officers is less of a problem than it is among the general population... However, the NYPD has not conducted an internal study nor would it disclose any statistics on domestic violence incidents involving police officers to bolster its claim... The National Center for Women & Policing (NCWP) conducted one of those rare studies on the issue in 1991, and about 40 percent of police officers surveyed admitted to some form of spousal abuse...

Friday, February 23, 2007

IF YOU NEED TO FLEE - thinking outside the box

Sent to me yesterday from someone who saw the photo in the last blog entry - someone who herself has been living hard life for years now:

"If you know of someone in this position, there are some options that not too many people know about. It is to seek asylum in other English speaking countries. I have done some research. Canada and Australia and New Zealand will accept United States Citizens, under specific circumstances, with domestic violence protection orders. These three countries recognize that women and children, in the United States, are basically vulnerable to death because of the way the justice system handles domestic violence. You can contact me directly for information. You can also seek refugee status through the Catholic Church. The bottom line is that with the correct paperwork you can move to another country where your batterer will be barred from entry."

Sunday, February 18, 2007



Tarnished Badge Week 2:
Officers granted special agreements to avoid convictions

Front Page Milwaukee
By Ryan Cardarella and Amanda Mauch
February 18, 2007

[Excerpt] ...Former police officer Beverly B. Moore received a DPA in August of 2004 after she was arrested for physical abuse of a child, a felony, in March of 2004.

Moore allegedly struck her son 20 times on March 25, 2004 with a belt and slapped him once on the right side of his face after hearing he “stabbed” a fellow female student with a pencil, according to the criminal complaint.

The victim was taken to Child Protection Center and seen by Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Michael Scahill where the following injuries were noted on the criminal complaint: five red scratches to the right cheek, fresh red bruising on his right hand, five fresh red horizontal marks on the neck and shoulder, a single fresh red bruise on the back of the neck, a single fresh reddish-purple bruise on the inner left thigh, a series of horizontal reddish-purple bruises on the right outer thigh, and two fresh red horizontal bruises on the left side of the head.

Scahill noted the marks were consistent with an intentional inflicted injury and would be consistent with physical abuse, according to the criminal complaint.

Upon conviction of a physical child abuse charge, an offender may face the maximum possible penalty of a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than three and half years or both.
Moore was issued a DPA that required no further law violations, compliance with all bail conditions, payment of the domestic abuse assessment, and continued cooperation with the Milwaukee County Bureau of Child Welfare.

Moore fulfilled the terms of the agreement, and the case was dismissed in May of 2005. She had no prior record but did have a list of official demerits and reprimands on her Milwaukee Police Department personnel card. Moore remained on the police force until her resignation in early 2006.

Moore’s attorney, Michael Guerin, declined to comment on the specifics of her case but said that what is appropriate or not differs with every person.

Guerin also said that “Wisconsin law is very clear” and employers are not allowed to discriminate against those with criminal convictions unless it directly applies to their occupation.
When asked whether a criminal offense directly applies to an officer’s job, Guerin said that a lot of times “we [the public] think police should be held higher…Sure, that’s true about the execution of their job but is it necessarily true in their daily life?”

Frontpage Milwaukee was unable to contact Moore...


Saturday, February 17, 2007

[SC] A prayer for Laurie, wife of a "resigned" police chief

Click to see picture
(Laurie, I just want you to know that I respect your decisions.
It's your life.
But I also want you to know, and accept without getting angry, that people are praying for you and your family.

Know that you are beautiful,
and know that you are not alone.

You are not alone.
Many have lived this.
Many have died this.

Close your eyes and trust that even though
it feels like people are making it worse now
by not backing off,
they do it because they believe what you said,
that he will kill you.

I believe you.

The system that was supposed to protect

and I see you doing what you can
to get by.

Just know.)

Lord wrap your love and protection around
Laurie's family,
and do Your works,
for your own glory.


Friday, February 9, 2007

[MI] Parenting arrangement ends in murder-suicide for Detroit Officer & Tracy Vieau

..."They had to carry them past Momma and Dad at the bottom of the stairs, but they covered their heads. We got them out of there without seeing anything"...

911 Call Released In Murder-Suicide
February 9, 2007
Brownstown Township police are investigating a shooting that left a Detroit police officer and his estranged wife dead. It happened Thursday around 7:13 p.m. Detroit police officer Brian R. Vieau, 38, was found dead on the living room floor and the body of his estranged wife, Tracy L. Vieau, 40, was found dead against the front door of the residence, according to police. Brian Vieau, who was apparently distraught over their impending divorce, was at his residence waiting for his wife to pickup their two children so he could go to work, according to police. According to Chief of Police Daniel J. Grant, once she entered the residence, he fired four shots at her with a .40 caliber pistol striking her three times when she collapsed at the front door. He then made a 911 call to police and prior to their arrival he turned the gun on himself. The couple had two children, ages 3 and 6. The children were home at the time. They were upstairs and unharmed. They are now living with relatives. Police said a suicide note was found in the home on Red Cedar Court. [Source]

Officer allegedly kills wife, self in Brownstown
February 09. 2007
...His estranged wife, Tracy Vieau, 40, who apparently was from the Gibraltar area, was found against the door of the home on Red Cedar Dr... Officer Vieau was found in his police uniform lying on the living room floor. His .40-caliber service pistol, which he used in the shooting, was lying at his feet. The couple's two boys, ages 6 and 3, were unharmed when police found them upstairs. They apparently did not witness the shooting. Chief Grant said the couple had been married about 13 years and were in the process of a divorce. She had moved out of the two-story home near Gibraltar Rd. and I-75 several months ago... Ms. Vieau arrived at the home to pick up the boys so Officer Vieau could go to work. Chief Grant said the officer used his service weapon and fired four times, striking Ms. Vieau once in the back and twice in the chest. He then called 911 to report a domestic incident in progress with shots fired... Brownstown Township Clerk Sherry Berecz-Burton said local authorities were stunned by news of the shooting... "It's terrible," Mrs. Berecz-Burton said... [Full article here]

Police: Officer kills wife, self in home with kids upstairs
MLive.com, MI
2/9/2007, 1:46 p.m. ET
...The boys of Brian and Tracy Vieau were in an upstairs bedroom, watching cartoons and did not witness the shootings or the aftermath, Brownstown Township Police Chief Daniel Grant told The Detroit News. The oldest boy is 6. "Officers went up and found them with the door closed," Grant said. "They had to carry them past Momma and Dad at the bottom of the stairs, but they covered their heads. We got them out of there without seeing anything"... Tracy Vieau had moved out of the couple's home about 15 miles southwest of Detroit, but brought their two sons to the house each evening because Brian Vieau worked nights... Brian Vieau typed a suicide note on a home computer and left the document on the screen. In it, he described his unhappiness with the breakup of his marriage... [Full article here]