There are too many very recent deaths - one is "too many" but Pamela Brainard was just murdered by her Plainwell Michigan Police Officer husband, Kevin after she felt she couldn't turn to his co-workers for help. Kevin killed himself too. Pamela Huber was just murdered in Highmore South Dakota by her only-cop-in-town Police Chief husband Ken - who wasn't arrested for a week and a half though he was witnessed over Pamela Huber with the gun. Right now there is a massive search on for Stacy Peterson in Bolingbrook Illinois with her police Sgt. husband Drew acting bizarre and not helping. As they are searching - now for only her body - plans are being made to exhume his last wife Kathleen Savio from her grave. She drowned in a dry bathtub with fresh - not old as reported - bruises on her body - and it was ruled accidental at the time. In Georgia they have not stopped looking for Walker County Dispatcher Theresa Parker's body. Though LaFayette Police fired her Police Sgt husband Sam Parker after her disappearance (for having explosives in his work locker) they have not arrested him yet. NYPD Sonia Garcia was shot and killed in her house while there alone with her NYPD boyfriend Alex Chapparo. It has been determined to be homicide and that his gun was the murder weapon, but he has not been arrested yet either as these past few weeks pass. I could go on, but this entry is about Pamela Gaye Copley losing her life while running for her life with no one to save her. This first article here doesn't even bother to use Pamela's name. How sad.
Former Sheriff's Deputy Charged With Murder
Nov 8, 2007
A former Kentucky sheriff's deputy is facing charges after police say he shot a woman to death, then led them on a chase in Russell County... Neighbors say Robert Copley chased his 40-year-old wife while firing several shots. Amanda Prader says the woman ran through her house and collapsed on the back porch. "I know she was hurt, she was holding her side, but I can't really tell ya'. I know there's a bullet hole in our back and our glass is busted," Prader explained. After leading police on a chase, Copley wrecked his car and fled on foot. He was later arrested without incident. Robert Copley will be charged with first-degree murder, wanton endangerment and burglary because he was found inside a trailer.
Nov. 08, 2007
A former Russell County sheriff's deputy was charged Thursday with murder after his wife was shot to death, Kentucky State Police said. Ronald Copley was arrested in Russell County about 11:45 a.m. after brief foot pursuit. He was taken to Russell County Hospital and is being treated for non-life threatening, self-inflicted wounds, state police said. Copley's wife, Pamela Gaye [sp?] Copley, 40, was pronounced dead at the scene on Decatur Road in Russell County. Ronald Copley will be held at the Russell County jail upon release from the hospital.
Dianne Carter said...
Although Pam is 5years older than me we became really good friends when I was a waitress at Country Plus Restaurant when I was sixteen. Pam was a very sweet beautiful person, who had a laugh that even on your worst day would make you laugh. When I was seventeen Pam met Ronald, who from the getgo lied to her and told her he was a divorced man, he wasn't, and he was abusive to her then, that was 1990, how I remember the year is because Pam took me to the Health Dept in July of 1990 when I found out I was pregnant. My 1st born and Pam's 1st born are just a few months apart, and when Pam found out she was pregnant she hid from Ronald at my house, on the day I found out my friend had died my mother reminded me of what Pam said when she hiding at my house,she said it calmly and quietly, that Ronald would kill her someday, he was threating her then. After her daughter was born she showed up at my house at about 2a.m. she was carring her baby, screaming and crying because Ronald had beaten her, because he was claiming the baby was not his. Seeing my friend like this my first instinct was to call the police, but Pam begged me not to because Ronald was an ex-cop and a upstanding member of society . I seen fear and panic in my friends eyes and I was scared she would take off so I didn't make the call, that's my first guilty feeling. Sitting here now it's almost over welming, I should of made the call and sat on top of her if that's what it took, to keep her there,but I couldn't. See my friend was in love with someone who abused her mind first, Pam was 23 when this incident happened and Ronald was 43,he had been a married man who lied to a young girl, who was not an upstanding anything, he beat and stalked a petite girl like Pam who was unable to defend herself, because unfortunally Ronald was not her first abuser. My second regret came around 4 years later I actually believed Pam when she came to my house to announced Ronald had changed and they were getting married, for the second time (the first time was around 1991, but they annuled after 1 day) I bought their wedding cake, my friend was so happy the wedding was going to be so small that I wanted to contribute, so I bought the cake. My third regret is this,Ronald always knew that I knew he was a snake in the grass and that I did not respect him as an upstanding member of society, after seeing Pam's bruises I couldn't, and I was not afraid to tell him, so after Pam and Ronald married Pam was no longer allowed around me, the only times I was able to see my dear friend was if I saw her out somewhere... that's the biggest regret was allowing that jerk to take my friend away. Hey Ron if you ever read this my name is Dianne Carter, you can't bad mouth, beat, intimidate or ever hurt my friend again, and now the whole world knows what a coward, jerk, and most of all not at all an upstanding member of socety, same as me. I have been to my friends grave 2 times now so you can't keep her from me, you can't take my memories, in short you have shown the world what a loser you are. Anyone out there, with the exception of the children that are invovled, who has wasted any pity on this horrible beast should know not all monsters are hiding under your bed some sleep right beside you, petite Pam's did , I promise you.
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal fatality fatalities murder kentucky state politics]
Nov. 09, 2007
A former Russell County sheriff's deputy was charged yesterday with murder after his wife was shot to death, Kentucky State Police said. Ronald Copley was arrested in Russell County about 11:45 a.m. after brief foot pursuit. He was taken to Russell County Hospital and is being treated for non-life threatening, self-inflicted wounds, state police said. Copley's wife, Pamela Gaye Copley, 40, was pronounced dead at the scene on Decatur Road in Russell County. Ronald Copley will be held at the Russell County jail upon release from the hospital.
man shot wife, elem schools on lock down
Posted in the Russell Springs Forum
Russell Springs, KY
he tried to kill himself in the woods. he slit his wrists and stabbed himselfin the chest he is stillin the local hospital now they r operating on him now.
Russell Springs, KY
all we can do is pray for their family and loved one's,it sure is sad.ronnie never struck me as being a violent man but when you're going thru rough time's ppl tend to go off the deep end.i haven't heard wether the kid's were there or not,i hope not.now their without a mom or dad.ppl it's time to wake up you never know when your going to be next,everybody think's no not me but we just never know,make amend's to the ppl you are enemies with,be the bigger person cause we never know.
no name
Russell Springs, KY
The kids were not home. One was in school. The other one was picked up by someone this morning. Does this raise an eyebrow?
Shortest obituary/ death notice
ReplyDeleteI've ever seen:
Pamela Gaye Copley
LIBERTY -- Pamela Gaye Copley, 40, McKinney- Brown Funeral Home
Published in The Courier-Journal on 11/11/2007.
The Courier-Journal
i was thinking about buying the house does anyone know if it is hunted or any strange things go on there
ReplyDelete"no name", I'm slow. Yeah it does raise an eyebrow. Do you know more?
ReplyDeleteAlthough Pam is 5years older than me we became really good friends when I was a waitress at Country Plus Restaurant when I was sixteen. Pam was a very sweet beautiful person, who had a laugh that even on your worst day would make you laugh. When I was seventeen Pam met Ronald, who from the getgo lied to her and told her he was a divorced man, he wasn't, and he was abusive to her then, that was 1990, how I remember the year is because Pam took me to the Health Dept in July of 1990 when I found out I was pregnant. My 1st born and Pam's 1st born are just a few months apart, and when Pam found out she was pregnant she hid from Ronald at my house, on the day I found out my friend had died my mother reminded me of what Pam said when she hiding at my house,she said it calmly and quietly, that Ronald would kill her someday, he was threating her then. After her daughter was born she showed up at my house at about 2a.m. she was carring her baby, screaming and crying because Ronald had beaten her, because he was claiming the baby was not his. Seeing my friend like this my first instinct was to call the police, but Pam begged me not to because Ronald was an ex-cop and a upstanding member of society . I seen fear and panic in my friends eyes and I was scared she would take off so I didn't make the call, that's my first guilty feeling. Sitting here now it's almost over welming, I should of made the call and sat on top of her if that's what it took, to keep her there,but I couldn't. See my friend was in love with someone who abused her mind first, Pam was 23 when this incident happened and Ronald was 43,he had been a married man who lied to a young girl, who was not an upstanding anything, he beat and stalked a petite girl like Pam who was unable to defend herself, because unfortunally Ronald was not her first abuser. My second regret came around 4 years later I actually believed Pam when she came to my house to announced Ronald had changed and they were getting married, for the second time (the first time was around 1991, but they annuled after 1 day) I bought their wedding cake, my friend was so happy the wedding was going to be so small that I wanted to contribute, so I bought the cake. My third regret is this,Ronald always knew that I knew he was a snake in the grass and that I did not respect him as an upstanding member of society, after seeing Pam's bruises I couldn't, and I was not afraid to tell him, so after Pam and Ronald married Pam was no longer allowed around me, the only times I was able to see my dear friend was if I saw her out somewhere...that's the biggest regret was allowing that jerk to take my friend away. Hey Ron if you ever read this my name is Dianne Carter, you can't bad mouth, beat, intimidate or ever hurt my friend again, and now the whole world knows what a coward, jerk, and most of all not at all an upstanding member of socety, same as me. I have been to my friends grave 2 times now so you can't keep her from me, you can't take my memories, in short you have shown the world what a loser you are. Anyone out there, with the exception of the children that are invovled, who has wasted any pity on this horrible beast should know not all monsters are hiding under your bed some sleep right beside you, petite Pam's did ,I promise you.
By Ashley Sidebottom, staff writer
May 14, 2008
CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – “Today is one of those highlight days of the year in which we get to celebrate excellence in education and accomplishments,” said Dr. Michael V. Carter as he announced this year’s distinguished students during the annual Honors and Awards Day chapel program April 30.... Salutatorian for Campbellsville University’s Class of 2008... graduating summa cum laude, with GPAs of 3.85 to 4.0; magna cum laude from 3.70 to 3.84; and cum laude 3.5 to 3.69, were also honored... Pamela Gaye Copley (posthumously) of Dunnville, Ky....
By Ashley Zsedeny
July 10, 2008
CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – A total of 327 students received academic degrees upon completion of all graduation requirements during two spring commencement ceremonies. There were 115 master’s degrees and 212 undergraduate degrees conferred... Pamela Gaye Copley, posthumously, bachelor of science in psychology with a minor in biology, summa cum laude, the daughter of Barbara Hampton of Hustonville, attended Bethel Baptist Church in Russell Springs, and is the mother of Sarah Copley and Whitney Copley...
Obituaries for Nov. 11
ReplyDeleteNovember 11, 2007
Pamela Copley
LIBERTY - Pamela Copley, 40, died Thursday at her home in Dunnville.
She was a homemaker and part-time student at Campbellsville College. She attended Bethel United Baptist Church, Dunnville.
Survivors include her husband, Ronald Copley; mother, Barbara Davis Hampton of Hustonville; daughters, Whitney and Sarah Copley of Dunnville; and stepchildren, Teresa Meyer, Lisa Kerr and Melinda Gilbert, all of Dunnville, and Randy Copley of Russell Springs.
Services are 2 p.m. Monday at McKinney-Brown Funeral Home by Brother Floying Thompson. Burial will be in Hustonville Cemetery.
Visitation is 6-9 p.m. today at the funeral home.
Thinking of you.