North Platte Telegraph
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
[EXCERPTS] Saying he could not tolerate any sort of domestic violence issues, Lincoln County Sheriff Jerome Kramer said he had no choice but to have Chief Deputy Dean Sparks placed under arrest on Tuesday. An ex-girlfriend of Sparks' filed a protection order against him and Kramer served Sparks with that protection order on Sunday morning. The ex-girlfriend alleged that she was being stalked and threatened by the now-former second-in-command at the sheriff's office. Kramer placed Sparks on administrative leave as of Monday morning, but on Tuesday at 4 p.m. Sparks was processed at the Lincoln County Jail and released after posting bond on the charge of violating that protection order... Kramer, who publicly advocates against domestic violence, said the alleged violation of the protection order left him with little choice. "Granted, Dean has not been convicted of anything, but I have always made it very clear where I stand on domestic violence issues and we have a zero tolerance on violations of the law," said Kramer. "There is a 30-year friendship involved here, but I did what I had to do"... Kramer said he asked Sparks to sign a letter of resignation and Sparks complied with the request "out of respect for the department," said Kramer ... [Full article here]
Written by Jacque Harms
Tuesday, 17 May 2011 22:11
[Excerpts] Lincoln County's Chief Sheriff's Deputy was arrested Tuesday for violating a protection order... The ex-girlfriend stated that the couple broke up January 17th. Since then, Sparks allegedly threatened her, broke into her home, and harassed her. The ex-girlfriend says she fears for her life and her children's safety. Sheriff Kramer says Sparks called his ex-girlfriend Tuesday morning, and that's why he was arrested. A Special Prosecutor was appointed... Sparks served the Lincoln County Sheriff's office for nearly 20 years. [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety professionalism brass nebraska state politics]
Sparks is still harassing female law enforcement officers he once taught in the academy in Douglas wy. He cheated with a female from the teton county sherifs office. Check his cell records he still calls them to this date.