By Ken Schram
April 29, 2003
SEATTLE - Tacoma Police Chief David Brame shot his wife in the head and then killed himself.
The couple's children witnessed the horror in its entirety.
With those facts undisputed, there is then everything else.
Tacoma's interim Police Chief Catherine Woodard is a former domestic violence investigator.
So, why was Woodard in Brame's car when he went to his estranged wife's home to pick up their children on April 11?
Woodard says she was there as a witness and thinking Crystal Brame 'liked' her.
That doesn't wash.
Woodard already knew of the domestic violence allegations at that point.
And as a former investigator, she knows - better than most - that her being with the chief under those circumstances made for a very intimidating presence.
That's because Woodard fully understands the dynamics of fear and intimidation and control in domestic violence situations.
So: What message did Woodard help send to Crystal Brame that day?
If Woodard is too dense not to have realized what her being there meant, maybe she's too dense to be interim chief.
Finally, I've heard enough about David Brame's illustrious police career, and not nearly enough about the woman who's been left clinging to life after he shot her in the head.
By all accounts, Crystal Brame lived in fear while living under her husband's shadow.
If the worst happens, she shouldn't have to die there.
Want to share your thoughts with Ken Schram? You can e-mail him at kenschram@komo4news.com
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