..."It absolutely worries me that Judge Becnel did not order him on home incarceration," said Tracy Mutz, a former girlfriend who claimed Schaeffer raped and repeatedly hit her during their two year relationship beginning in 2004. "He threatened to kill me. He held his loaded service weapon to my head." Mutz feels Shaeffer's sentence was too lenient considering he was facing life behind bars...

Women Accused Wayne Schaeffer Of Multiple Attacks
POSTED: 11:19 am CDT May 22, 2009
UPDATED: 11:48 am CDT May 22, 2009
[Excerpts] A former lieutenant in the St. John the Baptist Sheriff's Office pleaded guilty Friday to two felony counts and received a sentence of 10 years of probation. Wayne Schaeffer was indicted in January 2008 on charges of aggravated rape, battery and attempted sexual battery. The felony counts were filed after several women came forward during an I-Team investigation into Schaeffer's conduct. He pleaded guilty to two counts: malfeasance in office and second-degree battery. If convicted on all of the original charges, Schaeffer could have received a sentence that would have kept him in prison for the rest of his life. By pleading guilty to the limited charges and adhering to the judge's conditions, he avoids prison time. Schaeffer's accusers included a former girlfriend who told I-Team senior investigative reporter Richard Angelico she suffered abuse that at one point sent her to the emergency room. "Mostly, I became a punching bag... in my face, my legs," Tracey Mutz said in late 2007. Mutz said she was also raped at gunpoint and suffered a broken hip. Two other women described instances of abuse at the hands of Schaeffer. "The straw that broke the camel's back was when he crushed a wine glass in my hand," one of them told Angelico. Another said she was groped by Schaeffer at a local bar. "I slapped his hand and told him to get the hell off of me and he went berserk," said the woman, identified as "Jessica" in the WDSU report. "He started calling me a slut and a whore and I didn't even know him." Schaeffer was fired shortly after the first I-Team reports aired. State Police conducted an investigation into the allegations. They said Schaeffer failed a polygraph test administered as part of the probe. [LINK]
The Times-Picayune
by Joy Hirdes
Friday May 22, 2009, 3:45 PM
...Judge Mary Hotard Becnel ordered Schaeffer to complete anger management and sensitivity counseling, as well as domestic violence counseling and to submit to random drug and alcohol screenings at his own expense and to pay fines and court costs totalling $4,718.50. Judge Becnel also released Schaeffer of his electronic monitoring and ordered him to have no contact with his victims and their families for the duration of his probation. "It absolutely worries me that Judge Becnel did not order him on home incarceration," said Tracy Mutz, a former girlfriend who claimed Schaeffer raped and repeatedly hit her during their two year relationship beginning in 2004. "He threatened to kill me. He held his loaded service weapon to my head." Mutz feels Shaeffer's sentence was too lenient considering he was facing life behind bars. Seated one row behind Schaeffer on Friday, Mutz said she jumped at the chance to give a victim's statement in the courtroom. "I let him know that he had done some terrible things to people," said Mutz, who met Schaeffer when he coached her son in little league baseball. "And that even though our bruises have healed there are still lots of terrible scars left behind... He did not look at me... He kept his head down the throughout the hearing."
"I have been waiting for this day for a very long time," Mutz said. The judge set a proof of compliance hearing for August 5, 2009. [Full article here]
The Times-Picayune
by Joy Hirdes
Friday May 22, 2009, 8:48 PM
...Allan Wayne Schaeffer, 48, of LaPlace, pleaded guilty to second-degree battery and malfeasance in office on Friday and received five years of probation on each count. Schaeffer, a former lieutenant with the Sheriff's Office, had been charged with aggravated rape, second-degree battery and attempted sexual battery. He was fired from the sheriff's office in October 2008 after a State Police investigation, which stemmed from a domestic dispute complaint filed by a former girlfriend [Tracey Mutz]. Schaeffer faced a possible life sentence on the aggravated rape charge and a maximum of five years on both the second-degree battery and attempted sexual battery charges. "We took an offer that was too good to pass up versus life in prison, " Schaeffer's attorney, Paul C. Fleming, said Friday evening. "The verdict gives Mr. Schaeffer a chance at a future. He's been stagnant." The prosecution was handled by the Ascension Parish district attorney's office after the state recused itself, citing a deteriorating rapport with the victims. According to the indictment against him, Schaeffer was charged with one count of aggravated rape in a November 2005 incident and one count of second-degree battery in a May 2006 incident, both involving a former girlfriend. The attempted sexual battery charge, according to the indictment, stemmed from an incident involving another woman who said Schaeffer tried to force her to perform a sex act after parking his patrol car behind the Sherman Walker Correctional Facility in LaPlace... [Full article here]
Previous entries:
- [LA] Lt. Schaeffer accused of dv, rape, sex assault by 3 women - ...Schaeffer was just fired in October after Tracey Mutz, his ex-girlfriend, filed domestic violence charges on him. He's charged with aggravated rape and 2nd degree battery on her. Two other women are accusing him as well...
- [LA] Fired Deputy Schaeffer's victims have reason to fear - ...Mutz said Monday that the ruling did little to ease her fears since the monitoring device has to be ordered. "I'm 100 percent terrified and devastated," she said. "To know that man is walking free to do whatever he deems necessary, it doesn't seem logical. It doesn't seem like our justice system would allow this."
I'm gathering the comments. Standby.
ReplyDeleteFrom NOLA.com
ReplyDelete...This guy is SCUM! For someone we're supposed to trust he is as bad as any criminal can get. Wow. He gets probation. That is so wrong. He "worked" for 16 years...how much of that was legit? He deserves FAR MORE pinishment than he got.
...Why are we plea bargining? Everyone isn't given a deal to plea bargin and do NO time at all. Why? We always let the bad ones go free'
...What a joke. I USED to have respect for Judge Becnel, but now I have to question its' foundation. Of course, I lost respect for the police out here after [Sheriff] Wayne got elected. It wouldn't surprise me if he rehires this trash. Best of all he was charged with no less than two sex crimes but his plea agreement will not require him to register as a sex offender. What will happen if/when he goes after children????
...This is just crazy!!!... Here - a POLICE OFFICER raped and battered people and what does he get - PROBATION!!!!! Where is the outrage!!!!
...No, a police officer committed second degree battery and malfeasance in office. He got probation as a first offender which happens every day in courts all over the country. Equal justice for all means just that...he gets treated like everyone else.
...The court system is sooooo F@#K'D UP. There are people serving longer sentences....BEHIND BARS for lesser offences. This is BULL!!!! A woman I know in Covington...got 5 years for an ounce of pot while on probation....where is the justice? This scumbag gets PROBATION. Once again this is F@#K'D UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...Yeah...he should be treated alright. Dip his slimey azz in tar, roll porky in feathers, and have a deep fry chicken night...with plenty of Abita on hand.
...Ladies & gentleman may i introduce you to the white O.J.
...Face it, he had a great lawyer......it seems to me that the Judge in the case should be barred or recalled.
..."second degree battery and malfeasance in office. He got probation as a first offender". Thats light but not much problem with that. I want to know what happened to the RAPE charges. Who has the right to deny her her rights? Does she have any options?
ReplyDelete...Real tough guy here, likes to beat up on women, had a badge,has to rape because nobody in their right mind would give him any. Yep! A real winner here...................... Get a rope ! And the judge...... you are a embarrassment to the system, step down !
...OUTRAGEOUS !!! SICK !!! CORRUPT !!! I do not care what color he is. I do not care what the victim's colr is. This RAPIST should be in jail. The fact that another lady shares this experience with this RAPIST should add to his punishment. Probatiuon. nothing but a TRAVESTY. Who is there to protect civil society from such predators? Surely not the Courts, or "Judge" Becnel........
...and the battered victim gets to live in a prison of fear because this violent jerk is out on the streets!
...I'm glad to see he got probation, he was a good cop
...The woman was RAPED and beat, numerous times. Do you not understand that? Are you on dope?
...What is sad is that you always find scum willing to defend scum. If he did the things that he is accused of, he should be locked up. Simple and plain. We all know that leniency is shown when the police are involved. Looks like some people are above the law.
...When I heard this on the news earlier today, I was blown away! 10MMGLOCK, is 100% correct! He faced a possible 'life sentence' on the rape charge alone! The district attorney's office cited a 'deteriorating rapport with the victims'. Yep, it was a cop on trial and it deteriorated real fast! He held a gun to the head of one woman, who said he tried to force her to perform a sex act after parking his patrol car. So, what does life sentence and other felony sentences to possibly run concurrent end up as: Anger management and sensitivity counseling, as well as domestic violence counseling and to submit to random drug and alcohol screenings at his own expense (sure) and to pay fines and court costs totaling $4,718.50. Electronic monitoring and ordered him to have no contact with his victims and their families for the duration of his probation and no computer use!
...This is obscene. A rapist who used his badge to victimize people gets no prison time? The prosecutors should be ashamed of themselves!
...I don't normally make angry comments, but how wrong is his punishment? May God have mercy on the individual who allowed this to happen.
...Well no matter how much you hate this is the American justice system at work. This guy goes from a life sentence if found guilty to "anger management and sensitivity classes" oh man what a great justice system we have in America. This man gets to walk around free society and will probably have a nice under-the-table job with the St. John sheriffs office once he's free. He rapes women and the judge says "Well you were a cop so you passed a bakground check so you can go free you're a good ol boy". Great justice system looks out for police officers
...Where's the justice? This guy must have been able to pull some strings behind the scenes. If this was an NOPD officer, he'd be under the jail and there would be hundreds of posts vilifying Riley and the entire NOPD force.
...I live in St John and you can bet I will never vote for Tom Daley or Mary Becnel again. All politics and no common sense.
..."It absolutely worries me that Judge Becnel did not order him on home incarceration," said Tracy Mutz, a former girlfriend who said Schaeffer raped and repeatedly hit her during their two-year relationship beginning in 2004. "He threatened to kill me. He held his loaded service weapon to my head." Two years? If she let this go on for two years, she has other issues as well. The man obviously had a problem but with the girl friend, they either may not have believed her or didn't think a jury would believe her. The charge of attempted second degree sexual battery was filed by a different woman and they do not say what he did to try to force her to commit sex acts. There are not enough details to evaluate the charges but I bet there is a lot more to the story.
...This is a sad day for all of St John Parish that let this POS stay out of jail. How could the DA accept any plea that didn't include jail time. These women will never recover emotionally from this ordeal.
...The good ole boy network at its best. What must he have had on the DA and the judge? How could a policeman charged w/such a heinous crime while in his patrol car be let off w/just a nod and a wink. This sounds like some frat boy stuff. This guy admitted to the crime and he gets off w/no jail time. What happened to equity in sentencing? I'm waiting for the overwhelming rage over this. NOPD patrolman would have gotten 20 years even w/a guilty plea.
...Lousy-anna politics, at it's best!
...Take a look at the prison time the Jeffersons face for stealing money. Their crimes were not violent nor were they policemen charge with protecting the public. The inequity is nausiating. Make no mistake, I am no Jefferson sympathizer.
...The first victim said she went to the sheriff twice and he did nothing. Sounds like denial of civil rights and malfeasance. Could this be part of the plea?
...This not just a shame, this is a crime, it reminds you of how backwards this state really is, the state did what?? because of what??? WE need the FEDS throughout this state to start to prosecute these corrupt DA's and judges, this makes no sense, this sound like stories out of the past, which no one seems to ever want to talk about, people killed by law enforcment, nothing done, this ladies life is still in DANGER, he's free, and when he goes off, nobody is going to want to be held responsible, THIS STATE IS A JOKE!!!
...He faced a possible 'life sentence' on the rape charge alone! The district attorney's office cited a 'deteriorating rapport with the victims'. Yep, it was a cop on trial and it deteriorated real fast! He held a gun to the head of one woman, who said he tried to force her to perform a sex act after parking his patrol car. So, what does life sentence and other felony sentences to possibly run concurrent end up as: Anger management and sensitivity counseling, as well as domestic violence counseling and to submit to random drug and alcohol screenings at his own expense (sure) and to pay fines and court costs totaling $4,718.50. Electronic monitoring and ordered him to have no contact with his victims and their families for the duration of his probation and no computer use! They also reported on he news, he couldn't own a gun anymore. Don't they know that any convicted felon, can't own a gun!...
ReplyDelete...Sorry, I left a word out of my previous post. This sentence boils my blood! Like the Slidell cop that was sticking up Hispanics by pulling them over in his uniform and patrol car, knowing they wouldn't turn him in. He also got a probated sentence. This crime was far worse. This man used a gun and raped a woman!
I hope Jim Letten's office reviews this miscarriage of justice. Obviously, because of the laws governing double jeopardy it makes trying this felon twice for the same crimes impossible. But, the civil liberties of these woman that were accosted were violated. This judgement is a travesty of justice!
...I wonder what the sentence would have been if these crimes had been committed against the Judge's or DA's daughter, sister, wife, mother, or any other relative. I do not wish ill on anyone but what goes round comes round.
...Typical good-ol' boys! Don't worry, he will end up back in the news. He will likely do the same crap again or even kill somebody. A thug with a badge!
damn. that's really all i can say