April 2006
U.S. Marine Corps reservist, Knox County Deputy Eric Brefini – who admits he was on steroids - got mad after his wife went shopping, told her she spent too much money, grabbed her around her throat (Held her? Choked her?), and amongst whatever else happened that day last month, wouldn’t let her leave the house. A few days later he took her cel phone & car keys to keep her again from leaving. His wife says that he assaulted her on several different occasions, threatened to kill her, and that his holding her in the house lasted for nine hours. (They had to be long hours if someone has told you that they will or could kill you.) He was arrested, went to jail under an order that he be held for “a minimum of 12 hours,” a $30,000 bond was set – then slashed by a special judge (he knew the regular ones) in a “specially-called hearing” to $5,000. The bond was slashed even though he avoided revealing in the paperwork how much he makes. It was slashed even though the prosecuting attorney brought it to the court’s attention concern that Brefini had been “acting strangely,” the impact of steroids, and that Deputy Brefini was on a hunger strike. (Brefini denied it was a hunger strike but did admit he hadn’t eaten in eight days.) Still pulling a full check, Brefini said he didn't have enough money for an attorney, so a court-appointed attorney was assigned him for a $50.00 fee. (Kind of goes back to telling his wife she spends too much money doesn’t it?) Yesterday in exchange for having the false imprisonment charge dropped he pled guilty to the domestic assault charge. He got 11 months 29 days, but you know how it is – he’ll serve that as probation with anger management and drug abuse classes.
May all be safe.
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ReplyDeleteAbuse is wrong, doesn't matter which of the law you are on.
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ReplyDeleteIf some new information comes up - and hopefully it won't - email me.
Things are bad enough without these comments. They were getting worse.
To the person who brought up 50-50 parenting though - please email me.
Well, I've received more comments since deleting the comments than I expected. I can't write you back because you are all anonymous... but I am getting your messages and what you want to say.
ReplyDeleteFor a few of you:
To the person who wonders why I would care if there is any new news... because I would post a new entry on it.
To the person who said I didn't do enough for them - you're kicking a volunteer worker. There's no new info in what you sent, I already had that info in text form, and used it to make the post above. What "help" were you looking for? I didn't know you wanted any and you have never shared that with me.
To the person who did identify who they were to me - thanks for writing. Seriously.
At least there was some substance that had an impact in this situation - meaning, hopefully if the steroids are stayed away from, this man can put his life and relationships with his kids back together. Substances have screwed the best of us.
ReplyDeleteI'M AWFUL, stopping your comments but still commenting. But I'm still GETTING comments. And only one of you has let me know how to contact them.
To all of us:
As a man thinketh
by James Allen
To the latest anonymous that I heard from tonight - keep hoping the best.
ReplyDeleteWell I know now how and why things come to a halt,goes back to who knows who,they just don't know,that it is hurting him and no one eles,I hope he don't repeat his pattren,with the next one hope the best for him.
ReplyDeleteI went out with Eric Brefini and he use to man handle me too so I don't think he will ever change!!
ReplyDeleteWhat is your name?!
DeleteSorry to hear he is still man handling women if you are one please do not be afraid to come forward,It might help him to see he needs some help,more than what he already got,he does deserve too be happy,and to get to the root of the problem he has,or is it not worth it to him,I sure hope he will become a better man for the sake of all now and in the future is that not compassion for a person!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I am so tired of this crap. You people don't know him like I know him. I'm so tired of this. He's been with a woman now for 3 months and I am close friends with his girlfriend. They fight like cats and dogs and never I mean never has he ever raised his hand to her. You people need to get a life and stop living in the past. He's different now because he actually has people around him who love him. That means me. If you have any problems with him, you come to me. My name is Collin. Here is my number 865-256-9049. I am his absolute best friend and brother for life. They say birds of a feather flock together. I don't run around with trash. I'm respectable and respectful. He is different because he wants to be better and needs negative people life you to leave him be. It is the past and the past is done.
ReplyDeleteThey "fight like cats and dogs" after only three months? And you are standing up for his changed ways? Wow. If you're really a friend of his girlfriend, maybe you ought to call some domestic violence agencies and ask them to teach you the dynamics so that you can advise your friend to RUN!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThree months? They should still be only trying to give best first impressions.
That is really bad news,
and really disappointing to hear.
I wished to believe that the past is the past,but collin if it has only been 3 months with a lady and they fight like cat and dogs,then does that not say something,true friends help each other,please for his sake talk to him about getting help,that would show some respect to him don't you think,he does deserve to be happy in life and to have a live,to fix a problem you have to see and admit he has a problem,(or a temper problem maybe) be a true friend don't get angry at people for wanting him to have a good life.
ReplyDeleteNEW girlfriend's tend to believe they are a better woman than their man's last partner. They tend to think that they have some tricks in the bed or some emotional power over their man that the last woman didn't... a better connection with him - or can HELP him (because she's an animal lover) - or she believes him that any violence was the ex's fault. Even where there is a string of accusations from multiple past relationships many otherwise intelligent women keep themselves deliberately ignorant.
ReplyDeleteThat's the way it rolls.
Well Im glad everybody can speak for me.... I am the "girlfriend" you all are talking about. We do not fight like cats and dogs. It has been a very rough road over the past few months. There is a little stress in the air with him being laid off recently. Eric has never shown one bit of anger with me nor have I ever felt scared or afraid of him. I wish everybody would just let his be and let the man move on with his life. He is at his breaking point right now. I spoke to his wife and she has forgiven him! Why cant you let this be over with????? If he is not here tomorrow I know who to turn to when I want to place blame! Thanks!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking and consulting the wise ex's.
ReplyDelete-- not ERIC'S ex's.
ReplyDeleteSorry...my bad! Soon to be EX wife.
ReplyDeleteI never said the blame goes to ERIC's ex's. Eric is to blame for his actions but not to blame for the constant emotional abuse that he is going thru now. Abuse is abuse....verbal and or physical. Is it okay for either?? NO! So why continue the verbal abuse??? Is he hurting anybody right now??? Has he hurt anybody in the last 2 years??? NO!! Then please leave him alone! STOP with the comments unless you are willing to say who you are!
ReplyDeleteWell it seems like people have a lot to say on this page,seems to me that people that say they know Eric and have known him for a long time,seem to want to over look things that have happened,you know yes a person does deserve to put their past behind them,Do you think that is what he wants to do,I would like to hope,but it seems like those who think they know him,well if you did you would know how much he needs his anger to be treated,who knows where it all has come from??Love him enough to help him and not get angry yourselves,and yes I agree verbal and physical abuse is wrong.Bruises go away mental abuse well it has a way of lasting a lot longer,and yes if the ex's don't forgive they can not go on in life and be happy,HAS HE IN TWO YEARS??????? You say NO.WELL!!! Let him get a divorce and get a job and get some help going on and be HAPPY for once in his life,and their is nothing wrong with a low paying job,these days a job is a job count your self blessed to have one.Kim and Collin all I can say is Know the facts before you get so angry with concerned people,and love him enough to help him get over what has made him an angry person deep inside of him,a temper will get a person where they really don't want to be.When a person hits rock bottom the only way up is to LOOK UP.
ReplyDeleteWell that's a first he is not DIVORCED,and his girlfriend is making a statement and coming forward,no wonder people are wondering about a change that has supposed to have took place.My,My interesting.
ReplyDeleteKim are you saying you have been with him for two years,if so then did he tell you he was a married man,and living with his wife,not good.
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost....I have not been with Eric for TWO YEARS!!!! And yes I know all about him being married and seperated. I like how you people put words in mouth and assume what you want to assume. All I am is somebody who belives in people when other people dont! "But you have changed and I can see it and I cant hold it against you". Those were words right out of his wife's mouth the other day! But do I really need to write this wall anymore and continue to explain myself or continue to fight for somebody thats trying to better themselves???? HELL NO!!!!!! This blog has turned into nothing but a bunch of crap! People assuming....people judging and pointing fingers! I can understand why the wall was started but good grief people let it be! I guess people are not willing to accept that someone that could have done something so wrong could better themselves afterwards. Its like you want to see him fail AGAIN! You want to see him react in anger. Sorry to inform you....he has no anger for you just hurt and discontent. Dont worry! He will succeed in becoming a better person. He has someone that believes in him and wants him to do well. You say "anger management"??? Well maybe you should ask him yourself. After all you are talking abut him so why dont you just ask him and find out yourself??? Then again im just the "NEW" girlfriend that does great stuff in bed. Isnt that what you said about me??? Oh and I cant forget "the animal lover" comment! That was a good one! Why hasnt anybody spoke about the wife??? Why dont you try asking her what she thinks? Its totally differnt then what you are thinking or saying! Its blogs and bored people like this that continue to push people over the edge! I hope you people never make a mistake because you will never be forgiven!!! You say this is a job for GOD?? Well then stop playing the devils advocate and let GOD do his job! IM DONE HERE!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteKim I don't think it's a good idea to keep posting to the blog. You and I can pick up our email conversation if you like, but this has gone from bad to worse.
ReplyDeleteYou are worried about Eric.
I'm worried about you.
Well seems like Kim has let the truth come out,please honey get some help with Eric people deserve to live normal and happy lives,only if we choose to I hope you both will agree,it seems like the past is becoming the future,please don't let it happen,but the soon to be ex needs to be left alone and you and Eric find happiness,PLEASE
ReplyDeletewhy donot u all get over it.and i am well on my way with my soon to be ex to take care of our children with love and compassion for them but apart from each other . this has nothing to do with anyone but me and memem.please i wish u all the best and let it go.
ReplyDeletesteroid use has serious consequences on this occasion was the euphoria
ReplyDeletewhy donot u all get over it.and i am well on my way with my soon to be ex to take care of our children with love and compassion for them but apart from each other . this has nothing to do with anyone but me and memem.please i wish u all the best and let it go.
ReplyDeleteLooks like he did it again......
06-OCT-70 - Address
White Male
Case # - Document Type - Booked/Served - Charge
Bond Type: NONE - Bond Amount: -
- - -
Bond Type: NONE - Bond Amount: -
- - -
TWELVE (12) HOUR HOLD - 12 HOUR HOLD EXPIRES 7/23/11 @ 0022
Bond Type: NONE - Bond Amount: -
- - -
Bond Type: NONE - Bond Amount: -
- - -
Bond Type: APPEARANCE - Bond Amount: $30000 SET -
- - -
Bond Type: APPEARANCE - Bond Amount: $20000 SET -
- - -
Court Date - Case - Division - Court Event - Court Role
Thank you for the update. I'm re-reading what the girlfriend is saying in his defense above and shaking my head. Oh to be young and in love.I document so many deaths in part to give people a chance to see where this goes.
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling motivated to dig up old emails from Eric.
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify, the girl mentioned above (Kim) was not his current girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteMore recent:
ReplyDelete[TN] Whether Ex-Deputy Brefini got his job back or not I don't know - but he's been arrested again - on aggravated assault, kidnap
So sad once again ...he has hurt another woman ...how many more before they see he needs a lot if help ..before someone is killed .......
ReplyDeleteAugust 10, 2011
ReplyDeleteAnonymous has left a new comment:
"Brefini was sentenced to 4 1/2 years today. We all pray he will get his life together & stop this insanity. "
I know his Mother just passed away, recently. I hope he finds peace. I'm wodering if the PTSD had a lot to do with it--Marines may have created a monster. I'm not condoning his actions, but I have known Eric since he went to High School with my son. He never showed any tendencies before he went into the service.
ReplyDeleteYes, he has been diagnosed with PTSD. The signs were there way before he was arrested. He is doing well and is getting better and better everyday. The death of his mother hit him very hard, but he is turning this whole experience into a very positive one, as he is using his time in prison wisely. He has seeked counseling and treatment for his PTSD and is doing very well. He has accepted his punishment and is looking forward to a fresh new start. Though the Marine Corp created part of who he is today, he does not regret serving our country, however he is very regretful of the people he has hurt due to his PTSD, his insecurities and his addictions. That is something he will have to live with everyday of his life.
DeleteEric is remorseful, charming and convincing, coming across like he cares so much for others, especially his family, until he's sure he can't get and have his way. If you are going to trust him stay strapped.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the advice.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the Reply--if someone see's or speaks to him, tell him we are thinking about him and we hope that he gets better everyday. His friends back home still care about him, and we will remember him and his family in our prayers.
ReplyDeletePeople really have alot to say about Eric. He is not a monster he had alot of unaddressed issues to deal with. He is getting help to deal with those issues. I do not condone domestic violence in any form. However I do believe Eric can change for the better and be the kind loving repectful person he really is. Get over yourselves people
ReplyDeleteI am a Marine and served with Eric. To blame on any of this on PTSD or on the Marine Corps is total crap. PTSD my ass. The guy never saw combat anywhere. Bottom line: The guy has anger issues, abused steroids most of his adult life, and likes to smack around women. He is a creep. Quit making excuses for him.
ReplyDeleteI am also a Marine that served with Brefini. Im not too sure who you are and really dont care but unless you truly know what you are talking about, It would be best to keep your comments to yourself. Brefini was definitely in a combat zone, and a very hostile environment. I know this because I was right next to him. I wouldnt of had it any other way. He was a good Marine and I was thankful that he was there with me. As far as PTSD, yes, it is possible and if you knew anything about it, you would know that it could lead to many different things..including substance abuse, anger, depression etc. SO before you offer your comments and opinions, please get your facts straight.
DeleteIf there is any doubt as to Eric's tendency to smack woman around, just contact any of his ex wives or girlfriends. Quit blaming the military. Blame the steroids he's abused for years.
ReplyDeleteI was in prison with him.and nobody knew this was what he was in there. He told us he was in there for man Slater drinking an driving or something like that. And nobody likes a man that hurts women and children. and him being a cop that would make it 100 times worst. He was on the edge all the time in there. Bad attitude. But like I said he lied about his changes and who he was the hole time.
DeleteForget the steriods, the pills, the military, the post traumatic stress disorder....and think of one thing-his character. I am a daughter of his and I witnessed him first hand physically and verbally abusing my mom and sister. His character is horrific, and he is completely fake to whoever he comes into contact with. I am tired of people always giving others an excuse for their actions. I had to live with him and I know how he was. So before you "anonymous" people try to state facts how about you think logically for once.
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you are saying. Sounds like we lived the same early lives. I hope you have been able to fly over the early damage... I have, by staying out of harms way - others with the same tendencies, and by helping others.
DeleteI know exactly what you are saying. Sounds like we lived the same early lives. I hope you have been able to fly over the early damage... I have, by staying out of harms way - others with the same tendencies, and by helping others.