"Gravity... usually its agood something...sometimes it bites ya... ...had a guy run from me last night...i caught him upstairs and he too fell down soome stairs last night...and his medical clearance took a while...ask Lynch. But like a good batterer i know the areas that hide the marks well." [LINK]

Palm Beach Post
By Michael LaForgia
July 28, 2009
[Excerpts] Sgt. Brent Raban wore a badge and carried a gun issued by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, but he didn't think of himself as a crime fighter. Instead, the seven-year Sheriff's Office veteran considered himself a punisher on the mean streets of Belle Glade, and he bragged in Internet postings about his prowess in battering the people he arrested, according to an internal investigation released Monday. Together with two subordinates, Deputies Gregory Lynch and Michael Woodside, Raban would work the streets of the county's western communities, sometimes sporting a camouflage skullcap emblazoned with the word "PUNISHMENT," the investigation determined... Lynch and Woodside each were found to have broken four department rules and recommended for firing... In a prominent place on [Facebook] Raban's page, the former sergeant typed, "It's not crime fighting ... It's dealing out PUNISHMENT!"... In other places on his Facebook page, Raban crowed about dealing harshly with the people he arrested, writing in one instance that he roughed up one suspect. "But like a good batterer," he added, "I know the areas that hide the marks well." "It was a comment I made in extremely bad taste," Raban told investigators later. "It was meant as a joke." In another instance, he lamented that he was losing his cool because he had gone 14 days without hitting someone. [Full article here]

Posted by Brandon Long blong@wmgt.com
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
[Excerpts] ...Palm Beach Sheriff's Office Colonel Michael Gauger says the entries are "very concerning." Interviews done by internal affairs paint Sergeant Brent Raban as the leader of the group. There is a photo of him wearing a skull cap with the word "Punishment" on it. The comment on it reads, "It's not crime fighting...It's dealing out PUNISHMENT."... An email in December tipped off the sheriff's office. What followed was an internal affairs investigation into Sergeant Brent Raban, Deputy Sergeant Gregory Lynch and Deputy Sergeant Michael Woodside... Deputy Sergeant Gregory Lynch and Deputy Sergeant Michael Woodside were fired. Lynch has about two years with PBSO, Woodside less than one. Sergeant Raban has more than ten years with PBSO. He was demoted. He has also been reassigned and is not returning to the Glades. The Palm Beach County State Attorney's office found there was not enough evidence to press charges. [Full article here]

Palm Beach County Top News Examiner
Claire Portmann
July 29, 3:45 AM
[Excerpts] Brent Radan, with his actions on the streets of Belle Glade and his braggadocio on facebook, brought an Internal Affairs investigation down on himself and his two subordinates... In his photo album section, there are booking pictures of suspects who have required medical attention. They have the feeling of trophy mount displays. Under one of these, Radan comments about the suspect having been on the biting end of gravity and “But like a good batterer I know the areas that hide the marks well”... Whether the self promotion and allegations made on his facebook pages are true or not, the damage has been done. The result of the investigation was the firing of Deputies Gregory Lynch & Michael Woodside and Radan's demotion from Sergeant to Deputy. But the real damage is that which has been done to the image of and trust in the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office. It is especially so in the western part of the county, where these three patrolled and confronted people on the streets. [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence law enforcement fatality fatalities abuse florida sergeant teflon]
EDITORIAL: Cops go bad, keep working
ReplyDeletePalm Beach Post Editorial
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
[Excerpts] ...Officer Raban delighted in beating up people he arrested. He bragged on the Facebook networking site about his rough justice, posting a picture of himself wearing a ski cap bearing the word punishment... In all, officer Raban violated 11 department rules. Col. Mike Gauger said that officer Raban and the two others "acted stupidly." Officer Raban won't face criminal charges, but his actions render him unfit to wear a badge. Still, union rules make it very hard in Florida to fire police officers... And this year, doing a favor for the police union, the Legislature and Gov. Crist made it even harder to fire police officers. The move won't win them any favors from the places where those bad cops get dumped.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteObviously this was not posted by Doctor Moncure but by a crazy person whom has harrassed his entire family for years .
Deletewhy else would his personal address be posted.
DeleteNORMALLY I would not post a comment like that last one. Because of the content though somebody may want to be aware of this person, so I'm sharing it.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to imagine that comment is really from the surgeon, and I found someone using the name here:
Supreme Court Explores High School Searches, Personal Drama
...ashby moncure m.d.
12:20PM Apr 25th 2009
I am putting all on notice-it is time for Americans to take back their rights to freedom and liberty. If any school teacher or administrator attempts to strip search or apply corporal punishment to my child-I will shoot to kill.
Hopefully not all American policemen are that primitive, foolish and lawbreaking as Brent Raban, at least a policeman should be just a littel better than the criminals, in this case it is the other way round.
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping the post up by "Dr. Moncure": guys with anger management problems like his can become genuine threats to themselves and others.
ReplyDeleteNo problem. I hope they know who he is.
ReplyDeleteDr.Moncure , wow , this guy is scary , hope the feds read his post , so when he goes off in the tower they will have record . Brent Raban was a little scared man with the power of a badge and gun , and thank God he is off the streets. However , the comment by a medical doctor "hoping all police officers die on the job " is totally scary. This doctor took a ethical oat , to care and save lives , and to make a statement like that , he is ten times worse than Raban . Wonder if the doctor likes it when all our military men and women die as well, protecting our country ? Dear Doc , you are in need of a Doc , a mental doctor!
ReplyDeleteSomoene should turn this doctor in to be investigated
ReplyDeleteThe hope of someone being able to identify him is the ONLY reason I posted him.