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Monday, May 30, 2011

[CA] Cop-on-cop felony stalking charges: SDPD Sgt. Davis and Officer Hayes spun a sticky web

San Diego police Kenneth Davis is accused of one felony count of stalking and three misdemeanor counts of making harassing phone calls. If convicted, he faces a possible sentence of up to three years in prison. Probation is also a possibility... Both were married, admitted they had an affair and left their spouses... Judge John Einhorn said the evidence showed that the woman was “put into a state of real fear” when Davis did not heed requests from her and fellow police personnel to leave her alone. The judge said the conduct was “troubling enough” for the felony charge to stand... A Sept. 26 trial date was set...

Nine or ten San Diego officers are currently in the news accused of various crimes, to the dismay of the chief. Two of the incidents are domestic-related. I had posted on one but not the other.

San Diego police Officer Roel Tungcab is mentioned in the recent news excerpt below. The previous post on him is here:


May all involved - both families - survive this sad, possibly ominous, situation.

I'm especially keeping the kids dragged through this in my prayers.

Posted: May 27, 2011 10:07 AM PST
[Excerpts] ...In late April, a judge ordered San Diego police Sgt. Kenneth H. Davis, 47, to stand trial on one count of stalking a fellow officer he had dated and three counts of making harassing telephone calls to her. Davis, a 23-year department veteran, could serve up to three years in prison if found guilty of the allegations, which came to light in February... On March 24, San Diego police Officer Roel Tungcab was arrested by sheriff's deputies in the aftermath of a fight with his wife at their Imperial Beach home. Tungcab, 39, faces misdemeanor domestic violence charges... During Friday's briefing, the SDPD spokeswoman sought to reassure San Diegans that the spate of officer misconduct cases, while troubling in nature and in number, do not reflect the overall quality of the agency's sworn and civilian personnel. "We're asking for the public's patience in (our efforts at) working through this"... [Full article here]


SERGEANT ACCUSED OF STALKING OFFICER: Sgt. Ken Davis has been placed on paid administrative leave
NBC San Diego
By Paul Krueger
Apr 14, 2011
[Excerpts] A veteran San Diego police sergeant is accused of stalking a female officer and repeatedly harassing her with unwanted phone calls and other contact. Sgt. Ken Davis was formally charged in February with one felony and three misdemeanor charges: felony stalking and repeated harassing by phone or electronic contact. Davis pleaded not guilty, and the judge has allowed him to remain free on his own recognizance, meaning he was not required to post any bail. A police department public affairs officer confirmed Wednesday that Davis is on "paid administrative duty" and will continue to work for the department while it investigates the allegations against him... The criminal complaint alleges that Davis followed and harassed the female officer from late June until early September of last year, and harassed her by phone at least five times in early August... Judge David Szumowski issued a protective order that prohibits Davis from having any personal, phone or written contact with the alleged victim, and requires him to stay at least 100 yards away from her at all times. Davis was also ordered to surrender any firearms that he owns or has control over... Davis and the female officer had a mutual romantic relationship that went bad. This source says the victim claims Davis began harassing her, and, at one point, threatened to "kill her." According to the source, authorities moved the victim to a "safe house"... and later paid for an alarm system when the woman moved back to her own residence, because she was still worried that Davis might harm her. [Full article here]

SDPD Sgt. Ken Davis Accused Of Stalking Fellow Officer
KGTV San Diego
April 15, 2011
[Excerpts] 10News obtained family court documents on Friday that detailed some of the troubles between a San Diego police sergeant [Ken Davis] and the female officer he is accused of stalking... Davis met the female officer in 2008. The woman is a 13-year veteran. Both were married, admitted they had an affair and left their spouses. Then, the female officer went back to her husband, which according to court documents, infuriated Davis... "He was very upset and he told me he was leaving his wife for me and if I ever left him that he would kill me," said the woman in the court transcripts... The judge began to doubt the woman's testimony after... The judge then came up with this conclusion: "I don't think he's nearly the demon you describe. I think your relationship between the two of you became so sad, unhappy, so destructive, that today's hearing was one more opportunity to drag out that relationship on some very sad and unfortunate level, but it's not grounds for a permanent restraining order. Your testimony is just way too inconsistent, ma'am. I don't think it's going to end with either of you creating harm to the other, so I'm disallowing the application for a permanent restraining order"... [Full article here]

SDPD SGT. ACCUSED OF STALKING FELLOW OFFICER TO STAND TRIAL: SDPD Sgt. Kenneth Davis Charged With 1 Count Of Stalking, 3 Counts Of Making Harassing Phone Calls
KGTV San Diego
April 27, 2011
[Excerpts] Trial was ordered Wednesday for a veteran San Diego police sergeant [Ken Davis]... Davis is accused of stalking SDPD Officer Robin Hayes, who took the stand early Tuesday morning, and prosecutors said she is in fear for her life... Hayes, a mother of two, told the court it was an on-again, off-again relationship in which Davis moved in and out of her home more than once. The relationship lasted for more than two years. Hayes testified she and Davis broke up several times. "He was very serious that he was leaving everything to be with me and he wanted me to know that was significant and … if I ever left him, he would kill me," the woman said... In the third call, Hayes said Davis told her he was outside looking at her truck. At that point, Hayes said she was scared and "worried ... that he was going to come to the front of the house, knock on the door and confront Harold. That there would be a shooting." There was no confrontation, but a dozen more phone calls and text messages followed, according to Hayes. Hayes said she soon moved to a motel for six months, living under an assumed name. Judge John Einhorn ordered Davis stand trial on the stalking charge, and advised the attorneys, "Maybe you should settle this one." In binding Davis over for trial, Einhorn said Davis wouldn't take "leave me alone" "quit it" or "it's over" and bombarded the alleged victim with text messages, phone calls and emails. "She was put into a real state of fear," Einhorn said... [Full article here]

San Diego Union-Tribune
APRIL 27, 2011
[Excerpts] A San Diego police sergeant who had a romantic relationship with a fellow officer was ordered Wednesday to stand trial on charges that he stalked and harassed the woman after their relationship ended... “I’m obsessed with you and I’m also confused,” read one of [Kenneth] Davis’ letters, according to testimony presented during a daylong preliminary hearing in San Diego Superior Court. The woman testified that he kept calling and sending text messages in August and September, telling her he loved her and was devastated about their breakup. Despite being told that she wanted nothing to do with him, Davis kept calling and texting, and on at least two occasions tried to contact her through co-workers. Eventually, she filed charges. Davis is accused of one felony count of stalking and three misdemeanor counts of making harassing phone calls. If convicted, he faces a possible sentence of up to three years in prison. Probation is also a possibility. Davis’ lawyers argued Wednesday that the felony charge should be reduced to a misdemeanor, because there was no evidence of violence or a credible threat. “The most we have here, your honor, is a heartbroken paramour who was trying to get her just to talk to him,” said attorney Ward Clay. But Judge John Einhorn said the evidence showed that the woman was “put into a state of real fear” when Davis did not heed requests from her and fellow police personnel to leave her alone. The judge said the conduct was “troubling enough” for the felony charge to stand. Still, he advised the attorneys in the case to work toward a resolution. “You all might want to settle this case,” Einhorn said... On other occasions, Davis was seen driving by the homes of her friend and her ex-husband at night, according to the testimony... [Full article here]

TRIAL DATE SET IN SDPD STALKING CASE: SDPD Sgt. Ken Davis Accused Of Stalking Female Officer After Relationship Ended
KGTV San Diego
May 10, 2011
[Excerpts] A Sept. 26 trial date was set Tuesday for a San Diego Police Department sergeant accused of stalking and harassing a female officer after she broke off their romantic relationship. Kenneth H. Davis, a 23-year department veteran, pleaded not guilty at his Superior Court arraignment to one felony count of stalking and three misdemeanor counts of making harassing telephone calls... The 47-year-old sergeant will be back in court July 19 for a readiness conference... The witness said she started dating Davis -- who was married - in early 2008. He moved in with her and her two children but moved out three weeks later, she testified. The female officer - who was also married but separated when the two started dating - said Davis told her he was serious about leaving his wife and spending his life with her... The officer said Davis moved back with her in November 2008, but only stayed for five weeks. Early in 2010, she said she told Davis she wanted to break up... A police supervisor noticed a posting on the female officer's Facebook page that said "No means no," and helped the alleged victim report the alleged harassment... [Full article here]

COPS' DIRTY LAUNDRY AIRED IN COURT: Sgt. Ken Davis has been placed on paid administrative leave
By Paul Krueger and R. Stickney
April 27th / May 13, 2011
...[San Diego police officer Robin] Hayes detailed her relationship with the defendant, explaining how the two stopped a sexual relationship in January 2010 but kept in contact for months after, meeting for a walk, a lunch and a dinner and sharing a kiss in her home during that time. “I told him ‘I don’t want him to be confused and I don’t want to talk any more and I need to focus on my children and my job and my career,’” she testified. A few weeks later, Davis sent a letter to Hayes’ mother in which he said he was “obsessed with her,” according to testimony. Through text messages in August, Davis demanded she speak to him and accused her of wrecking his marriage, Hayes testified. It was after these text messages that Hayes said she began to fear Davis. Then on August 7, 2010, when she was working with the Mid-City Division, Hayes returned to the station between 1:15 a.m. and 1:20 a.m. to use the restroom and to fuel up at the police gas station. She said she spotted Davis, who was not scheduled to be working with that division, inside another police car fueling up at the same time. With her voice quivering, Hayes testified that she took the gun out of her holster and held it at her hip. She told the court she felt scared because she wasn’t sure what he was going to do. During a short conversation, Davis told Hayes that he had left a bag on her chair, she said. Inside the bag, she found a pair of her sandals, a pair of her underwear, a watch she had given Davis as a gift, a T-shirt she had given him as a gift and another sentimental item. She testified that she reported the incident to a co-worker immediately. In cross-examination, Davis’ attorney raised questions about whether Hayes was really scared that night. He also questioned her memory of the evening, asking her why she didn’t leave the area immediately once she spotted Davis at the gas station. Other officers were present in a show of support for the accused sergeant. A former Police Officers Association president was also in court, observing the hearing against Davis. Davis was formally charged in February with one felony and three misdemeanor charges: felony stalking and repeated harassing by phone or electronic contact... [Full article here]
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1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 31, 2011

    You won't find happy endings here.


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