The death of a Morris County corrections officer found inside his Morris Township apartment was ruled a suicide...
The Star-Ledger
By Jim Lockwood
May 20, 2010
[Excerpts] The death of a Morris County corrections officer found inside his Morris Township apartment was ruled a suicide, authorities said today. Michael Bell, 42, a 22-year veteran of the county corrections department found Wednesday at 4:11 p.m. at his Lindsley Arms apartment, died from a gunshot wound to the head... No further details were released. On Tuesday, Bell had been questioned by prosecutor’s office investigators about his interactions with certain inmates at the Morris County Jail... Bell’s survivors include a wife and two children. Word of his death stunned his friends and colleagues. "This was one person you’d never expect this from," said Ron Flammer, former president of Bell’s union, PBA Local 298. "I spent 10 years of my career with the guy. He was always level-headed. This just comes as a shock to me." In June, Bell and another jail officer, Jerry Ugrina, filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against the sheriff’s and corrections departments and the former undersheriff who oversaw the lockup... "I’m devastated by the news" of Bell’s suicide, Tandy said. "My thoughts and prayers are with his family. This is a tragedy. Mike’s been through a lot at the sheriff’s office stemming from his allegations" in the lawsuit... [Full article here]
[law enforcement public safety fatality fatalities suicide new jersey state]
Police Officer Involved Domestic Violence. Lighting a candle of remembrance for those who've lost their lives to domestic violence behind the blue wall, for strength and wisdom to those still there, and a non-ending prayer for those who thought they had escaped but can't stop being afraid.
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Mike was murdered; it was an opportune time with the litigation (against the organized crime syndicate, also known as the Sheriff Dept.). In this world, there is no justice, but in the world to come, everyone will be exposed. Using the excuse that Mike was unclean, is not an excuse to murder him-especially with a 2 year old baby girl that he cherished. For the sake of that baby, he would never commit suicide. God will judge accordingly...