...After review, the Judicial Conduct Commisison filed a disciplinary suspension... The committee found that he was stalking, harassing and exhibiting abusive conduct toward his ex-wife... In arguing for a high bond, [Grant County State's Attorney Jim] Vukelic said Hoffman’s wife had described him as “a volatile and angry person” and said the girl and her family “have every reason to fear retribution... He has nothing to lose”...
Bismarck Tribune
By Lauren Donovan
Posted: Friday, September 24, 2010 11:45 pm
[Excerpts] Elgin’s police chief and only officer, also a former district court judge, is in jail after being charged with 52 felonies alleging molestation and attempted rape of a minor girl over the course of about five years. Randall L. Hoffman, 55, remains in the Mercer County Jail in Stanton on $500,000 cash bond after being arrested Wednesday for continuous sexual abuse of a child, gross sexual imposition and 50 counts of corruption or solicitation of a minor. A criminal complaint accused Hoffman of having sexual contact with the girl beginning in 2005, when she was 12 or 13 years old... The prosecutor said the alleged molestation started in 2005 and continued through this week, when the minor reported the abuse to an adult, who in turn contacted authorities... The city of Elgin immediately suspended Hoffman without pay, and he was terminated as a deputized officer of the Grant County Sheriff’s Department, Vukelic said... Hoffman resigned from his district judgeship in April 1999 after facing a disciplinary complaint. After review, the Judicial Conduct Commisison filed a disciplinary suspension on July 7, 1999. The committee found that he was stalking, harassing and exhibiting abusive conduct toward his ex-wife following their divorce... In 2003, the Supreme Court Disciplinary Board suspended his license to practice law for his misconduct in legal proceedings between his second wife and her ex-husband in a child custody matter. The board declined to reinstate his license in 2005, finding that he had practiced law without a license in his second wife’s visitation disputes... Continuous abuse of a child is a Class AA felony, punishable by up to life in prison. Attempted rape, a form of gross sexual imposition, is a Class A felony, and the 50 counts of corrupting a minor are each a Class C felony. In arguing for a high bond, [Grant County State's Attorney Jim] Vukelic said Hoffman’s wife had described him as “a volatile and angry person” and said the girl and her family “have every reason to fear retribution... He has nothing to lose.” [Full article here]
Associated Press
September 24 2010
[Excerpts] ...[Elgin Police Chief and former state district judge Randall] Hoffman, who is being held at Mercer County jail in Stanton, appeared by video Friday before South Central District Judge Thomas Schneider in Bismarck and was ordered held on a $500,000 cash bond. His next court appearance is Oct. 11... If released on bond, Hoffman must not carry guns or go within 1,000 feet of the girl's home. He would be under electronic monitoring at his own expense, the judge ruled. He also must not drink or use any drugs for which he does not have a prescription. "I don't have an alcohol problem. I don't do drugs," a subdued Hoffman, dressed in a dark green jail uniform with his wrists cuffed together in front of him, said after listening to his release restrictions... Hoffman was a state district judge in Jamestown for almost five years before resigning in April 1999, after a disciplinary complaint accused him of showing disrespect for the court system. Hoffman had criticized another judge's handling of his divorce case. Hoffman was later twice suspended from practicing law and ordered to undergo anger management counseling. Court documents also show he was accused of stalking his former wife.... sitting outside her home for hours at night and approaching her on a golf course to thrust his middle finger in her face, the court's ruling said... Hoffman attempted to bully the former boyfriend of his fiancee, with whom she had a child, into agreeing to a visitation schedule with the child just before Hoffman and the woman were to be married, court records say. When the former boyfriend refused, Hoffman later demanded that he answer a series of intrusive questions about his sexual relationship with Hoffman's fiancee... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence (IPV) abuse law enforcement public safety north dakota state repeat hx ]
this chief was rapeing his own 16 yr old stepdaughter.he would sleep in the basement with her while her mother slept upstairs!the mother should be charged also.