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Friday, August 17, 2007

[CA] Hanging at the end of ex-deputy Racz's murder-of-Ann trial

Ann Mineko Racz disappeared without a trace in 1991, four days after filing for divorce from her husband of 19 years, former Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy John Racz. The murder trial is ending. I was going to wait for the verdict before posting - but changed my mind because sometimes life hangs. This weekend it will be hanging for their children, everyone who pushed to get charges on Racz, and everyone who has invested of themselves during this trial. But especially it will be their children. (My prayers include them.)
...[District Attorney Beth ] Silverman said Katelin Racz's statement sums it up best: "It's sad to think mom abandoned us, but it's sadder to think dad slaughtered her"...
A few excerpts from today and yesterday's news:

...There is no smoking gun, no body, no eyewitness. But friends, co-workers, neighbors and sheriff's homicide investigators testified how Ann doted on her children and looked to the future. And they described how she feared her husband... She [District Attorney Beth Silverman] repeated the words of several witnesses who recalled Ann's fear of her husband, including the testimony of one friend who said Ann feared John would kill her and her body would never be found. She reminded jurors of inconsistencies in testimony describing John Racz's stories to friends, family and homicide investigators... "His story doesn't make sense"...

..."He wanted to prevent her from walking away with half of their joint estate [$550,000]"... Defense attorneys maintain that Ann Racz had grown unhappy in her marriage and chose to leave on a trip to think over the divorce from her husband... "There's no way on God's green earth that he gave his wife $25,000 to go away to think after she served him with divorce papers"...

John Racz Defense Rests, Signal, August 16, 2007
Racz prosecutors sum up case, Los Angeles Daily News, August 17, 2007
Racz's Story 'Just Doesn't Work, Signal, August 17, 2007

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