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[LA] DA wants to know how Asst. Chief Rogers avoided state charges for battering his wife - ...Police Chief Victor Rogers regarding Asst. Police Chief Andre Rogers paying a fine for battering his wife: ..."If you're charged with simple battery, you can go ahead and pay it. ... It's like a speeding ticket"... Arcadia Police Chief Victor Rogers said Andre Rogers paid a fine Monday morning in city court -- a speeded-up time frame that has caught the attention of the D.A.'s office, which was considering handling the case in state district court...
Why is he still on the force? Why does the chief want Andre Rogers to resign instead of firing him? So he can still work as an officer? Or is it a brotherhood courtesy? What makes Arcadia look bad is not Andre Rogers. He's just another [unmanly] woman beater. Nothing new. What makes Arcadia look bad is it's leadership - it's chief and city government for permitting this and taking no strong action.
Nothing is said in the articles about the victim's safety, her support system, or her options. She lives with hm after divorcing him? I can think of at least five reasons that she may see that as her safest option. Her options are mostly likely very few.
Shreveport Times, LA - Feb 22, 2009
By Vickie Welborn vwelborn@gannett.com
February 22, 2009 9:46 pm
[Excerpts] Arcadia’s former assistant police chief Andre Rogers is in jail again. Rogers was arrested late Saturday night on a charge of domestic abuse battery after he hit and attempted to strangle his estranged wife... The arrest is Rogers’ second in three months for a similar offense. In late November, Rogers was arrested by Arcadia police on a charge of simple battery after he pulled his estranged wife out of her vehicle and hit her. Rogers, a 12-year member of the force, spent a night in jail but two days later went to Town Hall, admitted his guilt and paid a $500 fine. In early December, the Arcadia Town Council approved Police Chief Victor Rogers’ recommendations that Andre Rogers be demoted to the rank of officer, take a cut in pay and attend anger management courses. His suspension extended through Dec. 31. Saturday night, a call was made to the Bienville sheriff’s dispatcher saying an officer was needed at Andre Rogers’ residence “right now,” Ballance said. A city police officer was dispatched and arrived within four minutes. The officer called the sheriff’s office for assistance. The victim told authorities that Andrew Rogers hit her in the chest and later attempted to strangler her. As officers took her statement, the woman’s 3-year-old child also demonstrated what happened, Ballance said. Andre Rogers, who had left his residence after the altercation with the woman, returned to the scene and was arrested. He was booked into the Bienville Parish Jail on a charge of domestic abuse battery. He remains there until a 72-hour hearing is held. [Full article here]
Shreveport Times, LA
By Vickie Welborn vwelborn@gannett.com
February 23, 2009 6:28 pm
[Excerpts] Arcadia Police Chief Victor Rogers has suspended one of his officers for the second time in less than three months. And he says he’ll take no further action against patrolman Andre Roger, whom he previously demoted from assistant police chief, until he has an opportunity to talk with him. Andre Rogers, whom the police chief says is no relation to him, sits in a jail cell charged with hitting and attempting to strangle his ex-wife over the weekend. No bond has been set. The police chief said he hopes Andre Rogers will resign. If not, a recommendation for disciplinary action... “I want to talk to him first and see what the situation is,” Victor Rogers said when asked why he has not dismissed the officer who twice has been arrested on the same offense in a short span of time. Additionally, court records indicate Andre Rogers’ problems with his ex-wife did not start last year. In 2004, she was granted a temporary restraining order against him. The couple divorced in May 2004... DEPUTIES MADE THE ARREST AFTER AN ARCADIA POLICE OFFICER WHO WAS DISPATCHED TO ANDRE ROGERS’ HOUSE AFTER A CALL WAS MADE TO THE SHERIFF’S OFFICE’S DISPATCHING CENTER FOR ASSISTANCE SAW THAT ONE OF THE TOWN’S OFFICERS WAS INVOLVED. THAT WASN’T THE CASE NOV. 29, when Andre Rogers was arrested by Arcadia police on a lesser charge of simple battery for pulling his ex-wife out of her car and hitting her. Two days later, Andre Rogers went to Arcadia Town Hall, admitted his guilt and paid a $500 fine. The police chief said Andre Rogers did not get preferential treatment. Fines are preset for misdemeanor offenses and Andre Rogers was allowed to handle his case that way, Victor Rogers said in December. This time, Andre Rogers’ case will be prosecuted through Bienville District Court, Ballance said... [Full article here]
Created: February 22, 2009
Updated: February 23, 2009
...[Bienville Parish Sheriff John] Ballance said the couple is divorced but are living together. Arcadia Police Chief Victor Rogers did not return a call for comment today... [Full article here]
Shreveport Times
By Vickie Welborn vwelborn@gannett.com
February 24, 2009 2:00 am
[Excerpts] ...As a result of the first arrest, three council members, acting upon the police chief's recommendations, demoted Andre Rogers to patrolman from his supervisory role as assistant police chief in December. but she did not participate in the discussion involving her son. In addition, Andre Rogers' pay was reduced and he was ordered to attend anger management classes. Andre Rogers' was suspended with pay through Dec. 31. His mother, Maggie Roberson, is a council memberAndre Rogers attended two anger management classes, the police chief said Monday. Andre Rogers provided a letter verifying his attendance "and the council released him to go back to work," Victor Rogers added. As elected police chief, Victor Rogers has control over recommendations for hiring and firing of his police officers. He has suspended Andre Rogers with pay because it takes the council to make the suspension without pay, Victor Rogers said. [Full article here]
ReplyDeleteShreveport Times, LA
By Vickie Welborn vwelborn@gannett.com
December 3, 2008 2:00 am
ARCADIA — Arcadia's assistant police chief has admitted his guilt in an altercation involving his wife this weekend and has paid a fine.
The quick turnaround is prompting a review by the Bienville district attorney's office, which may consider whether to upgrade the charge of simple battery filed Friday night against Andre Rogers. Assistant District Attorney Tammy Jump said she could not comment further.
Police Chief Victor Rogers, who is not related to Andre Rogers, said his assistant did not receive any favors by being allowed to resolve the case so quickly. Victor Rogers said simple battery is a misdemeanor and, as such, already has a set fine that can be paid anytime at Town Hall.
"If you're charged with simple battery, you can go ahead and pay it. ... It's like a speeding ticket," Victor Rogers said Tuesday. "We've got fines already set up. And if you want to plead guilty, you can come on down and pay it."
Arcadia police charged Andre Rogers after his wife called 911 to report he had pulled her from a vehicle and hit her. Bienville sheriff's deputies took the woman to a hospital, where she was treated then released.
Andre Rogers was booked into the Bienville Parish Jail and remained there until Saturday morning, when he was released after signing a summons to appear in court. He signed a guilty plea and paid a $500 fine Monday morning.
Andre Rogers is suspended with pay until the Town Council takes up disciplinary action during its meeting Tuesday. Victor Rogers said he will make a recommendation that could include termination, demotion or a reduction in pay.
The police chief is not anticipating any further action from the district attorney's office. Victor Rogers said Andre Rogers' wife was interviewed by the district attorney's office the night of the incident and the charge could have been upgraded then.
"I talked to the DA and they said they didn't have a warrant upgrading the charges," Victor Rogers said. "(Andre Rogers) admitted he was wrong, so I told him to go on and pay the fine. We didn't do him any favors. ... There were no weapons involved. No severe injuries.
"(Andre Rogers' wife) gave a statement and wanted to drop charges. I refused to let her to that. We brought the charges so they were going to stay."
Andre Rogers, who has been with the Police Department for about 12 years, has no prior disciplinary problems, Victor Rogers said. "But he understands he does have to set an example."