[Excerpts] A policeman shot dead his teenage daughter then turned the gun on himself after a furious row over her continual use of Facebook. Marshall s Lucio Cappelli, 39, of the Italian paramilitary carabinieri killed Angelica, 13, and also wounded his other daughter Michela, 15, before committing suicide. Michela was recovering last night with stomach and leg injuries. Colleagues said Cappelli flipped over Angelica's "addiction" to the social networking site... His teacher wife Anna and youngest son Gabriele, 10, were not in the house at the time... [Full article here]

Roma Est News
Subiaco, 08 nov – Si sono tenuti oggi i funerali di Angelica, 13 anni, e di Lucio Cappelli, il carabiniere che ha ucciso la figlia e ferito l’altra, uccidendosi poi a sua volta durante un raptus in seguito ad una lite a causa dell’eccessivo utilizzo di Facebook da parte delle due ragazze. Una tragedia inspiegabile che ha lasciato tutta la comunità di Subiaco senza parole. Cappelli infatti era da tutti visto una persona senza macchia, un bravo marito, un buon papà, e un ottimo carabiniere: il suo stato di servizio è davvero impeccabile. Oggi alle 15 le esequie, alla presenza dell’ordinario militare d’Italia, monsignor Vincenzo Pelvi, nella cattedrale di Sant’Andrea. Bandiere a mezz’asta, lutto cittadino, uffici chiusi. Subiaco si stringe intorno alla famiglia Cappelli. Anche il cielo sembra essersi adeguato alla tristezza di questa giornata. Una tragedia che nessuno si spiega, e che forse nessuno si spiegherà mai. Una di quelle storie che si sentono al telegiornale, e che lasciano senza fiato. Stavolta è accaduto a pochi chilometri dalle nostre case. [LINK]
POLICEMAN KILLS DAUGHTER AND COMMITS SUICIDE OVER FACEBOOK ROW: A police officer shot dead his teenage daughter and then turned the gun on himself after a furious row over her continual use of Facebook.
07 Nov 2010
[Excerpts] A police officer shot dead his teenage daughter and then turned the gun on himself after a furious row over her continual use of Facebook. The tragedy happened in the town of Subiaco on the outskirts of Rome. Lucio Cappelli, 39, serving with the Italian paramilitary carabinieri, killed his daughter Angelica, 13, with his service gun. He also shot his 15-year-old daughter before killing himself with a bullet to the head... Cappelli's wife Anna, a teacher, and his youngest son Gabriele, aged ten, were not in the house at the time of the shootings and she arrived to see paramedics taking away her husband's body. Paramedics said he and Angelica had been killed instantly after suffering gunshot wounds to the head. Neighbours said they were "shocked" with one adding: "He seemed such a nice man – he must have just flipped"... A police source said: "He was worried about what his daughters' were writing and posting on their Facebook sites and he would regularly scrutinise them even at work... Captain Alessandro De Vico, Cappelli's commanding officer, said: "The night before we had made a drugs arrest together. I can't believe how something like this could have happened." [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence (ipv) abuse law enforcement public safety fatality fatalities italy child abuse murder-suicide double shooting attempted]
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