By Cleve R. Wootson Jr. and Fred Clasen-Kelly
Nov. 20, 2010
[Excerpt] On July 17, 2008, Officer T.S. Rhodes was recommended for dismissal after being accused in a string of assaults against women he was dating, and for having sex with another officer while on duty. For months, Rhodes and the other officer had sex in a cemetery on Robinson Church Road while on duty, according to documents from the Civil Service Board. One woman Rhodes was dating said he put her in a chokehold while trying to get her to leave his home, ripping out some of her hair in the process, the documents show. Another said he pointed his .40-caliber Glock pistol at her face. And a third woman said he put her in a chokehold during sexual foreplay and caused her to nearly pass out. In all, police say he violated six different rules of conduct. Reached late Friday, Rhodes said the allegations are false. "You fire a 10-year veteran, nine years and six months, with no criminal charges at all," Rhodes said. "It was all internal allegations. All vindictive females' allegations. They gave their story, I gave my story. Then I'm the bad guy. I'm a bad cop. I'm the monster."... [LINK]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence (IPV) abuse law enforcement public safety north carolina state]
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