It is blatantly premature to decide that coming back is what is best wholistically for the man. Why is the job itself held to be more supreme to a cop's essence than their soul or role in their own families - as a husband, father, brother, neighbor? Is that what saves a man - saving his cop job? What is wrong with a new job for those with lashing rage, worn down nerves, and lifestyles of alcohol or drug abuse? If we cared for the individuals as much as we care for their position in law enforcement
perhaps there would be fewer officer suicides...
fewer officer-involved domestic murders.
And the wife... no one in local articles even ask further of her well being or choices. None ask in behalf of people like her - even if she herself fearfully sends all help away? This incident was dumped in the public eye and not even other cops could control the rage of Victor Celis.
That slipped into the public. What is happening behind closed doors? Or is this another Pierce County "private matter"?
Where is the phone number (local or national) for officer involved domestic violence victims to call when they see this article and are moved to reach out for help in their own lives? They see the TOP COP OF LAKEWOOD supporting the outgoing offending officer, hoping to recieve him back. Victor Celis wife probably already knew that, when she assured others she didn't need help. Victims are watching. Where do they turn?
Coming to people in secret is not enough. There are others out here. They need to see something too.
We don't even have a visible outreach to officer-involved domestic violence victims here in what I've heard called Brame country. If the murder-suicide death of Tacoma's police chief David Brame and his wife Crystal won't bring change, what will? If the $75M wrongful death lawsuit filed by Crystal's family didn't motivate outreach here, where will any cop dv victim find the special protection needed to make it safe to reach for help?
COP UNDER INVESTIGATION RESIGNS: A Lakewood police officer under investigation after an alcohol-related incident at the annual Oktoberfest celebration in Leavenworth resigned Friday in lieu of being fired.
News Tribune
Stacey Mulick
11/13/10 9:18 am
[EXCERPTS] A Lakewood police officer under investigation after an alcohol-related incident at the annual Oktoberfest celebration in Leavenworth resigned Friday in lieu of being fired. Victor Celis, 42, and a member of the force for six years, resigned after being on paid administrative leave... Celis was at the event with his wife and had been drinking. He was cut off at one beer garden and got into a heated argument with his wife... Bystanders who saw the argument approached the couple and asked whether she was OK. She said she was. Celis turned his anger toward the bystanders, prompting another party to contact Chelan County sheriff’s deputies patrolling the area. Deputies arrived, and Celis became uncooperative and disrespectful. At one point, he pulled out his police badge “in an attempt to influence their decision,” [Lakewood police Police Chief Bret] Farrar said. “It just continued,” the chief said. The deputies calmed Celis and security officers gave him and his wife a ride back to their campground. Celis was not arrested or charged... Celis reported the incident to the assistant police chief, which is department policy. The Internal Affairs investigation found that Celis exhibited conduct unbecoming an officer, Farrar said. "He used his position as a police officer to influence criminal charges,” the chief said. He said he wasn’t going to put up with that conduct. Farrar said Celis has a lot of skills and knows police work. “I think he can be an effective police officer in the future if he resolves his issues,” he added. [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence (IPV) abuse law enforcement public safety fatality washington state rant lane judson crystal family justice center]
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