Wednesday, August 03, 2011
A former Highway Patrol trooper gets five years in prison for assaulting his mother-in-law last year. The Stone County prosecutor says 34-year-old Kenny Dean assaulted his mother-in-law at her home. Authorities say he followed his wife there after a fight at their home. Dean is also serving five years out of Christian County for kidnapping his wife and attacking two officers after a chase. [LINK]

by KY3 News
August 3, 2011
[Excerpts] Kenny Dean, 34, a former state trooper, received another five-year prison sentence on Tuesday. Dean pleaded guilty for assaulting his wife and mother-in-law in February 2010 in Stone County. Dean was already serving a five-year prison sentence for domestic assault and a concurrent four-year sentence for defrauding secured creditors. Those cases were from neighboring Christian County. A judge imposed those prison sentences last June 3. Dean was charged with domestic violence after he assaulted his wife, Tracy Dean, and her mother, Gaila Limeberry... Limbeberry tried to help Tracy and, when she did, Kenny grabbed Limeberry by the neck and physically forced her up against a wall... The five-year prison sentence that Dean received here on Tuesday will be served concurrently with the sentences from Christian County. Dean also pleaded guilty on June 3 in Christian County for burglary and assault on two law enforcement officers. Christian County Circuit Judge Mark Orr plans to sentence Dean on Aug. 12 for those crimes. [Full article here]
The Ozarks Sentinel
Kathee Baird
Tue, Jun 07, 2011
[Excerpts] A former Missouri State Highway Patrol trooper [Kenny Lynn Dean] is headed to prison after violating his parole for assaulting his wife... charged last June with kidnapping, burglary and beating up his estranged wife Tracy in Christian County. Those charges were amended to second degree domestic assault, which he pleaded guilty to on February 18th of this year, and placed on 5 years probation. Christian County chief assistant prosecutor Chris Lebeck says that after Dean was released from the Christian County jail he went to Tracy Dean's home in Nixa and held her against her will for at least 24 hours... As police officers arrived at Tracy Dean's home they found her running to a neighbor's house for help. Officers attempted to apprehend Dean, who fled in a vehicle and led officers on a high speed chase... the vehicle Dean was driving was disabled by spike strips. Dean then bolted from his vehicle and attempted to steal a pickup truck... Unsuccessful, he ran into the open garage of strangers and picked up a large metal object and assaulted Trooper Scott Rice and Ozark police officer Tim Fielden. Dean also pleaded guilty last week to two counts of second degree assault of a law enforcement officer and one count of burglary. He will be sentenced on those charges on August 12th. Dean was also sentenced to four years in prison for defrauding a secured creditor and was sentenced to four years in prison on that charge which will be served concurrent (at the same time) to the five year sentence. In February of 2009 Stone County prosecutor Matt Selby charged Dean with first-degree domestic assault, second-degree felonious restraint and second-degree domestic assault and endangering the welfare of a child after Dean allegedly kidnapped Tracy Dean from their Highlandville home and beat her up at several places in Stone County... That assault of left Tracy Dean with bleeding on her brain and a fractured wrist... [Full article here]
June 17, 2010|
[Excerpts] More charges are filed against a former Missouri State Highway Patrol trooper. Police say Kenny L. Dean violated a restraining order to kidnap his wife with a gun on June 15. It’s the second time Dean will face charges for holding the woman against her will. A neighbor on Lantern Ridge Road in Nixa called 911 to say he watched a man force a woman into a dark SUV. He told dispatchers he thought he heard a gunshot just moments before the kidnapping. “She feared that he was going to hurt her or kill her so she fired a shot at him in self defense," Nixa Police Officer Jon Huff said. Tracy Dean missed. The bullet was lodged in the front screen door of her home. Dean says she bought the gun after her estranged husband knocked her unconscious in February. Kenny Dean is charged in Stone County with seven counts for beating her until her brain bled and restraining her against her will. Investigators say Dean forced her into a Lincoln Navigator and drove down a road near the river... The woman went to the hospital and had a CT scan that found an intracranial bleed under her skull. In the most recent case, police say Dean kidnapped her in Christian County. "She kept the door locked he kicked his way in,” Christian County Prosecutor Ron Cleek said. “That's a burglary in itself because the intent obviously was to assault." The woman says Dean hit her with a gun and forced her into a shed... “He was grabbing her and pushing her down on the console, assaulting her basically from the time he picked her up to the time they arrived at the Highlandville residence." Tracy Dean says someone texted her husband that police were looking for him. Dean says he forced her to call the police department and say she was fine. Police told her they'd have to see her to believe it. "When she came to the police department she was pretty terrified," Huff said. Dean says in order to be set free she told her husband they'd get back together and she wouldn't report the attack but did once she was safe. "She came in and he came in about 10 minutes later," Huff said. Police say Dean had told them he was two hours away from the police station but arrived within minutes of his wife. Police say Dean had one of his car dealership employees give a fake alibi. They say after further questioning the man admitted it was a lie... Prosecutors say he is a "significant threat to the victim." Stone County officials revoked Dean's bond and reset the amount at $250,000 cash only. Christian County prosecutors say more charges are possible for the assault in Highlandville. In Christian County he faces kidnapping, burglary and domestic assault charges. In Stone County he faces four counts of domestic assault, felonious restraint and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child. http://articles.kspr.com/2010-06-17/police-station_24123114
Kathee Baird
Thu, Jun 17, 2010
[Excerpts] A former Highway Patrol trooper charged in Stone County last February with domestic assault and felonious restraint for an alleged attack on his wife has been now been charged in Christian County with kidnapping, burglary and domestic assault in an unrelated incident on June 15th. Nixa police officer Jon Huff writes in the probable cause statement that Kenny Dean, 32, Highlandville, kidnapped his estranged wife, Tracy, from her home in Nixa... she watched as Kenny ran up to the door, banged on it and screamed at her. Tracy Dean told Huff that she backed up toward the living room with a gun in her hand and told her husband she had an active order of protection out on him. Tracy Dean says Kenny was enraged as he charged through the front door. Tracy Dean "shot at him in fear for her life. She said Kenny then knocked the gun to the floor. She stated he took the gun and then hit her on the head with it. He forced her to the pantry, held the gun to her head, threatened to kill her and blow her head off." Tracy Dean told Huff that her estranged husband, "grabbed her hair and forced her into the living room. She stated he put the gun back on the counter" before he forced her into a suburban. A neighbor who lives across the street from Tracy Dean told authorities that he witnessed Kenny Dean force Tracy Dean into the vehicle. Kenny Dean held Tracy by the hair as he drove toward Hawthorne Road in Highlandville where he allegedly assaulted her again. The Dean's lived on Hawthorne Road until their house burned down in January. Tracy Dean told investigators that Kenny told her he was going to hold her in one of the outbuildings on the property. While Tracy Dean was being interviewed by Office Huff, Kenny Dean showed up at the police station which "terrified" Tracy Dean... Huff then interviewed Kenny Dean who told him, "He received a call from Tracy that she was going to kill herself." Dean says he went over to her house and saw Tracy Dean pointing a gun at herself through the front door. He says he then went inside the house and attempted to get the gun away from his wife when it went off... [Full article here]
Kenny Dean's former wives speak out
The Ozarks Sentinel
By Kathee Baird
[Date not given]
A former Missouri Highway Patrol trooper is facing several felony charges (and additional charges are currently being considered in Stone and Christian counties) related to the alleged domestic assault of his wife and a source in law enforcement tells The Ozarks Sentinel, the kind of behavior allegedly exhibited by Dean, wasn't unusual. In fact, the source said, "It was those types of actions that resulted in his leaving the patrol."
One of Dean's former wives, who lived with him in Kimberling City, told The Ozarks Sentinel, abuse of women has allegedly been part of his behavior pattern throughout the past.
Requesting we keep her name out of print, she said, "I'm wife number two. We met in college and married two weeks after he graduated the patrol academy. After his graduation, we were stationed in Kimberling City and were married for 11 months. I had tried to leave several times while we were married but as a scared 19 year-old girl, he had me convinced that anywhere I went in the state of Missouri, the Highway Patrol would be sure to find me and I'd go through hell the rest of my life if I left."
"I worked for Nixa Wal-Mart at the time in loss prevention, and I informed my boss that my current living conditions weren't so great, and I needed to get out of town. He then helped me get a job traveling the country for Wal-Mart. The Friday night before I was to report in Waterloo, Iowa, he (Dean) came home intoxicated after a night out with a fellow trooper and demanded I clean his jeans."
According to the source, that's when the physical abuse escalated.
"I made him dinner and I found a girlfriend's phone number in his jeans pocket. The fact that he had been busted set him off and one thing led to another and he got physical with me. That night I left with the clothes on my back and nothing else. I bought a car the next day and new clothes and filed for divorce the following week."
"I didn't see him again for several years. I ran into him in Springfield [a few years later]. A month after our divorce was final, he married a girl from Aurora after he got her pregnant. They were married for a little over a year I think before they divorced.
"He married another girl from Branson after that, I believe, and they divorced shortly after he was fired from the patrol. He then married the girl that he's married to now. At the time he was under investigation from the patrol, Don Williams, his former sergeant, called me asking me if Kenny had ever been abusive and I told him yes, both phisically and mentally."
Dean's first wife Chrystal also spoke with The Ozarks Sentinel.
"I was his first wife and he beat me as well. Along with that he had forcible sex without consent, twice, during our time together," she said.
In speaking about his latest alleged attack, his first wife said, "This is nothing new on his part. He knows the law enforcement system very well and will do what he can to work around it." She explained why she believed he was forced to leave the highway patrol. "He was asked to resign from the highway patrol for sleeping with a minor in the back of his patrol car," she said.
Taking no chances, his first wife, Chrystal, said she has taken some steps to insure her safety from the man she believes to be a danger to society.
"I have gotten a protection order against him and advised his second ex-wife that she needed to get one as well. With him out on bail, I am not taking any chances because I can see him coming after us again. But I wouldn't be surprised if his current wife ends up dead especially if she doesn't testify and press charges. He is a repeated offender and he will end up killing someone eventually," she said.
Stone County prosecutor Matt Selby alleges that Kenny Dean, 32, Highlandville, allegedly began assaulting Tracy Dean at the couple's home in Highlandville. Selby says Kenny Dean then forced his wife into a Lincoln Navigator and drove to Highway V in Stone County where "he hit her on the side of the head hard enough to knock her unconscious.
"Tracy Dean says that her husband threw Gatorade in her face to wake her up and they then traveled to her mother's house in the Riverfork Ranch subdivision in Stone County.
While at her mother's house Tracy Dean says her husband would not let her out of the vehicle and took her cell phone. At some point during the alleged assault Tracy Dean was allowed to enter her mother's home. According to the probable cause statement, Kenny Dean prevented his wife and her mother, Gaila Limeberry, from leaving a bathroom by blocking the doorway. Gaila was eventually able to exit the bathroom and grab a phone which Kenny knocked out of her hand. Gaila fled the residence and ran across the street to a neighbor's house for help.
Investigators say that "Gaila watched Kenny force Tracy into the Lincoln Navigator. Kenny then went back into the residence to retrieve their four-year-old daughter. Tracy then fled across the road to the residence on Roberston Mill Way. Kenny saw her running across the road and ran after her, with their four-year-old child in his arms. When he got to the house, he grabbed her by her hair and knocked her to the porch. She then tried to crawl in the door and he grabbed her by the legs and tried to pull her out.
Tracy's mom and neighbor both tried to intervene but Kenny, "grabbed Gaila by the neck and forced her against the wall, and entered into the foyer area of the house and attempted to get at Tracy again. At that time Larry Queen came to the foyer after calling 911. He then grabbed Kenny and forced him out of his house and told him to leave.
Dean was the subject of an urgent man hunt by the Stone County Sheriff's Office on Saturday because of the attacks on his relatives. He was taken into custody several hours after the urgent plea from the sheriff's office. Doctors say that Tracy Dean's entire body was covered in bruises and numerous scrapes and cuts consistent with an assault. They say she also had bleeding on her brain and a possible fractured wrist from the alleged assault.
Christian County chief assistant prosecutor Donovan Dobbs says that his office has not received any reports about the incident at the couple's home from the Christian County Sheriff's Office. When contacted about the status of an investigation into the alleged assault that started in Christian County, officials with the sheriff's office there say they are not investigating the incident.
Dean, who was assigned as a trooper to Troop D (southwest Missouri) from January of '01 to March of '04, has been charged with first-degree domestic assault, second-degree felonious restraint and second-degree domestic assault. He was formally arraigned on the charges on February 9th and is scheduled to have his preliminary hearing on February 25, 2010, in Galena.
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence ipv abuse law enforcement public safety lethal missouri state politics]
Former state patrol officer Kenny Dean faces domestic violence charges
ReplyDeleteOzark Sentinel
By Kathee Baird
A former Missouri Highway Patrol trooper is facing several charges related to the alleged domestic assault of his wife and a source in law enforcement tells The Ozarks Sentinel, the kind of behavior allegedly exhibited by Dean, wasn't unusual. In fact, the source said, "It was those types of actions that resulted in his leaving the patrol.".
Stone County prosecutor Matt Selby alleges that Kenny Dean, 32, Highlandville, allegedly began assaulting Tracy Dean at the couples home in Highlandville. Selby says Kenny Dean then forced his wife into a Lincoln Navigator and drove to Highway V in Stone County where "he hit her on the side of the head hard enough to knock her unconscious."
Tracy Dean says that her husband "threw Gatorade in her face" to wake her up and they then traveled to her mothers house in the Riverfork Ranch subdivision in Stone County.
While at her mother's house Tracy Dean says her husband would not let her out of the vehicle and took her cell phone. At some point during the alleged assault Tracy Dean was allowed to enter her mothers home.
According to the probable cause statement, Kenny Dean prevented his wife and her mother, Gaila Limeberry, "from leaving a bathroom by blocking the doorway. Gaila was eventually able to exit the bathroom and grab a phone which Kenny knocked out of her hand." Gaila fled the residence and ran across the street to a neighbors house for help.
Investigators say at that "Gaila watched Kelly forced Tracy into the Lincoln Navigator. Kenny then went back into the residence to retrieve their four year-old daughter. Tracy then fled across the road to the residence on Roberston Mill Way. Kenny saw her running across the road and ran after her, with their four year-old child in his arms. When he got to the house, he grabbed her by her hair and knocked her to the porch. She then tried to crawl in the door and he grabbed her by the legs and tried to pull her out.
Tracy's mom and neighbor both tried to intervene but Kenny, "grabbed Gaila by the neck and forced her against the wall, and entered into the foyer area of the house and attempted to get at Tracy again. At that time Larry Queen came to the foyer after calling 911. He then grabbed Kenny and forced him out of his house and told him to leave."
Dean was the subject of an urgent man hunt by the Stone County Sheriff's Office on Saturday because of the attacks on his relatives. He was taken into custody several hours after the urgent plea from the sheriff's office.
Doctors say that Tracy Dean's entire body was covered in bruises and numerous scrapes and cuts consistent with an assault. They say she also had bleeding on her brain and a possible fractured wrist from the alleged assault.
Christian County chief assistant prosecutor Donovan Dobbs says that his office has not received any reports about the incident at the couples home from the Christian County Sheriff's Office.
When contacted about the status of an investigation into the alleged assault that started in Christian County, officials with the sheriff's office there say they are not investigating the incident.
Dean, who was assigned as a trooper to Troop D (southwest Missouri) from January of '01 to March of "04, has been charged with first-degree domestic assault, second-degree felonious restraint and second-degree domestic assault.
He was formally arraigned on the charges on February 9th and is scheduled to have his preliminary hearing on February 25, 2010, in Galena
you should call this blog "the many misdeeds of kenny dean"....