Salvatore investigation underway by BPD
The Berlin Citizen
May 9, 2008
The Berlin Police Department will wrap up an investigation of suspended officer Anthony Salvatore within the next few weeks... In Bristol Superior Court May 6, Salvatore was placed in a family violence program... If Salvatore successfully completes the program it will effectively result in the cases being resolved... [Full article here]
Probe Of Berlin Police Officer To Resume
Hartford Courant
May 8, 2008
A judge's decision clears the way for the Berlin Police Department to resume an internal affairs investigation of an officer on unpaid leave since he was charged last year with threatening and harassing two former girlfriends. "Our investigation was on hold to await the court's action," Berlin Police Chief Paul D. Fitzgerald said Wednesday... On Tuesday, Superior Court Judge Joseph Doherty in Bristol let Salvatore enter a family relations program that could clear his record of threatening, harassment and unlawful restraint charges. But Salvatore's job remains in jeopardy. The court kept in place a protective order barring Salvatore from carrying a gun, a provision that would keep him from returning to work... Salvatore was allowed to sign up for a 2-year-long family relations program. He may be ordered to take anger management counseling during that time, Senior Supervisory Assistant State's Attorney Steven Preleski said. If Salvatore successfully completes the program, it would essentially erase one of the two cases against him, and the state would not prosecute the second one, Preleski said. Prosecutors can go forward with the cases if Salvatore fails the program. Salvatore faces two counts of second-degree threatening and one count of second-degree harassment from New Britain police... State police have charged him with interfering with a 911 call, two counts of unlawful restraint, harassment, two counts of threatening and four counts of disorderly conduct... In the time since Salvatore was arrested, prosecutors have not released the case files and affidavits to local police, so the internal affairs investigation was held in abeyance, Klett said. Klett now has the files and will conclude his investigation. He will report his findings to Fitzgerald, who will then present the results to the police commission... [Full article here]
(If the links are defunct and you want to see the articles, email me:
Cromwell resident placed on leave from Berlin PD
Middletown Press, CT
By: Francine Maglione, Special to The Press
A Berlin police officer has been placed on administrative leave after he was arrested Thursday evening to face allegations from his ex-girlfriend accusing him of harassing and threatening her last month. Anthony Salvatore Jr., 28, of 4 Ledge Road in Cromwell, was charged with two counts of second-degree threatening and one count of second-degree harassment... and was released after posting $25,000 bond... New Britain Police Sgt. Gregory Wright said Salvatore, son of Cromwell Police Chief Anthony Salvatore Sr., turned himself in to New Britain police on Thursday... "As a father, I am fully supporting my son," said Chief Salvatore in a statement Friday evening. "As a law enforcement officer, I recognize there are two sides to every story, and I have faith in the system." According to the arrest affidavit, the complainant told police that she and Salvatore had been dating for approximately three months but broke up because "he was beginning to show signs of obsessive behavior." The victim told police that she believed Salvatore had been cheating on her. After breaking up with him, he allegedly called her 53 times, sent her 45 text messages to her cell phone, e-mailed her twice and visited her apartment between Jan. 11 and Jan. 13... The victim did not originally give a written statement or request that Salvatore be arrested because he allegedly told her that he would kill her if she went to police... On one occasion, an ex-boyfriend of the victim was present with her at her apartment when Salvatore began calling her cell phone and home phone. He told police that he could hear Salvatore screaming on the other end, saying "I'm going to kill your family" and "I'm going to kill your mother and brother," the affidavit stated. Salvatore then showed up at the apartment and banged on the door, demanding to be let in... [Full article here]
Officer's Arrest Tied To Breakup
Ex-Girlfriend's Complaint Prompts Harassment Charge
February 3, 2007
...He was released after promising to appear Friday in Superior Court in New Britain, where a judge issued a protective order barring him from making contact with the woman. Any restrictions on Salvatore's use of firearms would have to be worked out with his employer... Berlin police have put Salvatore Jr. on paid administrative leave until a police commission meeting Feb. 9, when the board will "determine if further action will be taken"... While New Britain investigators were interviewing the woman Jan. 14, Salvatore called again from his cellphone, the report says. She allowed the investigators to overhear the conversation. When she told Salvatore she had no feelings for him and that he needed to leave her alone, he replied: "Are you sure about this because you are going to be making a mistake." At first, the woman told police that she didn't want Salvatore to be arrested for fear that he would retaliate, the report says... [Full article here]
Officer Accused Of Harassing Ex-Girlfriend
Affidavit: Officer Made 53 Calls, 45 Text Messages In 3 Days
Eyewitness News 3 Hartford
February 5, 2007
...The woman told investigators that Salvatore Jr. told her that if she called police, he would kill her and then put a bullet into his own head... Salvatore Jr.'s attorney said that the ex-girlfriend called the accused officer about 40 times in the same period. Salvatore Jr.'s case was transferred from New Britain to Bristol... [Full article here]
Commission to discuss Salvatore
Middletown Press
The Police Commission will meet this morning to discuss what action to take against Anthony Salvatore, the local officer arrested last week in New Britain for harassing and threatening an ex-girlfriend. Salvatore, 28, of 4 Ledge Road, Cromwell, appeared in Bristol Superior Court Thursday morning to face charges of second-degree harassment and two counts of second-degree threatening brought against him on Feb. 1... He was released without bond... Salvatore has been on administrative leave since his arrest... When questioned about the threats, Salvatore said he only meant he would harm himself... he did not believe his behavior should be considered harassment... [Full article here]
Police commission suspends Cromwell resident Salvatore
Middletown Press
The Berlin Police Commission has decided to suspend Officer Anthony Salvatore without pay... The commission went into executive session to discuss what action should be taken regarding Salvatore's status with the department. Salvatore was present at the meeting with union representation. After the meeting was called to order, he requested that the discussion take place in executive session with no uninvolved individuals present... [Full article here]
Second Woman Reports Officer
Cromwell Mother Alleges Harassment, Threats
Hartford Courant, CT
By Vanessa De La Torre vdelatorre@courant.com
February 21, 2007
Suspended police Officer Anthony Salvatore Jr. is facing new criminal charges after a second former girlfriend reported to authorities that he threatened to harm her, in this case while holding a gun. State police arrested Salvatore, 28, on Saturday and charged him with two counts of second-degree threatening, two counts of second-degree unlawful restraint and four counts of disorderly conduct, along with single counts of second-degree harassment and interfering with an emergency call. Salvatore was released on $50,000 bail... The woman told investigators... Salvatore punched her arm, threw her on the bed and put his hand over her mouth as she screamed... took away her cell phone and ripped a telephone cord out of her bedroom wall... showed up at her condo unannounced at 2 a.m. as she slept... he was holding a gun to his head... Salvatore "took two bullets out of the magazine and threw them on her and said something like `Here's one for me and one for you'"... [Full article here]
Salvatore's attorney blasts 'shoddy police work'
By: Jeff Mill, Special to The Herald
The attorney for a suspended Berlin police officer has denounced the officer's most recent arrest as "shoddy police work at its worst." Attorney John "Jake" Donovan represents Off. Anthony J. Salvatore Jr... Donovan said Wednesday the charges in the latest incident "have no basis in fact." He also said the arrest by state police "raises the specter of some sort of vendetta against this family." Salvatore's father is the police chief in Cromwell; he is also an official of the Connecticut Chiefs of Police Association... [Full article here]
To the person who tried to comment - you can't just SAY those kind of things. If it's true report it to the police.