Quarreling Deputies Suspended For Lying About Fight
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
July 3, 2008
SARASOTA — A deputy and his wife were suspended after they fought in public and lied about it during an internal inquiry, according to documents released by the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office. An eyewitness told deputies that he saw Sgt. Robert Kiefer pull his wife, Sgt. Deborah Bowman-Kiefer, from a car and throw her to the ground. The couple told investigators that they quarreled, but the argument never turned physical. Sheriff's officials say polygraph tests showed the couple were evasive when questioned about the extent of the fight. Bowman-Kiefer was not injured and had signed a waiver saying she did not want to press charges on the day of the quarrel. Despite the eyewitness account, which can be strong evidence in domestic violence cases, no one was charged with a crime and the sheriff's office did not turn evidence over to prosecutors for review. Instead, the two were suspended for 40 hours. Kiefer, who works in the sheriff's warrants division, and Bowman-Kiefer, who works in the sheriff's accreditation department, were penalized for dishonesty and conduct unbecoming an officer in the May incident. The eyewitness, an auto broker, was cruising through a lot on South Tamiami Trail that Saturday afternoon, looking for used cars. A black Cadillac screamed into the parking lot. The broker, Floyd Ryder, said a man got out, went to the passenger's side of the vehicle, yanked a woman out and slammed her to the ground. "What are you doing?" Ryder asked. The man, who turned out to be Kiefer, told him: "She's going nuts." Kiefer put the woman back into the front seat. The woman, Bowman-Kiefer, looked at Ryder and said: "I'm not nuts." She also asked for help, Ryder later told investigators, before the Cadillac sped backward onto U.S. 41 and took off. "He obviously had bad intentions," Ryder told police. Ryder, according to 911 tapes and interviews with police, followed the car for several miles, until a deputy pulled behind the Cadillac near Clark Road. Within a few minutes, other high-ranking sheriff's officials were at the scene. In a report, Deputy Robert Jovanovski said that Bowman-Kiefer was upset but uninjured. Jovanovski reported that he did not think there was enough evidence to file a domestic violence charge. "Nobody tried to cover this up," said sheriff's office spokesman Lt. Chuck Lesaltato. "We did not have enough evidence to make an arrest. Unfortunately, this happens every day in law enforcement, especially in domestic cases where people are uncooperative and it is difficult to find out what happened"... [Full article here]
Some more info for you about Sgt Bob Kiefer, he planned to and attempted to Murder me in my own home and slammed my Husband against the wall with a GUN DRAWN then rushed into our Bed Room to shoot me dead, to bad I was not there and destroyed their evil plans.. https://www.facebook.com/ToySchnoodle/posts/10201759739128096