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[NY] MURDER-SUICIDE: Arrested for dv yesterday, Retired Trooper kills wife Isol Cotto and himself
Woman's former employer: Husband hurt her before
Police say gun in murder-suicide was likely hidden
Times Herald-Record
By Deborah Medenbach dmedenbach@th-record.com
January 06, 2009
Isol Cotto once told her co-workers at Emmanuel's Marketplace on Route 209 that she wouldn't live to old age: Her violent, obsessive husband would kill her by then. Early Wednesday, William Cotto did. Then the retired state trooper ended his own life minutes later. He was 53; she was 49. "It wasn't the first time he'd held a gun to her head," said store manager Patty Phillips. "He did it a couple of years ago too, but I don't know if you'll find court records of that. He was a cop under the radar." Fundraising cans securely taped onto the check-writing shelves at each register bear testament to the loss of Isol. After all, she did what battered women are supposed to do in a crisis. On Dec. 30, when a divorce discussion with her estranged husband got ugly and he made repeated threats against her, she had him arrested and thrown in jail on stiff bail. An order of protection was issued to keep him away from her. Police promptly made a weapons sweep of William's alternate residence in Accord, confiscating a shotgun, knives, ammunition and some billy clubs. It wasn't the Cottos' first time discussing divorce, or her first time protecting herself from his temper. "She was petrified of him," Phillips said. "He used to hit her. She'd had all her front teeth redone because of him." Cotto was out on posted bail by 2:30 a.m. Dec. 31 and left by cab. Senior state police Investigator Peter Kusminsky said that less than an hour and a half later, police were investigating the shotgun death of Isol in the bedroom of the home on Main Street the couple once shared. Searching for William, they found him dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound at a gas station a couple of blocks away. If police had done a weapons sweep, where had William gotten the gun? "We believe he had it hidden on his property in Accord," Kusminsky said, perhaps stashing the shotgun outside or in an outbuilding. "It's a part we're still investigating." Emmanuel's Marketplace is raising money to help Isol's daughter Kristina, 24. Both women worked at the market. Isol had stopped in the store only a week ago. Now her friends have raised a little more than $600 in her memory. Phillips doesn't know what else to do. "The whole thing is scary, spooky and hard," she said. [LINK]
Store Manager Patty Phillips
3853 Main St
Stone Ridge, NY 12484
(845) 687-2214
Íslensk [Icelandic] kona myrt í Bandaríkjunum3853 Main St
Stone Ridge, NY 12484
(845) 687-2214
mbl.is | 2.1.2009 | 15:27
Íslensk kona, Isol Lind Cotto, var aðfararnótt gamlársdags myrt af eiginmanni sínum í bænum Marbletown í New York ríki í Bandaríkjunum. Eiginmaðurinn, William Cotto, skaut Isol til bana og framdi sjálfsvíg í kjölfarið. Isol var 49 ára gömul, að því er fram kemur á bandarískum fréttavefjum. Isol og William Cotto bjuggu ekki saman en hann hafði farið fram á skilnað árið 2005 en dregið beiðnina til baka árið 2006, samkvæmt frétt á vefnum Recordline. Isol rak myndbandaleigu í Marbletown og William Cotto var á eftirlaunum en hann hætti í lögreglunni fyrr á árinu 2008 eftir tuttugu ára starf. Cotto var handtekinn á þriðjudag vegna þess að hann réðst inn á heimili Isol en látinn laus gegn tryggingu daginn eftir. Jafnframt var sett nálgunarbann á hann gagnvart Isol og vopn í hans eigu gerð upptæk. Samkvæmt upplýsingum frá utanríkisráðuneytinu hafði Isol búið í Bandaríkjunum í um þrjátíu ár. Talið er að málið sé upplýst en ráðuneytið fylgist með gangi mála og er reiðubúið að veita aðstoð óski ættingjar hennar eftir því. Víkurfréttir segja á vef sínum að Isol hafi verið ættuð úr Njarðvík og að hún hafi átt börn. [Link]

May Isol be remembered by her sweet spirit, her unending love for her daughter, Kristina, her loving care of her dogs, and the warm smile she greeted customers with at Stone Ridge Video and Emmanuel's Market Place. May she rest in peace.
ReplyDeleteRIP Isol Always kind and a very beautiful woman and daughter