...Lawrence Patrolman Daron Fraser, 39, of Raymond, N.H., was charged with domestic assault and battery and assault on a pregnant woman outside her home... Meanwhile, the woman Fraser is accused of assaulting, Odris Severino, 30, said in an interview with The Eagle-Tribune yesterday that it was not a case of domestic violence, just a "giant misunderstanding"... [Assistant District Attorney John] DePaulo said several witnesses have told police Fraser had his knee on Severino’s throat. Defense attorney Pamela Saia Rogers, however, said the woman was never in fear...
Police: Off-Duty Officer Used Taser On Other Officer, Kingston Officer Arrested
July 15, 2010
[Excerpts] An off-duty Kingston police officer was arrested this week on charges of using his Taser on an off-duty Lawrence, Mass., officer. Both men ended up in jail after the incident in Haverhill, Mass., late Tuesday. Police said the Kingston officer, 26-year-old Joshua Wallar, was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Police said he was not authorized to use his Taser in Massachusetts... Haverhill police said off-duty Lawrence Officer Daron Fraser had a fight with his girlfriend. Callers to 911 reported seeing the fight outside... [Full article here]
Cop uses Taser on another in off-duty spat
The Eagle-Tribune
By Paul Tennant
Thursday, July 15, 2010 - Updated 1 hour ago
Two police officers were in Haverhill District Court yesterday -- not as prosecution witnesses, but as defendants... Lawrence Patrolman Daron Fraser, 39, of Raymond, N.H., was charged with domestic assault and battery and assault on a pregnant woman outside her home... Kingston, N.H., Patrolman Joshua Wallar, 26, of Methuen, who subdued Fraser with a Taser issued by his department, was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon... Meanwhile, the woman Fraser is accused of assaulting, Odris Severino, 30, said in an interview with The Eagle-Tribune yesterday that it was not a case of domestic violence, just a "giant misunderstanding"... According to the police report, Fraser was outside, struggling with Severino... Wallar, who was in the area visiting his girlfriend, told police he heard the commotion and went outside to help, but that Fraser then walked away from the woman, got into his car and started to drive away. Wallar said he tried to stop Fraser from driving away and thinking Fraser was trying to hit him with the car, fired the Taser at Fraser’s chest... Haverhill police arrested both men about 12:30 a.m. yesterday. They were held overnight and arraigned separately and placed in handcuffs during the court proceedings yesterday... [Assistant District Attorney John] DePaulo said several witnesses have told police Fraser had his knee on Severino’s throat. Defense attorney Pamela Saia Rogers, however, said the woman was never in fear... several witnesses told police Severino appeared to be gagging... Lawrence police Chief John Romero said Fraser, who has been with the departnment for 11 years, will likely be placed on administrative leave and surrender his firearm. At the request of DePaulo, Abany ordered Fraser to turn in any firearms he owns to Romero. Kingston police Chief Donald Briggs told The Eagle-Tribune Wallar has been suspended without pay pending an internal investigation... Wallar is also a part-time officer in Methuen and a former campus police officer at Merrimack College... [Full article here]
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Now, Im not with the station Fraser worked at anymore, and admittedly, there are a few guys there that if in this situation Id be a bit iffy about defending. But in this case, I will be first to step up and say this is surely not possible...Officer Fraser was one of the sweetest and most gentle guys on the LPD. I would take his word on this incident anyday, his kindness showed every time I would see him for the six years I worked there, and I seriously doubt he would have ever hurt his girlfriend intentionally. I do hope that charges get dropped in this case.
ReplyDelete"...several witnesses have told police Fraser had his knee on Severino’s throat..."
ReplyDeleteI realize that this is a anti domestic violence site, and as such this may seem like a good case to use along with other stories/news reports to stand up against domestic violence. Please dont get me wrong, i do not endorse domestic violence in any way, but it doesnt seem like you are willing to take into account character, or personality of the accused. Some of the guys I worked with, I could say sure, maybe it happened, but not Fraser. Perhaps they were roughhousing and it got out of hand, i do not know. However that said, often it can be taken out of context and this seems to me to be a clear case of that.
ReplyDeleteAmy, there are falsely accused people, no doubt, but you cannot gauge what happens between two intimate partners by how they act at work or with friends. It's understandable that you can't imagine it, but to make excuses for a mans' knee on a pregnant woman's neck is going too far. Just sit tight and let the court handle it.
ReplyDeleteDaron Fraser, Black Police Officer, Charged with Domestic Assault for Tasering White Police Officer
ReplyDeletePosted by Janet Shan | Friday, July 16, 2010 | View Comments
Daron Fraser, black police officer, charged with domestic assault for tasering white officer, Joshua Wallar.
Talk about cops behaving badly. Daron Fraser, a Lawrence police officer, was in Haverhill District Court to be arraigned on a charge of domestic assault in Haverhill, Ma., Tuesday. According to the Eagle Tribune, the incident grew into an altercation in which Fraser was subdued with a Taser weapon by off-duty Kingston, N.H., Patrolman Joshua Wallar, 26, of Methuen, who was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
Daron Fraser, Black Police Officer, Charged with Domestic Assault for Tasering White Police Officer
ReplyDeletePosted by Janet Shan | Friday, July 16, 2010 | View Comments
Daron Fraser, black police officer, charged with domestic assault for tasering white officer, Joshua Wallar.
Talk about cops behaving badly. Daron Fraser, a Lawrence police officer, was in Haverhill District Court to be arraigned on a charge of domestic assault in Haverhill, Ma., Tuesday. According to the Eagle Tribune, the incident grew into an altercation in which Fraser was subdued with a Taser weapon by off-duty Kingston, N.H., Patrolman Joshua Wallar, 26, of Methuen, who was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
Read more: Off-Duty Cop Tasered by Fellow Officer | Eagle Tribune
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Window watcher 1 month ago
If only you hear the true story from the alleged victim you will get all the fact together and know that Joshua Wallar was out of line and in this story he is not the Superman. The woman was not asking for help. She let him (Joshu Wallar) know that he was also an officer. That she was ok. Daron Fraser officer show his badge. Always keeped distant as he tried to explain the situation. This other officer (Joshua Wallar) on the other hand wanted to take matters to the limits of God only know what over only he (JoshuaWallar) know What......
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onelove12 1 month ago
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The Hinterland Gazette was founded on December 3, 2007, by Janet Shan as a source for thought-provoking social and political commentary on issues affecting the African American community and beyond. The weblog also sought to offer a centrist’s analysis of events, issues and people in the news, particularly those stories ignored by the mainstream media outlets. The Hinterland Gazette, formerly named Black Political Thought, has grown into a respected source for news, commentary and views.
[MA] Lawrence Police Officer Daron Fraser found guilty of domestic assault and battery of pregnant girlfriend - http://behindthebluewall.blogspot.com/2011/02/ma-lawrence-police-officer-daron.html