APD Officer Indicted On Sex Crimes Charges: Action 7 News Obtains Copy Of Indictment Thursday
October 14, 2010
[Excerpts] Albuquerque Police Department Officer Tank Guenther has been indicted on 26 charges of criminal sexual contact of a minor, bribery of a witness and tampering with evidence.... Investigators said the alleged abuse spanned from August 2002 until December 2005, but authorities didn't know about the accusations until the victim stepped forward in 2009. Guenther is under investigation for allegations he raped a family member under the age of 13. Chief Ray Schultz said the department learned of the investigation last summer, and Guenther has been on administrative duties until now... Guenther is charged with 26 counts of criminal sexual penetration in the first-degree. Investigators also said he bribed a witness and tampered with evidence for four years after the alleged abuse. A spokesperson for the district attorney's office said that while the charges are against a police officer, it's important to remember that the case is about alleged child rape. "The community rightly should expect a lot from a public safety officer, a police officer, but we expect more of them," the spokesperson said. "But in this case, this deals with a family matter, about his role in his family abusing a family victim." Guenther is not in custody... [Full article here]
APD OFFICER INDICTED ON RAPE COUNTS: Officer Tank Guenther accused of raping a relative
Reporter: David Romero
14 Oct 2010
[Excerpts] Albuquerque police officer Tank Guenther has been indicted on twenty six counts of criminal sexual penetration of a minor. Accoring to the Grand Jury Indicment, filed on Wednesday, Guenther molested a young relative from 2002 to 2005 and at times raped her. The girl was between the ages of 10 and 13 while the alleged assaults took place. He was also charged with threatening a witness and tampering with evidence. The indictment states Guenther threatened the victim to not tell police and tore pages out of her diary that might have had evidence against him. The allegations surfaced in 2009. That is when the Albuquerque Police Department put the nine-year patrol officer on desk duty... On Thursday, Police Chief Ray Schultz said he holds his officers to a higher standard... "It is a clear violation of our policy that you cannot be a police officer while under indictment," Schultz said... Schultz said Guenther has never been in trouble with the department... Guenther has not been arrested or faced a judge on the allegations. Bernalillo County Sheriff's Detectives conducted the investigation. [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence (IPV) abuse law enforcement public safety new mexico child abuse sexual sex]
Officer Tank Guenther falsely arrested me in June 2008. Why? Because he could. I tried to get justice for a year. Long story. The alleged allegations ended life as I knew it. Finally, I called the one person who knew I was innocent; Officer Guenther. He said he would help me. I never heard from him again. Against everyone's advise, I begged Brandenburg's Office for my day in court. I was denied. Out of desperation, I called an APD Chaplin. He told me to forgive and get on with my life. I asked him if Officer Tank Guenther could, "just get on with his life" if he was charged with sexual misconduct. I spoke prophetically in June 2009. Every curse I've placed on a person has resulted in total devastation. Tank Guenther needs me. Unlike himself, when he calls me for help, I will help him.
ReplyDeleteI have personally known Officer Tank Guenther since 2000. These accusations by the "family" member are FALSE!!! I would and have entrust Officer Guenther with the care of my children. REMEMBER THERE ARE ALWAYS 2 SIDES TO THE STORY. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY! And HE WILL BE PROVEN NOT GULITY!
ReplyDeleteThat made no sense. You "know" him so his family is lying?
ReplyDeleteInnocent until proven guilty apparently only works for murderers and terrorists, not white cops. Settle the hell down. He will have his day in court and be found innocent.
ReplyDeleteTo the 1st comment posted by "Anonymous"
ReplyDeleteSo your saying you have put a curse on Officer Tank Guenther because he didn't come forward to prove you were innocent when he knew you were? So you put a curse on him that he's be accused of sexual misconduct??? Just confused and trying to clarify?
Anonymous here: Police say, if your innocent of charges leveled against you, you have nothing to worry about. BS. It is not the verdict that devastates your life, but the allegation. That is what I believe. The police Chaplin told me to forgive and get on with my life. I do "get on with my life," without my reputation, job, health, and way of life, just to mention a few. Let us see if Officer Guenther can do the same.
ReplyDeleteAnd one more thing. Reading my last post, does sound ridiculous to me. I can't articulate what I've known how to do for some time now. I can't begin to tell you about the bitterness of the "system." The Chaplin was my last hope. I wanted him to remind Guenther of his promise and plead my case to anyone who would listen. If this was the only way to be heard, so be it.
I can feel your pain.
ReplyDeleteChaplains of paramilitary agencies are not always the same as going to a neighborhood church pastor. It might be better to go to a pastor who is not paid by the police.
Anonymous again: Thank you for your suggestion. As a matter of fact I did just that. Having been a member of Calvary Chapel for over two decades, I decided to talk to the Head Honcho. Since I'm a woman, The "Head Honcho" is Lenya Heitiz. I know what my worth was when my hands were full. I was about to find out what my worth was, now that my hands are empty. Lenya and I weren't best friends, but it wasn't like she didn't know me. Our sons where born at the same time. They grew up in that church, played baseball together and had sleep overs. Still, I received a prayer, a smile, and directions to the door. I figured Calvary Chapel filled their quota of blood sucking leaches, I mean poor folks. I didn't think Lenya's actions were heartless; just good business sense. Since that day I haven't invested in any such business, nor do I intend to. Also, I was surprised how much "sideways talking" there was between the Christians. However, not one "Christian" called me to ask what happened.
ReplyDeleteTo Tank Guenther: You will find out who your true friends are.
After reading back through the comments posted. The question about the "curse" need to be clarified. The APD Chaplin was telling me to just get over it. I was arrested, charged with a felony crime, and had my life, as I know it, end. I simply used the analogy of a sex crime, to help the Chaplin understand that it isn't that easy. I didn't need to forgive Guenther, I needed closure. I was grasping for straws. Nobody was throwing me a lifeline. I did the only thing I knew how to do. Yes, I was very angry.
ReplyDeleteThat's the ONLY church for miles around?
ReplyDeleteName one that isn't a business.
ReplyDeleteAPD is full of corruption, fbi anti-corruption hotline just for NM
ReplyDeleteI know the victim very well. I was the kid's best friend in school. To say that the victim is lying is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time.
ReplyDeleteIs there an update to this case? Been a year now and haven't heard.
ReplyDeleteFeb 22, 2011
ReplyDelete"...Officer Tank Guenther, who raped a 13 year old girl, a family member, and is awaiting trial (someday) in Albuquerque..."
Judge gives Guenther two weeks to turn himself in to the Metropolitan Detention Center, where he will be booked and released
Tue, Nov 2, 2010
An Albuquerque police officer has entered a not guilty plea to child molestation charges.
Tank Guenther’s appearance in state District Court was waived on Monday, so his attorney entered the plea before Judge Denise Barela Shepard.
The judge gave Guenther two weeks to turn himself in to the Metropolitan Detention Center, where he will be booked and released, district attorney’s spokesman Pat Davis said.
The judge made one exception to Guenther’s standard conditions of release: He will be allowed to see his wife, who is a potential witness in the case, Davis said.
Explain why Guenther, unlike the rest of citizens of Albuquerque, does not appear on the bernalillo county website. The website that publicly lists everyone who has ever had the word allegedly, placed in front of their name.
ReplyDeleteWhat was the final outcome of this case. Your response is appreciated. Thanks JT
ReplyDeleteNever mind; we'll ask KOB
ReplyDeleteThe case has not been resolved yet. And Guenther probably isn't in the Bernalillo County website because he actually lives in Santa Fe County (east mountains).
ReplyDeleteThe case has been dismissed by the district attorneys office citing no evidence. Tank is a good man full of integrity and pure honesty, that has been reaffirmed by the judicial system
ReplyDeleteGuilty people get away all the time. And what sort of evidence would you expect in a case like this. It was reported well after it happened.
ReplyDeleteI have to back that up. I've been doing this awhile, and while some officers are convicted or held accountable, the courts, fellow officers, and even the prosecutors (who need police testimony in order to win most of their cases) help officers get out of charges in order to "save" their careers. Most officers on this blog are not held accountable.
ReplyDeleteJust because the charges were dropped doesnt mean he is not quilty. It is extremely hard for a victim to face the molester and have to tell their story in court. Sometimes the victim decides to just let it go because of family pressure so they do not cooperae in the investigation and therefore the DA has no evidence. Just wait, he will do it again, if he hasnt already.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet... Sometimes the victim DOES come forward but it is a case of "he said" vs "she said" so the case can not possibly be clear cut. <3 The Victim
DeleteP.S. Let's hope he hasn't done it again since that is the entire reason I told in the first place (to protect my niece)
So how is the victim doing these days? Prayers for her...
DeleteHas she had any support from her mother?? Why would a Mom not protect her daughter??
Or Does she still stay with him ???
The victim killed herself last year
ReplyDeleteShe didn't kill herself. But her blood is on his hands
DeleteI am sooooooo sorry!!!!
DeleteAnybody know more about this?
Brady Offense No. 1632169207 - 422187235
Tank Guenther
Albuquerque Police Department
400 Roma NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
Date of Offense: September 11, 2013
Offense: Sex Crime *****
File: Brady Offense No 1632169207 422187235 APD Tank Guenther.pdf