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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


...Orange County Sheriff's Office investigators confirmed Master Deputy Bryan Villella, 46, is the focus of an internal-affairs criminal investigation - his third since 2002... [A.C.], who lived with Villella for four years, filed a petition for a temporary domestic-violence injunction Feb. 18. Orange Circuit Judge Sally D.M. Kest denied the request until [A.C.] and Villella meet before her at a hearing March 2... Villella, a 25-year veteran of the Sheriff's Office, has faced previous allegations of domestic violence...

Ex-boyfriend accuses Orange deputy of domestic violence
Orlando Sentinel
By Walter Pacheco
February 23, 2010
[Excerpts]A deputy disciplined for sex acts with another man while working off-duty is under investigation again after his ex-boyfriend accused him of domestic violence. Orange County Sheriff's Office investigators confirmed Master Deputy Bryan Villella, 46, is the focus of an internal-affairs criminal investigation - his third since 2002... [A.C.], who lived with Villella for four years, filed a petition for a temporary domestic-violence injunction Feb. 18. Orange Circuit Judge Sally D.M. Kest denied the request until [A.C.] and Villella meet before her at a hearing March 2. [A.C.] said in court documents that Villella forced him to "clean the blood, my own blood, at gunpoint... Carol Wick, chief executive officer of Harbor House, Orange County's only shelter for victims of domestic abuse, said domestic violence among same-sex couples is on the rise... Harbor House does not track cases by sexual orientation. It provided outside help to 576 men in 2009, and four of those identified themselves as transgender, Wick said... Villella, a 25-year veteran of the Sheriff's Office, has faced previous allegations of domestic violence... The first allegation of domestic abuse came to light in 2001. His ex-wife, [H.M.], served Villella a temporary domestic-violence injunction, alleging physical abuse during their five-year marriage. During the Sheriff's Office inquiry of that case, authorities could not confirm her accusations but said "it is clear Villella and Ms. Mackenzie have a history of domestic disturbances." In 2002, Sheriff's Office investigators disciplined Villella for "unbecoming conduct" after his ex-wife called the Orlando Police Department to report that he had deposited more than $500 of her money into his personal account... [Full article here]


Officials: Deputy Had Sex While Working
Man Placed On Probation, Loses 150 Hours Of Pay

December 1, 2009
[Excerpts] An Orange County sheriff's deputy has admitted to having sex with another man while working security at a Disney-area hotel, which was a host facility for "Gay Days." Orange County sheriff's Deputy Bryan Villella was hired in June to provide extra security at the Royal Plaza Resort. The hotel night manager said he walked into the Jasmine Bay conference room at about 1 a.m. and saw two men engaged in what appeared to a sex act. Although the manager thought one of the men resembled Villella, he did not see a uniform and could not positively identify him. The manager said he later saw Villella sitting in a chair by the front desk, acting professional. An investigation was conducted into the incident, and Villella turned down an opportunity to be interviewed by investigators, instead signing a disciplinary document admitting he violated the agency's policy governing moral character, according to sheriff's officials... [Full article here]
[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence (IPV) abuse law enforcement public safety teflon homosexual gay preferential treatment handling LAKE BUENA VISTA florida state]


  1. Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban Fact Sheet
    ...Unfortunately, an early analysis of the effect of the Domestic Violence Gun Ban on police officers shows that law enforcement officers have been able to circumvent the ban and retain their weapons. A 1999 survey of the nation's 100 largest police departments revealed that only six cities acted against officers because of the Domestic Violence Gun Ban and only eleven officers were affected. Part of the reason for the lack of enforcement is that police officers have their records expunged or plead to a charge other than domestic violence. 9 Because of the dangers women face if their spouse or partner is abusive and has a gun, it is incumbent on police departments to insure that they comply with the provisions of the Lautenberg Amendment...

  2. Deputy ordered to avoid hostile contact with ex-boyfriend
    Orlando Sentinel
    By Walter Pacheco
    March 02, 2010
    A judge on Tuesday prohibited an Orange County Sheriff's Office deputy who is being investigated for a domestic-violence from contacting his ex-boyfriend in a hostile manner. Orange Circuit Judge Sally D.M. Kest also said Orange County sheriff's deputy Bryan Villella, 46, cannot carry a weapon during non-working hours, as part of the order. Although Villella's attorney, Tim Berry, asked Kest if his client could be allowed to carry his weapon during off-duty security assignments, she said the court "will not be making any special exceptions in this case." Angel Joel Carrion on Feb. 18 filed a petition for a domestic-violence injunction for protection. But Kest instead granted a less restrictive "no-hostile contact injunction," which means Villella can contact Carrion and show up at his house or place of business, but not act in a hostile way. Carrion said "there will be no seeing each other." If Kest had granted a domestic-violence injunction, Villella would not be allowed to carry a weapon or contact the victim by any means... Villella spoke only to his attorney and refused to comment after the hearing. Carrion, who appeared stressed during the proceeding, afterward said: "I came here looking for an order of protection and that's what I got"... [Full article here]

  3. Deputy faces charges he beat boyfriend, but keeps job for now
    Stephen Miller
    03/03/2010 12:53:00
    A judge issued a one-year “no hostile contact” injunction against an Orange County Sheriff’s deputy. Master Deputy Bryan Villella, 46, faces allegations that he abused his boyfriend of four years, even forcing his partner at gunpoint to clean up his own blood after one altercation. The court order allows Villella to continue to work while criminal inquiries and a sheriff’s office internal investigation are proceeding against him. “I came here for protection, and that’s what I got,” Villella’s ex-boyfriend Angel Joel Carrion stated while leaving the courthouse with court papers in hand. “Bryan is a cheat and a liar and he needs to be stopped... Back in May, they were calling him one of their ‘valiant officers,’” Carrion said. In November 2009, local news coverage revealed more of the 23-year veteran deputy’s problematic behavior. The sheriff’s office then started cooperating, according to Carrion. Carrion re-filed for protection on Feb. 18 this year. However, Judge Sally D.M. Kest — the same judge who presided over the March 2 hearing—denied the request pending this upcoming court appearance. Captain Angelo Nieves of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office confirmed an internal investigation is also underway. “Once the investigation has concluded, it will become a matter of public record and we can provide investigative conclusions and findings” Nieves said... The “no hostile contact” injunction allows Villella to carry his gun during duty. However, it denies Villella the right to act as off-duty security at other events, lucrative side work for many deputies... “I’m not sure what Bryan would do if he wasn’t an officer,” Carrion says. “It’s his whole identity.” The injunction does allow Carrion and Villella to still have contact, but when asked after the court hearing about that possibility, Carrion replied, “There will be no contact”... “Law enforcement has been protecting its own,” Carrion said of his previous difficulty.... Sentinel article stated that in 2001, Villella’s ex-wife, Helen Mackenzie, made claims of domestic abuse during their five-year marriage. He was reprimanded by the sheriff’s office in 2002 for transferring $552 from his ex-wife’s account to his. The final official report could not confirm her allegations of abuse but did state, “It is clear Villella and Ms. Mackenzie have a history of domestic disturbances.” [Full article here]


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