Tuesday, August 31, 2010

[FL] Anger management graduate Firefighter Vitale throws domestic violence injuction papers at deputy's head.

...Fifteen years ago, Spring Hill firefighter Michael Vitale was found guilty of battering his wife. In October 2009, he was accused of threatening the same victim... Court records show he was convicted, completed his required anger management course and paid a fine... Spring Hill Fire Chief Mike Rampino said he suspended Vitale without pay in January... That suspension lasted 24 hours. Rampino said Friday he was suspending Vitale without pay pending the conclusion of his recent criminal charge...

Times staff
Saturday, August 21, 2010
[Excerpts] A firefighter has been arrested on a felony charge of assaulting a law enforcement officer after he threw paperwork related to a domestic violence injunction, hitting a deputy on the head. The Hernando County Sheriff's Office reported that Michael Vitale, 45, was angry and smelled of alcohol when deputies arrived Thursday evening at his house on Newhope Road. Vitale, a Spring Hill Fire Rescue member since 1991, began yelling profanities at the deputies and telling them they should arrest his soon-to-be ex-wife, Joann Vitale, for harassing him... As the deputies walked away, Vitale threw the paperwork, hitting one of the deputies on the right side of his head. The deputies wrestled him to the ground and arrested him on a charge of assaulting a law enforcement officer... [Full article here]

Hernando Today
August 20, 2010
[Excerpts] Fifteen years ago, Spring Hill firefighter Michael Vitale was found guilty of battering his wife. In October 2009, he was accused of threatening the same victim, who by that time had left him. Deputies said he called her at work and threatened to burn down her house. Court records show he was convicted, completed his required anger management course and paid a fine. On Thursday, Vitale was charged again during another suspected tirade against his ex-wife... He is accused of reacting aggressively toward two arresting deputies, cursing at them and throwing a small stack of papers at one of them.... Vitale's sister and two other men in the house tried to restrain Vitale, who continued to taunt and curse at [Deputy Adam] Harris, the deputy wrote. A second deputy at the scene, Scott Lamia, reviewed Vitale's ex-wife's injunction. When Vitale asked deputies whether they were going to arrest his ex-wife, they told him she was not trespassing and they would not be taking her to jail, according to the report. Vitale then told them, "You guys are (expletive deleted) useless," the report showed... In October 2009, Vitale was arrested after his called his ex-wife at her workplace and threatened to "burn down her house," deputies said... In her injunction, the victim said Vitale's behavior had escalated to the point she worried about "physical violence" against her and her children. Authorities said Vitale showed up at her house unannounced, had become verbally abusive and started slamming objects throughout the house. The couple, who were married for 19 years... Spring Hill Fire Chief Mike Rampino said he suspended Vitale without pay in January following his conviction for the injunction violation. That suspension lasted 24 hours. Rampino said Friday he was suspending Vitale without pay pending the conclusion of his recent criminal charge. The chief was reminded of Vitale's criminal and disciplinary record, at which time he said there are union contracts and other issues to consider when doling out punishment. "I don't just get to walk in and fire somebody," Rampino said... [Full article here]
[oidv intimate partner violence (IPV) abuse law enforcement public safety fatality fatalities florida]

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